Wednesday, March 12, 2025

PF has shrunk Zambia’s GDP, and UPND and its leader HH is not an Option to Fix the Economy


By Sean Tembo

1. As Patriots for Economic Progress (PeP), we wish to remind the Zambian people that as they make their decision on who to vote for in the 12th August general elections, the ability of a given political party to properly manage the economy should be a major consideration. That is because sound management of the Zambian economy is what will create employment for the people, it is what will create business opportunities for the masses, it is what will convert Zambia’s potential into actual wealth so that citizens can lead decent lives.

2. As Patriots for Economic Progress, we wish to remind the Zambian people that the failure of the ruling Patriotic Front political party is evident for all to see. Under the deficient leadership of the PF, the Zambian economy has shrunk from a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of about US$29 billion in 2011, to a GDP of approximately US$19 billion in 2020. The cost of living has skyrocketed with the price of most basic commodities such as cooking oil, electricity units, sugar, milk etcetera, being unaffordable to the majority of our citizens whose salaries have remained stagnant. Indeed, the only group of citizens who are thriving today are those who are closely affiliated to President Edgar Lungu as they are given inflated tenders by the President, as well as access to collect money from markets and bus stops, which ends up in their individual pockets instead of the bank accounts of city councils. Every genuine Zambian should have no doubt in their minds that the PF has failed this nation.

3. As Patriots for Economic Progress, we further wish to remind the Zambian people that if we seriously need to turn around the fortunes of this nation, then the main opposition United Party for National Development (UPND) and its leader Mr Hakainde Hichilema should not be an option. Just like the PF in 2011, the UPND today have no plan for this country. The proposals for turning around the Zambian economy that have so far been proffered by the UPND leader lack substance and are incapable of implementation. For example, his proposal to borrow about US$3 billion from the International Monitory Fund (IMF) and put this country on an IMF package, as his first order of business if elected President, will only further plunge this already heavily indebted country into further debt, as well as take away our sovereignty and place it in the hands of the IMF. The UPND’s proposal to subsidize the cost of production as a solution to the ever increasing prices, is untenable. Our treasury currently has no money to even meet our debt repayment obligations, witnessed by the recent defaults, so where would Mr Hichilema get the money to subsidize the cost of production in the entire economy? Besides, we tried subsidies in the KK era and they failed. They are simply not sustainable. Additionally, Mr Hakainde Hichilema’s questionable conduct when this nation gave him an opportunity to serve it during the privatization process means that he is unlikely to stop the current plunder of national resources, but would instead promote it, albeit to a new set of beneficiaries. Those who cannot be trusted in small things cannot be trusted in big things. Mr Hichilema failed to acquit himself properly as one of the Negotiating Chairmen of the privatization process and instead of putting the interests of the nation first, he put the interests of his pockets first. Therefore, it is unreasonable for any genuine Zambian to expect that the man who put the interests of his pockets above the interests of the nation when the nation called upon him to play the small role of Negotiating Chairman during the privatization process, will suddenly have a change of heart if elected President. There is no doubt in our minds that an HH presidency would be disastrous for this nation.

4. As Patriots for Economic Progress, we further wish to remind the Zambian people that the majority of the other so-called political leaders that have mushroomed in the past few months, leading a myriad of small parties, are former thieves in either the MMD administration or the PF administration. After they stole enough money to start their own political parties, they today want to portray themselves as saviors. We know that they are former thieves because their so-called businesses only thrive while they are serving in Government, and when they are no longer in Government their businesses crumble and they become overnight paupers. It is therefore fair to conclude that their businesses thrive on theft of public resources. The Zambian people must not allow themselves to be hoodwinked by these charlatans.

5. As Patriots for Economic Progress, we wish to take this opportunity to remind the Zambian people that we are the only political grouping that has consistently and continuously developed and presented alternative solutions to the management of the Zambian economy through our Alternative National Budgets for 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 as well as an Alternative 7th National Development Plan in 2019 and more recently an Alternative Economic Recovery Plan last month. The Zambian people must be reminded that our model for Zambia’s economic management leverages on efficient utilization of our existing potential in sectors such as agriculture, tourism, mining etcetera, by putting Zambians in the forefront in the development of Zambia. The PeP model does not rely on borrowing money from the IMF or implementing unsustainable subsidies, but rather on the sealing of tax and non-tax revenue leakages so that all money that belongs to the State should end up in the national treasury and not in any individual’s pockets. If true development is what the Zambian people want, then the Patriots for Economic Progress and its leader Mr Sean Tembo should be their only option. Any procrastination will result in serious regret sooner rather than later. Vote wisely on 12th August.


