Sunday, September 8, 2024

HH’s aides charged over alleged NRC fraud


UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema’s special assistants Anthony Bwalya and Mubita Nawa have been jointly arrested for Forgery, Uttering false document and for being in possession of property believed to have been stolen or feloniously obtained.

Also jointly charged and arrested is Dorothy Mukutusha, former Luapula Provincial registrar, Edger Maluba, stores officer and Graham Halumamba accountant for one count of theft by public servant in which they are alleged to have stolen 1500 NRCs valued at K3, 840.

This is alleged to have occured between 10th January, 2019 and 07th May, 2019 between Lusaka and Mansa.

“Whereas Mubita Nawa, a motivation speaker and Anthony Bwalya, a business man have been jointly jointly charged with offences of
1. Forgery
2. Uttering a false document and
3. Found in possession of property believed to have been stolen or feloniously obtained. This is suspected to have occurred between
10th January, 2019 and 18th October, 2020,” a statement from Police Spokeswoman Esther Katongo read.

All the accused persons have been granted police bond and are scheduled to appear before court on 15th February, 2021 in Mansa where they have been charged from.


  1. Coming from a christian background, i never believed in Spiritualists or ever imagined that i would get the help of a traditional healer/sangoma. Having been employed for 6 years in the same position, training new comers that join the company, get promoted and am still stuck in the same position no matter how hard i worked or applications i place in every time there was an opportunity, this got me so stressed.At home it was not any different, my relationship was sour, we had tried for 3 years to conceive but in vain. I visited so many hospitals, used various herbs but still never conceived and husband was seeking a separation because of the family pressure,one day on social media my long time friend living in DURBAN got in touch with me,a few days later i opened up to her about what was happening in my life,she advised me to try this powerful traditional healer that had helped sometime back,i hesitated at first because i did not like the idea of going to a traditional healer,i thought for a while about contacting this person, then decided to give it a try, so i called Him, lucky for me he was available to see me and he was in the same country.Long story short,he helped me a lot,i got a much better job position in the company i had long wanted to work in,with a very good pay, my husband paid lobola at home, our wedding is this year and i am soon setting up my first side big business(Beauty Shop) anywhere i want. I must say my perception was totally wrong, if you need help too don’t wait till its too late contact Dr profisma on +27783320386 WhatApp

  2. It is unbelievable that when people commit offenses if they belong to a political party it becomes political. This is why people rush to form political parties when they realize that they are on the wrong side of the law. Kambeili’s case a good example and still fresh in our minds. And those who cannot realize this believe that they are forming genuine political parties.

  3. They were opposed to voter registration in prisons. But now they will soon see the value of that exercise as they will vote from the cells. They must thank ECZ.

  4. HH is at his new Kasama mansion. Woke up to a nice cup of coffee. Went into his gym for some workout. Had delicious breakfast and later took a walk in his fabulous gardens full of rose flowers, red salvuis and pink pertunias.

  5. Well, we have opportunity for the truth to come out in court. That’s what courts are there for. If there was an attempt to give out NRCs to underage kids and to non Zambians, this will also come out. I hope there will be no abuse of that Nolle Prosequi animal if things start going against the state.

  6. Agents of the devil have been charged. This is great news. Meanwhile the devil himself hh is at home sleeping. As for me it is Friday and I just preparing for a bbq this weekend. Life is good

  7. Yes KZ , life is good for you PF ……

    While you enjoy yourself , spare a thought for the millions of Zambians wallowing in a PF induced poverty where a full meal is a challenge….

  8. Akaps I employ your relatives here..what are you doing to help the unfortunate apart from running away to diaspora to hide away from your poor relatives.

  9. Did the ruling party not try to clarify the NRC issue? That in some areas, people have stunted growth? Leave these young men alone. You are beginning to look desperate…….

  10. Its strange that the alleged NRC “fraudsters” even went on Muvi TV to expose their “criminal” activity.
    The PF who are in power commit illegal acts secretly and in hiding.It takes the Auditor General or News Diggers to unearth the scams.
    The UPND in opposition on the other hand even go on public television to commit the fraud.
    The PF have really turned Zambia upside down , inside out.Its a strange country we live in now.

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