Wednesday, February 19, 2025

What Happened at Shibuyunji Was an Act of Terrorism by the PF Regime. 


By Anthony Bwalya

President Edgar Lungu has brought shame and ridicule on the Presidency by allowing critical public institutions of governance to be used as platforms for violence and terror against innocent citizens.

The recent terror attack on a village in Shibuyunji, purportedly under the pretext that a village household belonging to the cousins of Mrs. Mutinta Hichilema was harbouring offensive weapons, is yet another example of the recklessness and the lack of exercise of good judgement and common sense by a Patriotic Front (PF) regime intent on holding on to political power by all means necessary – including by terrorising citizens.

We note that the PF regime have systematically been abusing public institutions to intimidate, brutalize and terrorise the Hichilema household, as a way to silence the voice of democracy in Zambia.

And going by their own signed exit note, it has been established that the police officers who raided this innocent village homestead at Shibuyunji, in fact found no indication of any purported weapons at the location, despite digging up the whole area in search of imaginary weapons.

It is also believed, that the government mercenaries who terrorised a whole village under a dirty search warrant were sent to plant weapons at the village establishment in Shibuyunji, in an attempt to falsely frame and implicate Mr. Hakainde Hichilema, in crimes he or indeed his entire family have no knowledge or involvement in.

President Lungu has a duty and responsibility to ensure that the power vested in the state is not arbitrarily used to brutalize and reign terror on Zambian citizens while he – the Commander In Chief pays a blind eye.

We urge President Lungu to immediately summon the Home Affairs Minister, Mr. Stephen Kampyongo, to explain why an army of heavily armed police officers were dispatched to Shibuyunji to terrorise and brutalize a whole village under false information.

Zambia is a Christian nation and we believe in justice for all.

Therefore, an injustice done to one innocent citizen injures and violates the conscience of the whole nation, and we all have a responsibility to fix it.


  1. We surely need to kick out these morons! They lack decency in leadership and are a danger not only to all citizens but even to themselves

  2. The now militarized Zambia Police is itching to use its advanced weaponry to kill innocent citizens. They and their commander-in-chief are finding life boring so they want to provoke people in order to see a bit of action. They’re tired of merely lubricating their weapons periodically.

  3. I will wait until I hear from the other side. All we have heard is from Hichilema and Anthony Bwalya who equally can not be trusted. We are still waiting for ballot papers that were found a bin in 2016 and also the Militia that Lungu sent to Angola

  4. Lungu has the most useless informants.

    I am sure he uses witchdocters or shangomas for intelligence information.,…..

    Lungus blunders in this field are mind boggling………they include the upnd bwengwa kidnapping, the GBM gym training milita , the UPND importing $1.6 million weapons , the gassing of our people, and many many more bizarre beliefs by lungu…,..

    If these are in these strange stories are in the public domain , imagine the ones we don’t know about , like how many innocent civil service personal have been retaired because of information from these witchdocters lungu uses ?????

  5. Last election was lost because of the styupidity of likes of Larry Mweetwa, and Hamasaka. This time be more civil and mature.
    That’s a bad headline, be careful Anthony, don’t make Zambians lose again. But article is ok, and Kampyongo is costing a huge percentage of PF votes.

  6. The minds of people have been poisoned by these so called citizens but in political skins. It is the politicians who make and break our institutions. Both opposition and ruling political parties. We know for a fact that UPND had in the past recruited thugs to terrorise and Some instances kill I innocent citizens. The politicians such as this man (Anthony Bwalya) have also perpetuated the destruction of our own institutions that must ensure law and order including protecting its citizens. It cannot be right that everything the police force does the president is using it for his own good. Police have a right to search anybody they reasonably suspect is up to something. You cannot start exonerating anyone because you have no information that the police have. It is people like you Anthony…

  7. PF will obviously politicise all Electoral Institutions to steal the 2021 Elections. ECZ, ZPS and Concourt will be key Election Rigging Institutions for ECL and PF. Although the Republican Constitution is very clear that ECL has been elected and sworn in twice and therefore doesn’t qualify to stand for a Third Term we will see some legal gymnastics by Concourt. It is obvious that the New Voters Roll has been manipulated by ECZ to favour PF. ZPS on its part will stand ready to Aid and Abate PF’s Election Rigging Activities during the upcoming biased Election Campaigns. The crucial 2021 Elections promises to be the most violent and rigged Election. The August 12, 2021 Election Results will be rigged and an illegitimate Govt will emerge if ECL imposes an illegal and unconstitutional…

  8. Government works on intelligence.
    If there was any intel of weapon hiding at the said premises, with a warrant police was in order to undertake the operation.
    That said, like politically charged Sean had once put it “choreographed chaos” will not help upndead. The deviousness of the dead camp forces it to orchestrate and sow choreographic chaos by planting informants in all Government public servants.
    It’s obvious that there was a tip off from dissident police to allow culprits to conceal or move the said weapons before police got on site. Woe to the deads if this was at play.
    We will debank and condemn this article with the contempt it deserves.