  1. I think it’s a bigest sickness if we think we shouldn’t change coz Zambia will ve no future,the president is not helped in anyway it’s like he is governing this country alone so it’s better to vote him out

  2. If you think you are that option how would you fix the economy if you can’t manage to field candidates nationwide at all levels of elections.
    You are supposed to be a pressure group, not political party.

  3. That’s the dumbest trash I have come across in a while.

    HH may NOT be a politician [in the Zambian sense] but he’s definitely a MANAGER.

    What Zambia urgently needs is PROPER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT.

    One reason our economy keeps sinking, is we IMPORT more than we export – including whatever can be locally produced.

    Think about that!!


  4. Kikikikikikijukija
    Yuck! Ili ebange bayama.
    1. Sean, as usual, you are failing to properly articulate issues here.
    You’re a little smarter than kleptoh² though and your bashing of any other opposition grouping and the ruling PF just shows that you have some trace of political guts but still a baby in analysing real issues.
    2. Only your 120 can vote for you in Zambia. Here are the real analysed facts. SP, WP and NWP traditionally defaultly go the dead camp
    3. C/BP, LP, CP, NP, LP, MP, EP traditionally go mighty PF.
    Summation your party is nashala neka party no kwamba tatwayamba. Zambians know that it’s PF 100%, ECL 100%, Elite Zambians 100%, Zambia overdrive 100%.

  5. Sean Tembo is a fvckery to our political system,a disruptive individual who’s political ambitions will never go beyond his headless rhetoric towards the opposition,Zambians don’t know you!!! You’re not appealing to the electorate therefore let Zambians exercise their democratic right to chose a leader they like,not that nonesense you’re vomiting!

  6. If not HH who then? LT why do you allow lunatic people bringing useless articles?

    HH, aka Bally has proved to be a unique politician mixing business and politics going stronger than ever before and the reason the haters fighting hard to bring him down but he is unstoppable.

    Sean Tembo walala!

    PF must go!

  7. Sean Tembo, how will PeP repay the debts the PF hv accumulated already which are now past due? The IMF is a multilateral body and lends at very low interest rates. If US$3 billion is borrowed from them, it can clear the bondholders. Because the IMF loan is at a low interest rate and won’t be due for the nxt 10 yrs and is negotiable if u get into trouble, there’s an immediate saving in interest payments. Those savings will lead to reduced government borrowing by way of treasury bills, and this will lead to Zambian interest rates coming down so that businesses can borrow more affordable money. Once this is done, economic recovery will start. PeP doesn’t say hw bondholders will be repaid. How do u hope to get the economy going again without clearing wht is owed to bondholders?

  8. The myth that hh is the best economic manager is just that, a myth. Tembo is being economical with the truth when he says PF has shrunk the GDP when he doesn’t factor in the recent mine mishappennings at KCM and Mopani. Add the pandemic to that and you will agree that it has taken its toll on our GDP. But he has nailed the part about hh-a hyena in sheepskin.

  9. Sean Tembo is not only an armchair critic but a PF Surrogate. Sean Tembo is decampaigning fellow Opposition Parties without telling us what PeP will do. People shouldn’t be surprised if Sean Tembo is benefiting from PF misrule. Zambians have no choice but to elect HH and UPND and give him an opportunity to Govern and turnaround the Economy. A continuation of PF misrule and mismanagement of the Economy will be a disaster for Zambia. We need HH and his Economic and Financially Literate Managers to take charge of the collapsing Zambian Economy. HH aka Bally will fix it.

  10. Ever since PF clobbered this fool of a President, Sean table has been destroying his political fortunes each time he opens his mouth. He will never be President kwamana. HH is the only current hope for Zambians and no one cares about tribe & all allegations PF brings against him. HH will prove to be the best President ever from 2021!!! Sean Tembo will be the President Zambia will never have !!!

  11. Too.much politics of the Stomach. Hakainde Hichilema should be careful with people he surrounds himself with. We have good leaders in this country including the incumbent. The biggest problem is the people they surround themselves with. People who give them advise and people who feed him information. If you surround yourself with wrong people.. no matter how good a leader you are, your goodness will always be overshadowed by the wrongs and thats how people will judge you, a wrong leader altogether.
    Be careful of all those around you. Keeps close the who criticize you… not just those who tell you what you want to hear because thry want to keep their jobs. Stay close to those who are not afraid to lose their jobs but tell you as is it to your face.
    Tame your carders… they are the ones who will be responsible for your downfall. Look at PF carders.. most of them are from.MMD… they will soon jump ship once a new regim comes in.
    You know them….

  12. He seems to have a good head on his shoulders. Sadly he has no political infrastructure yet. By that I mean grassroot structures. My advise is he should get Maps in partly first and even he should stand as an MP , perhaps target some councils as well. Then build influence and who knows presidency in the next election.

