The Zambia Police Service has confirmed that it conducted searches on various premises in some parts of the country, among them was a household in Shibuyunji District.
Police Spokesperson Esther Katongo says the operation was not aimed at harassing or persecuting any individual as it is being reported in some sections of the media.
She said the search was conducted by police officers from Police Service Headquarters and was not limited to Shibuyunji but various other places.
Mrs.Katongo has explained that Police are by law mandated to conduct a search on any premises or person on reasonable suspicion that anything which is necessary in the criminal justice system may be found.
And speaking on Hot FM’s Red Hot Breakfast, Ms Katongo said she initially refuted reports of a search because she did not have the correct information at that time.
“I had not received a report at the time and I told the Daily Nation that there was no raid because that is what I knew,” Ms. Katongo said.
PF regime is incapable of doing or saying anything sensible – only fit to be removed by vote. Lying, prevaricating, dithering, stealing and harassment of innocent Zambians are the values of a fist symbol ‘Donch Kubeba’ government.
Animal farm……this is lungus PF lead GRZ , they don’t know which part is their ars.e or elbow ,
The only thing they are are good at is looting , paying PF cader thugs and harassing opposition……
HH is a lier… can the whole lot of Police target that poor woman. HH must first build the home for the inlaw after he is done maybe after 10 years try the Presidency
Kambwa Michelo the heading up there is saying police have confirmed they raided the village. Are you mentally ill or just dull or both?
Kambwa Michelo The tartness of a twerp is his words.
Mwimanenwa Kamona the point is it was not a targeted raid
Osman Mapiki you are rubbish, mwanya you will never rule
Kambwa Michelo so you feel it was a random raid on people connected to HH? ? ? ? ? How old are you exactly?
Mwimanenwa Kamona very mentally challenged
Mwimanenwa Kamona boss he is not tonga as the name suggests. These are proxy accounts. There no tongas in Rwanda
Kambwa Michelo poor soul you will die with your bitterness
Ba daily tissue paper see your lies now!!!!
Kambwa Michelo point of correction. Not 10 years but a few months from now because we are taking him to state house
Kambwa Michelo waummfwa shani??? Lol, kabombeni. Too too angry, Zambia ya bonse
Kambwa Michelo wakosama kabwa
Kambwa Michelo even refugees are now speaking…..this country has gone to the dogs
Kambwa Michelo so you didn’t see the images of whole police misbehaving in the village? Are you normal
Kambwa Michelo are you fools normal?
Kambwa Michelo Your first name says it all.
After initially refusing. Just drop the clause in the constitution that we are a Christian nation
The search should be extended to farm 1924 in kaloomo ,i suspect ,envy ,jearous and Propagander are kept there by the upnnd
We told you……..
Don’t belive anything the PF or their police say……….it is all lies, lies and nothing but lies…….and more lies on top of lies to cover underlying lies……
If it comes out of statehouse, worse…..
Esther, you are not sincere in your deliberations of duty. Can you tell the nation where else did you go as POLICE to do some search on that material day you happened to be in Shibuyunji? If you tell us that you have the right to search where you feel insecure, why don’t you do as usual on the PF well suspected and known Cadres?
Ba Esther, How much money has this PF leadership prepared for your exit after 12 August,2021? For you to be loud and being a spokes person for supporting many wrongs it is like some good will has been put in place for you by Mu7 of the buganda people.
HH just like bringing unrest
Samuel Sichilima problem of not reading
Samuel Sichilima is it English you do not understand very or its poor reading culture
HH and his lies, always wanting to twist stories
Patience Mambwe problem of not reading the story, obviously you can’t read that the police refuted their earlier lies
Patience Mambwe can you read again and again. Maybe you will understand better and come with a comment from an point of view
Frank Hakoola ????
They just look at the initials HH and begin to vomit.
Patience Mambwe the problem of hatred… read
Patience Mambwe we will give you a benefit of a doubt. Please explain your position. Thanks.
This man should grow up and stop behaving like a child. Always making up stories
Lubona Sililo did you take time to read?
Given Chisanga Kangwa he’s paid up pfooool with chicken brains
Lubona Sililo .. He had said his in- laws were raided. The police refused. Now the police says..yes we did raid his in- laws. Who is making up stories? Who lied?
Given Chisanga Kangwa the other question is, does he know how to read?
Bree Bwalya you are wasting your time asking him, he is my neighbour and has hidden under a rock in the chicken run
Bwalya Bornface iam also wondering!
Bree Bwalya why make it seem like it was uncalled for
Anyway isaka lisaka
Ba HH your lies just disturb the peace. It time for you to change
Chewe Bwalya read and understand, this is a very simple issue!!
Chewe Bwalya mulebelenga
Chewe Bwalya yaba! No wonder the mess in the country mxxxxxm iwe you mean you ant read? ??
What has happened to the person who Killed of Nsama Nsama and Kaunda?
He has been shamed
Mukamweene Mweemba are you sure? Read again and again. Otherwise you are exposing your ignorance
Kashela Chibinda consequences of using free mode Facebook ?????
