Friday, March 28, 2025

UPND Unveils the Newly Elected Management Committee with William Banda Raking Highly in the Party


The opposition United Party for National Development (UPND) has finally unveiled its newly elected National Management Committee (NMC) members.

According to the UPND media team, this follows a rigorous elections results verification process that saw 209 participants battle it out for the available 70 slots from the available 157, 924 votes.

The elections have seen 20 women and 50 men elected to the highest decision-making organ of the party.

The UPND becomes the first political party to successfully conduct intra-party elections as a requirement by Article 60 of the Republican Constitution that provides for all political parties in the country to hold regular internal elections.

Chairperson of the Electoral Commission, Judith Mulenga of CiSCA, one of the civil society organizations conducting elections on behalf of the party announced the results at the UPND secretariat in Lusaka this afternoon.

By provincial vote is as follows: Central-17, 790; Copperbelt-21, 038; Eastern-16, 424; Luapula-12, 974; Lusaka-12, 085; Muchinga-9, 945;
Northern-17, 450; Northwestern-10, 952; Southern-18, 474; Western-18, 222 and NMC Polling Centre-2, 597.

Below is the aggregate ranking scores for the 70 newly-elected NMC nembers:

1. Mutale Nalumango-2, 051;
2. Patrick Mucheleka-2, 020;
3. William Banda-1, 933;
4. Cornelius Mweetwa- 1, 905;
5. Garry Nkombo-1, 885;
6. Andrew Banda-1, 883;
7. Charles Kakoma-1, 877;
8. Doreen Mwamba-1, 828;
9. Sylvia Masebo-1, 822;
10. Bernard Mpundu-1, 741;
11. Jack Mwiimbu-1, 735;
12. Levy Ngoma-1, 721;
13. Elias Mubanga-1, 693;
14. Mulambo Haimbe-1, 661;
15. Situmbeko Musokotwane-1, 651;
16. Romeo Kangombe-1, 647;
17. Rodrick Chewe-1, 530;
18. Ambrose Lufuma-1, 518;
19. Grace Chibwa-1, 505;
20. George Sinkala-1, 499;
21. Chileshe Kangwa-1, 489;
22. Isidore Tetamashimba-1, 485;
23. Martha Mushipe-1, 467;
24. Elijah Muchima-1, 451;
25. Gilbert Liswaniso-1, 450;
26. Christopher Mwaba-1, 441;
27. Douglas Syakalima-1, 440;
28. Giles Yambayamba-1, 423;
29. Isaac Mukuka-1, 385;
30. Brenda Tetamashimba-1, 377;
31. Subeta Mutelo-1, 377;
32. Salome Mwanakatwe-1, 374;
33. Percy Chanda-1, 366;
34. Felix Ngoma-1, 313;
35. Kaisala Charles-1, 301;
36. Jairo Simbeye-1, 292;
37. Stanley Kakubo-1, 283;
38. Gerald Sikazwe-1, 276;
39. John Chinyanta-1, 257;
40. Gladys Tavaris-1, 256;
41. Mazoka Mutinta Buumba-1, 212;
42. Collins Maoma-1, 211;
43. Newton Samakayi;
44. Samantha Matambo-1, 206;
45. Mulilo Kabesha-1, 190;
46. Joseph Kalolo-1, 178;
47. Daniel Chisala-1, 178;
48. Credo Najuwa-1, 170;
49. Elina Sakala-1, 169;
50. Edith Kamanga-1, 123;
51. Trevor Mwiinde-1, 113;
52. Watson Lumba-1, 103;
53. Chisha Mwewa-1, 103;
54. Brian Kambita-1, 099;
55. Stephen Chikota-1, 088;
56. Frank Tayali-1, 072;
57. Clarissa Chikamba-1, 057;
58. Namakau Kabwiku-1, 051;
59. Helen Mulenga-1, 025;
60. Daphine Chabu-1, 017;
61. Likando Mufalari-992;
62. Frazer Moonde-985;
63. Loveness Malambo-980;
64. Bob Sakahilu-967;
65. Prudence Chinama-963;
66. Kenneth Ng’ona-961;
67. Sibote Sibote-945;
68. Elizabeth Lungu-943;
69. Gershom Chungu (Brig. Gen)-936;
70. Harrison Phiri-931.