  13. Sean Tembo’s PHD( Pull him down) syndrome is not only hypocritical but laughable. Who doesn’t know that Sean Tembo cannot go back to Botswana becoz he is wanted for fraud.Sean Tembo should go back to Botswana and clear his name. Sean Tembo should tell us what PeP is offering to the People of Zambia. Those who discuss persons rather ideas have nothing to offer.Sean Tembo is jealous of HH’s integrity and popularity. People shouldn’t listen to this PF surrogate. HH and UPND are our only hope in 2021 and beyond. HH aka Bally will fix it.

  14. The problem with PEP is that it seems to be a one man party. How do expect Zambians to trust a party that has no structures, we don’t even know its national committee, and never had intra party elections.They seem more comfortable with PF which has caused a lot pain to Zambians. PEP has never held President Lungu accountable as the leader of Pf or government. Holding those in power accountable is a sign that an opposition leader or party is concerned about the national wellbeing.

  15. Sean Tembo should not pretend to be a leader of a political party, maybe he is a movement or something else. He is here discouraging people to change govt instead of advocating for his party to gain support of the electorate and hopefully challenge the two main opposition parties to form the next government as it seems to the readers that he understands and knows better. It is really unprecedented in the history of Zambian politics that oppositions political parties are so much divided and constantly attacking each other instead of pressuring the ruling party to improve the economy and other national interests. Sean should be discussing what he and his party can offer the country and not what other cannot do. But he cannot do that because he has no plan and merely wanting to sound…

  16. Sean Tembo should be seen as one of our many alternatives available to us in future. I hope he’s in it for the long-term. I cannot say ” he will never be president”. No-one knows the future. We are not holding our last elections in 2021. Many, many more are coming and will kerp coming. So far Sean Tembo has avoided talking about his escapades in Botswana where there’s a Botswana High Court judgement against him.

  17. Sean Tembo ‘s opinion is irrelevant. Come August 12,2021 Zambians have already decided to give HH a chance. Sean Tembo, Tayali, Nawakwi etc can de-campaign HH but People have already made their minds on who to vote for. These PF surrogates are scared of HH’s strict Presidency. What have they stolen?

  18. Go around the world and you will see that covid has reduced almost every country’s economic output. So blaming it on pf is very naive. You are right though about hh not being able to fix anything. Pf will ensure the economy recovers when we win again in August. If you don’t believe pf will win then let’s bet to cut our manhoods. I am ready

  19. Zambia GDP 2011-$23bn, 2013-$28bn, 2018-$26bn, 2019-$23bn. Source-World Bank. Where is Tembo getting his figures??

  20. “Bakolwe basekana ifipato”
    An old bemba adage that depicts sean’s mantra.
    Hakuna matata, sean has nailed it. As usual shaping it the way it is that PF still remains on top and saying it the way it is that Hachilema can’t make it to state house.
    As in his previous post, once again, sean’s satire is a complete deoxygenation of the opposition.

    Where is lunatic Chimbwili Kashimba kanshi? Twafwa na drama yaba sean. We want more drama on the political sean. It makes the run up to 2021 election spicey.

  21. Not heard of any pep member in any province. Sounds like school staff of what is a family, and the answer would normally be father, mother and children

  22. If HH jumped into a swimming pool, Kaizar Zulu would certainly accuse him of causing dust that’s the best thing PF has “manufactured”. A few months ago he was on this platform heartlessly mocking the diasporan over the covid-19 levels in Europe. This is not a garden boy or ngangwazi, it the former advisor to the Republican President.

  23. Sean and Pep party, please be advised that elections will be held this year on the 12th of August. It is therfore advisable that you start going round the country mobilizing, it is time to start selling yourselves. Daily attacks on HH does not value to your cause, who is your national youth chairperson, national chairperson, provincial and district chairmen? Look at Kalaba last week he was in Mporokoso, where as usual PF caders attacked him, get down to work please

  24. Zambian opposition leaders are very strong at attacking HH, leaders like Nawakwi, Sean Tembo and Ntewewe, but they never tell us about their manifestos. Something wrong here, not sure who can orient these fellows that they are loosing time

  25. PeP model is simplistic ,incomplete and blind in quite a few areas yet Zambia is in a world of very sophisticated /complex economics.

  26. How can a normal head of state appoint horrible people like kz as advisers? That is why this government has horribly failed.