  9. It is likely, infact highly likely that simple minds will authenticate this half baked narrative by the writer.
    It is preposterous to believe that police would expose its inefficiency in the manner this story is making it out to be. But I know that anthony being unreasonable, a simple mind himself and extremely inexperienced in articulating real issues, the story is highly suspicious. If police went in operation as purported, something amis is behind this false.
    Besides anthony has bad intentions going by his implication in the NRC saga. Not to be trusted. This story is a total fabrication. A hoax.

  10. What is happening here is an act of gross disinformation aimed at twisting and feeding weak minds with treacherous falsehood to discredit Government at whatever cost.
    All worked out to misinform the public but only the feeble minds would believe such a wretched and wicked post.
    Know Your Candidate (KYC).
    Dear citizens, remain upbeat, awake and aware of disgruntled individuals using misinformation tactics to influence your decisions. Read beyond texts and screen these job seekers propery. When you kow, you know. Don’t be told, just listen and discern.

  11. You would think that the Police would issue a comprehensive statement on this issue. They have been as quiet as they were after the shooting of the two defenseless civilians. Their statement would do well to affirm the credible information they acted on, why in their considered opinion the level of force displayed was appropriate to the situation and what was found. This way, they wouldn’t leave room to speculation that this was just an act of persecution. Open, honest and timely communication by the Police is very critical in maintaining peace during this run up to the elections. We see from other countries that Police communication can still be done while withholding information that may jeopardise any legitimate ongoing investigations.

  12. Thanks @Kelvin D Mulanga.
    You and other patriotic Zambians can not be f00led. I laud your uprightness.
    Unfortunately democracy throughs everything at you. Politicians use a lot of destructive information out there and to the fore. It is incumbent upon citizens to seperate truth from falsehood.
    The writer is conservative, also called economic, with the truth. Unfortunately, this podium will throw everything at you. Who is f00ling who?
    Okay this was a miss. Extremely colloquial politics. So indeed every twist and turn, we will scrutinize misinformers and their disinformation tacts.
    The elder at age has spoken.

  13. No dictator is more powerful than the people. It’s only a matter of waking up – waking up to recognize the harms done to the nation.

  14. There’s no amount of lies or political propaganda that will make us believe you ba UPND. We all know that when there is suspicions of anything dangerous the police are mandated to carry out such searches and the shibuyunji situation is not any special. They didn’t harrasment individuals they just carried out their search and left …so stop your sympathy seeking tactics.

    • Sitali Simui ????????????????…..Just say you’re scared of your own shadows instead of hidding behind the Police. Do you think HH would sink so low to use guns just to be in Power?… For what?. Sometimes you people who support foolishness should have a sense of shame. What crime did HH commit for you to be tormenting his family like this? You have tried to find criminal offences against him but you have failed. You keep telling Zambians that your party in government has performed wonders in terms of development of this country but the whole party in government is scared of one man…. HH.. why?… Let’s us Zambians decide who should lead us beyond 12th August freely without being intimidated… Zambia nichalo chaba nyina yanu aKawalala mwewo?

    • Emmalito Lias why do you think he had been engaging those organizations that have a history of militia activities and distabilising legitimate governments across the world?? There’s nothing hidden about HH ….we read for ourselves because we don’t want to be lied to like you are doing right now. No one is scared of HH. If anything he is the one who is so scared of losing for the 7th time and is trying everything possible to prevent that …include bringing foreign militia organizations into our country

    • If they were professional, they could use intelligence!! But no they are brainless unknown assailants!! It’s not even sympathy seeking next it could you who will be shot in that dull head!! And the president will just seek for a report. Everyone’s right matters!!

    • Sitali Simui Looser! Do you think if HH was doing wrong things by this time he would be a free man… Look don’t be so naive to make me believe your narrative of wanting to paint him black just to protect your looting of Public Resources. HH is one of the opposition Leaders in Zambia that has proven to be as clean as KK’s handkerchief…. If indeed he did anything wrong in this country, trust me by this time he would be in Prison. The engagement with organisations that have a history of militias activities you’re talking about are your imaginations that are lingering in your mind because you have failed to find something criminal to implicate him now you have resorted to traumatising his family. If you’re not scared of him… Allow him and the other opposition Party Leaders to mobilise their parties freely. To tell you the truth PF will go down in the history of Zambia as the worst Party in government. The rule of Law is no longer existing… The economy has collapsed and we are in serious debt which a govt that contracted it doesn’t even know how it will repay but you’re busy focusing all your energy on one individual who is not in Power but just an Opposition Party Leader. You should have a sense of shame sometimes.

    • Emmalito Lias you are the loser …don’t you hear how his guilty conscience makes him behave Everytime the police summon him he begins saying they want to kill me …do you think if anyone wanted him dead he would be all buried by now ….I don’t have to make you believe anything because I know you are already blinded by political propaganda but I can only encourage to read and know the functions of the police and when and how they are supposed to operate when need arises .. otherwise you are showing so much ignorance here about the subject

  15. This Thorn in the Flesh 
    February 21, 2021 At 9:59 am

    “..Government works on intelligence.
    If there was any intel of weapon hiding at the said premises, with a warrant police was in order to undertake the operation…”

    These are the rats that belive information from a witchdocter is intelligence information………

    These are the same rats shouting blood when the same witchdocter told lungu HH has sourced $1.6 million to harm him , actually this same rat was at the forefront cheering when we were told that highly trained UPND commandos had kidnapped PF officials and journalists in bwengwa ……

    Eehhh thorn , what happened to the highly trained UPND commandos ???