The newly elected NMC members were announced as duly elected by the chairperson of the electoral commission Mrs Judith Mulenga.


  1. When are these goats going to petition the results? That is the only thing they are good at- crying and petitioning after losing. This was a PR stunt. Come August they should accept results same way they have accepted these ones.

  2. Quite a NATIONALLY represented team. Well done UPND. I wish I had challenged HH, but unfortunately I am not a card carrying member. If he loses again in August, I am taking over UPND. PF is not attractive to me. I am not keen on the plagiarised UNIP constitution of PF.

  3. The PR exercise was well stage managed ok. Now were is pf’s then? With them it’s still one man appointing everyone. Some provinces still have no elected structures, they are still represented by one-man appointees. Come August Zambians are decided on change only

  4. Mbuya William Banda…. Congratulations!!! You will be minister of Agriculture and Mice rancing!!! On a serious note you are trully a fighter Mbuya. We definately hope to see you in the next government.

  5. Where is kasonso? Has been left out? And what about Lungwangwa? Have they been punished for their support for Bill 10?

  6. Look at these loosers above….Vuvuzelas from PF. Just let it be, at least UPND has shown some form of democracy and have duly and democratically elected National Management Committee (NMC) members.
    When is PF convention and WHO is standing against ECL? Don’t criticize what you dont practise…..thats ru.bbish
    Just congratulate them and stop issuing fake statements ati “This was a PR stunt”, where is your PR stunt then? Kusabaila fye…thats all you know. Too much booze and it has destroyed your brains, now you have a problems to think objectively.

  7. Look at these losers above….V.uv.uzelas from Pi eF. Just let it be, at least UPND has shown some form of democracy and have duly and democratically elected National Management Committee (NMC) members.
    When is PF convention and WHO is standing against ECL? Don’t criticize what you dont practise…..thats ru.bbish
    Just congratulate them and stop issuing fake statements ati “This was a PR stunt”, where is your PR stunt then? Kusabaila fye…thats all you know. Too much booze and it has destroyed your brains, now you have a problems to think objectively.

  8. Well done HH and UPND for holding a successful and peaceful virtual Convention. We hope other Political Parties will emulate this good example. This Convention should be a good take away to all Political Parties in Zambia especially the Panga Family. After Conventions are held by all Parties we look forward to a free,fair, Credible Elections on August 12, 2021. President Lungu should ensure that Zambia holds peaceful Elections in 2021. PF must realise that a rigged and violent Election will produce an illegitimate Govt. Given the Covid-19 Crisis and the Economic Crisis Zambia doesn’t need disputed Elections which in turn could lead to the International Community imposing Sanctions on Zambia. With Sanctions Donor Aid, Concessionary financing and Commercial Credit will dry up. The…

  9. LT don’t know anything about UPND, why you keep asking them questions? Let me ask 1 question anyway,
    How many NON black people in that list? Sorry I can’t spend time reading 70 fvcking names.

  10. I can’t wait to see the PF convention, which will be marred with voting by show of pangas and fists… last time. Kikiki

  11. No pangas , no rabid caders running wild, no bloodshed …….way to ho UPND

    now watch PF , you will see the difference in leadership… will see caged hungry wild animals

  12. Are they going to celebrate at that chic orange looking ugly house in new kasama? Kiki.

    Meanwhile baklfaIa ba upnd are wishing me dead while am here enjoying life and even giving my kids dancing lessons. I have no worries because my work for elections are done.we just wait for the results and then wait for upnd to petition. It hurts to be a loser that is why we work very hard during our terms. Pabwato fye

  13. William banda a violent thug being rated so highly in upnd. It says a lot. Anyway if he brings his nonsense of violence during elections, I am ready for him. I am a black belt in karate, many people don’t know. I only use it for self defence. I can release 50 kicks in 60 seconds and 70 dirty slaps per minute.