  27. @ Kaizar Zulu you don’t get it, below are the values that differentiate us from the west.
    White House deputy press secretary TJ Ducklo has resigned, the day after he was suspended for issuing a sexist and profane threat to a journalist inquiring about his relationship with another reporter.
    In a statement on Saturday, Ducklo said he was “devastated to have embarrassed and disappointed my White House colleagues and President Biden”.
    “No words can express my regret, my embarrassment and my disgust for my behavior,” he said. “I used language that no woman should ever have to hear from anyone, especially in a situation where she was just trying to do her job. It was language that was abhorrent, disrespectful and unacceptable.”

  28. Another Paid PF cadre – So its ok for PF to run the country aground even further? THe of Zambia was already in very bad shape even before Covid . PF is using COVID19 as an excuse. Period. We need freed Minds and fresher ideas and approach to the economic problems the country has been facing since 2011.

  29. Another Paid PF cadre – So its ok for PF to run the country aground even further? THe of Zambia was already in very bad shape even before Covid . PF is using COVID19 as an excuse. Period. We need freed Minds and fresher ideas and approach to the economic problems the country has been facing since 2011. !2 August 2021 – Do not vote for Sean Teambo

  30. Mahvuto this is Zambia and not America. We are a sovereign. Uko kwine with your ducklos. Not here we have our own ways of life.

  31. Sean Tembo is a wanted felon in Botswana. We already have an example of employing a thief, ECL, as head of state; he cannot see corruption yet he has the intelligence at his fingertips.

  32. HH is the chosen one to lead the country out of the economic hole. He will lift the standards of poor people’s lives as he has proven in little things like managing his business successfully. PF has also done a good job with infrastructure but we all know that it was kaloba . HH will make productivity bring development n Zambians would be foolish not the Economist a shot. If he disappoints. Give him the boot after 5 years. I looking from a distant land see a better version of the likes of Kagame n Magufu
    fuli in him .Time will tell.

  33. @KZ-Mavhuto is a colonised fella. He thinks everything done by his masters is correct and adorable not what happens here on the “dark continent”. That’s why Arabs, Chinese and most Asians are more developed than us-they believe in their respective cultures and way of life and frown on the western model. It’s really sad!!

  34. Kaiser zulu ! You have been appointed KBF’s running mate come August 2021 your negative statements might not help ECL.

  35. This PEP party appears completely lost, it is an election year and defeating all logic you are busy attacking another leader and his party instead of aggressively selling yourself, you should be in Solwezi, Chama, Mpulungu or somewhere campaigning, key board campaigning takes you nowhere

  36. Let me warn people that are emotionally charged, These coming general elections you doing vote using your emotions,use your brain think! In 1991 Zambians voted without thinking but emotions, When you do things out of emotions possible of making a wrong choice is very high. 1 A person who has failed to explain his wealth,2 commits a crime by taking a piece of land from a poor family, 3 denied a fuel attendant a K 10.00 almost beating him up, 4 sold mines and hotels to benefit himself, 5 he has not yet paid former Bp employees the retirement package,6 he doesn’t believe and trust that Zambians can successfully run the mines,7 He wants to come and get the mines from Zambians and give them to foreigners because he wants to benefit himself. 8 In him crookedness is the order of the today. 9 He…

  37. All you guys are thieves including HH who got reaches from being dishonest during privatization. So I cant vote for HH.

  38. There is no party that has a Good Fiscal Plans as crafted in the National Development Plan by the Ruling Patrotic Front Those National Development Plans plans When you read the NDP 7th National Development Plan and the recent ERP or eonomic recovery Plans then you case see the baseline scenarios and forecasts Any party that is saying will do better than the PF 7th Development Plan to restructure massvely the economy of Zambia with the current cyclical economic envoriments to effect proper structural changes on National accounts must be forth coming and give reasoned well articualted base secanrios or bse projectsions The NDPs and ERps have nshrined policies…

  39. enshrined policies to foster private business performmance This support can be seen in the fforts to implement Infrustructure projects and achieve favoarable SDGs fairly better as seen in the SPI reports 2020 The economic environment has been constraining but efforts by Gov can be seen in oeprationalising goverment operations and that in mind with sustability efforts including debt management simply to drive industriliastion register growth prosepcts in the sectors and create job growth owards the 2030 There is clearly an ERP plan better that what is being written here

    Perhaps what the writer should do is to be foreword looking and look at policies and baseline secnarios that will…

  40. When you read the United Nations Development progress Index in view of the challenging economies for 2020 Then you can see the progress being made but yet to be there For me any plitical party that will show different and alternative Fiscal Plans to PF must show how in a well articulate and anlytical Baseline projections starting with current fiscal Environments As i read this and comfirm with current parity conditions and economic outlook It will be a difficult task for any to navigate a diffrent path to PFs current Yes inflation should be the isue and in the short term must be managed

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