Sunday, January 19, 2025

ECZ launches provisional voters’ register inspection


The Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) has yesterday launched the electronic inspection of the provisional register of voters that will enable members of the public verify their details on the voters’ cards.

ECZ Chief Electoral Officer Kryticous Nshindano says the exercise will commence on Sunday, 7th February and will run up to May 7th, 2021.

Mr. Nshindano has explained that the electronic based inspection of the provisional register of voters will involve the use of the website platform and phone USSD code.

He added that the electronic inspection will be available on two platforms that include dialing the USSD Code *214# available on all networks and also the use of internet-based ECZ online platform available on for those with access to internet.

“The USSD works on all phones from the most basic phone to the most high- tech and expensive models as we have everyone covered. It is free for everyone who registered as a voter to use and highly interactive without any internet connection or data needed,” he said.

During a media briefing in Lusaka yesterday, Mr. Nshindano also stated that the internet based platform is a build up from the online pre-voter registration exercise and will provide a convenient way of verification.

He advised that those that will find irregularities on their voter’s card will have to wait for the physical inspection of the register of voters to correct the details in question.

And Mr. Nshindano has announced that the commission will later on the 29th March to 2nd April, 2021 conduct a physical inspection of the provisional register of voters.

He said during the same period, other services will be offered such as replacement of lost or damaged voter’s cards, transfers for those who would like to change their polling stations and removal of the deceased voters from the register.

Mr. Nshindano added that the commission will also receive objections and appeals during the same period.


  1. How many people have Cellphones and are on Internet? More than 60% of voters live in Rural Areas and have no phones and access to Internet. ECZ better come up with a practical solution to Voter’s Inspection. It’s important 4 ECZ to produce a Credible Voters Roll for August 12, 2021 to avoid a Disputed a Election. Mr Nshindano needs to take the importance of a Voters Roll seriously.

  2. U can’t have a legitimate Election without a Credible Voters Roll. Mr Nshindano is playing with fire that will engulf Zambia into Chaos. A rigged Election has serious consequences for Zambia. A rigged Election will produce an illegitimate outcome. Mr Nshindano is playing with fire that will consume him. The writing is on the wall.

  3. Great development. I am getting very excited as we approach elections. There is nothing more I enjoy than elections strategy and proving my haters in opposition wrong. I have put in a lot of sweat and blood in these elections and I am 400 per cent certain that pf is winning by landslide. I have vowed to cut my manhood if pf lose, why can’t hh do the same.?

  4. KZ is the PF Election Rigging Expert.All he knows is stealing Elections and Taxpayer’s Money. That is why he was supporting Fr Lupupa’s Election Rigging Statement. Corrupt KZ should have been fired a long time but he is being kept in that job to once again rig August 12, 2021 Elections. Zambians are Angry and Hungry 4 a change of Govt so Election Rigging may not work. The writing is on the wall.

  5. They have laid down a very clear calendar for all and they consultate all stakeholders…you will soon hear a section of some selfish politicians blaming ECZ over the same thing they were part of

  6. Great move but a significant number of eligible voters don’t have mobile phones, so please cater for them as well. We want the majority to choose their leaders. Can smart Zambia help other govt depts like passport office, NRC office also develop online systems to enable pre-registration application and approvals ? It will help in reducing long queues at these offices as approved citizens can then be allocated different days to complete the process at these offices.

  7. So if KZ name is missing, can he still register?.
    What about these kids who just turned 18 in January, do they have chance cast vote for HH?

  8. Nostra my name was one of the first to be registered. I am ready and prepared to cast my vote for his excellency edgar chagwa lungu. Unfortunately you cannot vote as a diasporan.

  9. A satanic will always find something to point at. @Chola those in rural areas will do physical inspection that will run from March to April. You will be surprised how many people have phones in rural areas.

  10. The rigging machinery being, slowly but surely, regitimized by the blind public. And after their preferred candidate is pronounced loser that’s when they will be pointing fingers that the process was rigged. The new voters register has no legal backing for its establishment. That’s the starting point of this rigging. Zambians are ndwiiii

  11. KZ I’m coming to vote for HH. Don’t worry on Aug 12 I will be in Zambia to vote.

    You better start making arrangements for an asylum. I forgot you can’t claim asylum due to your criminal record and Interpol notice.

    You dumb Fukc


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