    I DIDN’T WANT TO SING MY PRAISES AND THOT LET IT BE, LET HIM LEARN THE HARD WAY IT’S GOING TO BE FUN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. That’s democracy people have spoken.

    I can’t wait to see the other party with fists and blows exchanged few days or weeks to come.

    PF must go!

  16. William Banda??? Really?? Is this the best upnd can do??? News is circulating on social media that the National Anthem was sung on tonga at this convention.

  17. Tarino that must have been hard for you to do. Anyway I know it is was not genuine criticism. It was just to make people think that you do not support upnd when we all know you do and your name starts with HA

  18. PF are jealous about the outcome of the UPND Convention. Well we will see how the PF will hold its own Convention and see if it will be inclusive.These Conventions are required to be held in terms of Article 60 of the Republican Constitution. The Republican Constitution also provide that a President who has been elected and sworn in twice cannot stand in the upcoming 2021 Elections for the third time. A Third Term 4 ECL is therefore illegal and unconstitutional. Furthermore ECL cannot be allowed to serve 4 more than 10 years. We anxiously wait to see how Zambia Concourt will endorse a Third Term 4 ECL in breach of the Republican Constitution. All eyes on PF and Concourt.

  19. This whole formula used in this Upnd convention does not make sense, because for the 70 NMC members to receive those votes each, unless there approximately 234,000 voting members at each provincial convention or each one of them voted several times. But the provincial totals don’t even reach 150,000 when tallied nationally. Something fishy must have gone on! Stranger than fiction!

  20. I feel sorry for HH. He is trying hard to shake off the tribal tag. Unfortunately, his advisors in this quest are his nemesis. Very sad for my friend. He is not cut for politics.

  21. William Banda my foot! Has this man changed for the better? It is very good to see tribal balancing in this NMC. I just pray that if this party wins elections this year this tribal balancing will continue

  22. Are all these committee members without positions or its Lusaka times that has not provided full information we need to see the ranking in the part

  23. William Banda is the third most popular person in the UPND according to the results for the party General conference.
    Abena Garry Nkombo and the likes of Jack Mwiimbu and some UPND veteran are not popular in the party.

  24. The main thing is open transparency of that convention, independent observers were invited with out fear ir favour…….

    Now the thieves in PF ??? Nothing is transparent, yet they have a so called lawyer leading them…..

  25. UPND are very good at making grave mistakes and then they cry rigging when they lose. UPND should have done better not to associate themselves with William Tekele Banda. They should also not have looked desperate to shed off the tribal tag six months before the election because Zambians are reading through the cosmetics. Once in power UPND will go back to their hidden constitution written in who knows what tribe.

  26. The key here is the 30% seats for appointees. This is were we will see whether or not UPND has repented for being tribal and regional or they are just playing cosmetic. Otherwise fish starts to rot from the head and the head was not subjected to the ballot.

  27. Ba Chicken, this was not a convention but just part of the process because positions were not attached to names, so this is where you see dictatorship in somebody! The second phase of the convention Hichilema will single handedly attach positions to each name! That’s when chaos will erupt. Because already most Tongas are not happy with this “tribal balancing” since Upnd is a party for Tongas and Tonga’s only! Heaven knows where they are headed next!

  28. Our friends have exhibited democracy. This was suppose to be the ruling party then followed by the opposition parties. My thoughts though

  29. UPND is a democratic party. No doubt about it. Bravo to all its members! You are a pacesetter in terms of peace during elections.

  30. A party convention without squabbles is no party convention at all. Spoke to two colleagues of mine who belong to both the Labour and Tory parties here in the UK and told them about the ‘peaceful’ UPND convention back home. They both laughed their heads off and said “those my friend, are not politicians. They lack passion. People go to conventions with agendas. No way to avoid some friction brought about by passion to serve the people. Your friends were having a corporate meeting and in such meetings, you all agree with CEO”. There you go!!

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