  16. Until the african mind is cleansed of the distractive beliefs in witchcraft , the African continent will always be the least developed……

    Is it a coincidence that the black population of the world is the most poor population and at the same time they are the ones who believe the most in witchcraft and voodoo amongst all races ????

    We have no chance , especially when leaders like lungu take information from witchdocters as intelligence information………..

  17. What is unacceptable and treasonous is that ka little thing you have between your legs. This behaviour by hanthony habwalya is common among those who are small in the down stairs department. Mostly these men are frustrated as no woman can settle for such small katundu. Even where they do, the woman is bound to stray. Now fork off before I blow your head off

  18. Just know Those men who talk about their fellow mens Weapons are the most insecure…..most likely suffer erection dysfunctio .

  19. Akaps if you were Zambian and actually lived in Zambia, you would know that this is common knowledge within social circles. For example, everyone knows that katuka suffers from bad mouth odour and that nalumango has body odour

  20. Emmanuel Mphatso Eneas
    February 21, 2021 At 11:53 am

    “..Actually there was nothing like police raid but an officer who happens to be the nephew to hh’s mother in law went to visit her to render financial help to her…..”

    Sorry , but we have seen the photos of van loads of heavily police digging up the fields……

    We say to the UPND again and again , as we approach the elections , make your the people are ready to use their phones to take pictures and videos of PF cader and PF police brutality..

  21. May all of those involved in such barbaric acts on inoccent citizens, them, their families and their supporters all die brutal and violent deaths. May they never no peace in their lives until they die, for inflicting such Terror on their fellow citizens in the name of wanting to stay in power.

  22. Kaizar Zulu © 
    February 21, 2021 At 12:59 pm

    “…Akaps if you were Zambian and actually lived in Zambia, you would know that this is common knowledge within social circles. For example, everyone knows that katuka suffers from bad mouth odour and that nalumango has body odour…..”

    What of luo ? And Mumbai phiri who still pisses in bed ???

  23. Excessive use of force by security forces, including police officers cannot be labelled “terrorism”. Intimidated, frightened, disturb and other such terms would be more appropriate. This expression of dissent in relation to the views expressed in the article does not necessarily state that excessive use of force is right. Quite the contrary. Peace and tranquility is good for the country’s development. African countries where terrorists have perpetrated terrorist acts are on fingertip. These include: Nigeria, Central African Republic, Liberia, Uganda and Democratic Republic of Congo. Take time to incite potential terrorists. Take time to upgrade Zambia Police. Take time to build democratic states.

  24. These are acts of desperation. ECL is using intimidation and violence to steal the 2021. ECL has made himself so unpopular and therefore knows that if the Elections are truly free,fair,credible and peaceful he will loose the 2021 Presidential Election to HH. ECL’s strategy to retain Power in 2021 is based on removing HH’s Name from the Ballot Paper and if that fails then he has to rig the Election Results decisively. ECZ’s Voters Roll is key to Election Rigging in 2021. Concourt will endorse ECL’s Eligibility as well as dismiss HH’s 2021 Presidential Petition should it arise. ZPS will be used to safeguard PF’s interests during the entire Election Season. The stage is set 4 a rigged and disputed 2021 Election.

  25. On point simui.
    Yes we know that upeendees are schemy.
    Yes police will carry out their job any way and any how but within the law.
    Quite highlighting.

  26. Pharaoh’s Braggadocio
     February 21, 2021 At 2:31 pm

    “On point simui.
    Yes we know that upeendees are schemy.
    Yes police will carry out their job any way and any how but within the law.
    Quite highlighting…”

    Yes , like executing 2 innocent civilians

  27. ECL’s ultimate objective is to remove HH’s Name from the Ballot Paper at all costs. He has tried to incriminate HH so many times so that he can be disqualified from contesting the August 12, 2021 Presidential Elections. ECL has jailed HH for 127 days, he arrested him more than 15 times, he has tried incriminating him thru gassing, burning markets, planting bombs at his in Law’s home etc. ECL will not rest until HH is eliminated from the 2021 Presidential Race. However, it is God who will choose HH’s destiny.

  28. This will always happen when a National Intelligence Service is built to work against its own people. The CIA, MI5, Mossad etc do not work against the citizens. Their aim is to work against foreign nationals. The police, like Scotland Yard, FBI etc are the ones who work on domestic issues. The Zambia police could have investigated this matter and applied to a court for a warrant and then execute the search. But this is not the way it is in Zambia, a country led by a putative lawyer and police lawyers who either bought their degrees or slept their way to the degrees.

  29. Now we hear the police are saying that it wasn’t their operation!!! Now we should be even more worried!! Do we have militia dressed as police using police vehicles going around harassing citizens?? Why are the Police not concerned about that? We need better answers from them. Police should also be identifiable!!!

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