He always lies never take him serious
reminds me of ” CLEAN UP” during KK days were police would come to harass citizens at night or wee hours, when they can do it in broad day light. was this necessary? why harass poor village folk in such a manner.
No word update on the gassing of our people ????
More that 50 innocent lynching victims lives can not be in vain……
Lungu , We need to know the truth ……
So he just wanted to make the police look bad. He is so manipulative and cruel. He was upset he was exposed
Choolwe Mweene but zoona reading culture is very poor
Choolwe Mweene you must first read to understand you moron
Kashela Chibinda ??????
Kuwayawayafye… you would even wonder if really people think before they comment
Bwalya Bornface I hear you my brother
Facebook trolls
SEARCH WARRANTS ???????????????????
GOD HELP US PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If ZPS was not targeting and persecuting an individual how did the Police zero in on HH’s Mother in Law’s home? ZPS should clarify what they were searching 4 and what they found? The suscipion is that ZPS went to the HH’s Mother in Law’s home to plant bombs and then incriminate HH for hoarding weapons of war to overthrow a duly elected Govt. ZPS must come clean on this. Nsama Nsama and Joseph Kaunda were murdered in cold blood by ZPS and up to now No Police Officer has been held accountable for the murders. There is a strong rumour that these killings,gassing etc were meant to incriminate HH. We are aware that Team Lungu is desperate and determined to get HH convicted in a Court of Law so that he is barred from contesting the 2021 August Elections. The raid in Sibuyunji was targeting…
That is good news to our ear, the police were just carrying out routine operations through out the country the Shibuyunji homestead was one of them. In the first place she did not get information on the operations but that is HQ stuff I dont’ know how Ester can deny not knowing as though she was operating from far distant command. In any case which other places got raided by the place? We need to know as the information is already in public domain the other places which had a similar visitation by the cops from HQ. It will be very difficult for the police to operate professionally as the PF under pressure from HH and UPND will force them do even the impossible things like creating a scenes of crime on an egg in order to fix HH. So Bally will fix it but they will FIX HIM AT ALL COSTS. Now…
In a country where cadres are calling themselves “commander” you see such people armed to the teeth and spokeperson has no clue about those people, these are worrisome times. are you telling her position is not so senior to know about certain operations, this is one murky operation not even her was informed until after the entire world knew about it.
Ms Katongo, when you have “not yet received a report” , the correct response to a newspaper is that you have not yet received a report NOT that there was no search. Surely, how unprofessional can you people get? Little wonder that people don’t believe anything you say.
Plausible deniability. You withhold information from a person or you tell them, ‘You haven’t heard a thing.’
This would not have happened, without Deputy Inspector General of Police In charge of Operations Charity Katanga.
This is Charity Katanga first action to please her masters, in the name of making “The 2021 general elections will be held under a peaceful atmosphere”
Be prepared for even harsher operations. BTW she is destined to take over as the first woman Inspector General of Police, so she is flexing her muscles.
Put them on the list and send them to The Hague
First woman IG? There were two already!
Judging by most comments below ,we have a poor reading culture in Zambia.
Nehemiah Mulemena … not really a reading culture, kwati nobupubafye mwe. Honestly how do you comment on something you have not understood? ????
Bwalya Bornface tefintu
Let the police do whatever it takes to protect us. If intelligence is received that a tribal goat is procuring arms and weapons, then it is only right that police take action. Zambia is bigger than one group or person. Thank you zp
KZ were the alleged weapons found? If not the intelligence is flawed. When you receive intel the first thing you do is gather evidence, nowadays we have device, do a covet recording but we don’t have any evidence from the police. Saying I didn’t have the fact is not good enough, it shows incompetence.
The P0rn front party, a failed project led by a dander head, a thieving wanna be lawyer with long hands… the ka worst president on earth 0IQ, tin can on shoulders…. k@pub@
When voting out this regime on August 12, we should not only rely on voting them out alone, but MUCH MORE importantly PROTECTING OUR VOTES. If we do not protect our votes it will all be in vain. This time let’s not give them room to rig. Mwaliteta and others are our heroes who were incarcerated for a year for trying to protect our votes
I don’t why most people that comment are this negative…. So what’s difficult to understand here
I know you people hates HH so much but your hates cost nothing
Do police simply search without a search warrant?
HH is a lier no wonder he can’t president
Kanche Lubamba ?? what did he lie?..
Has the police found the owner of the 48 mansions ? Let them investigate on this long standing issue before new government is ushered in.
HH is just something else weh
His a danger to this country
Alice Sitali sweetie stop embarrassing yourself in public. Remove comment if you have no idea of what’s going on.
Can you at least explain what raised the suspicion or reasonable cause?
No need to complain who will hear us! My prayer is to the Almighty God of justice, please O LORD hear the cry of your people. This government has become a beast. people are murdered in cold blood, your people terrorised broad daylight with killing machinery without cause. Thieves loot the national resources with impunity, while the poor go hungry. Your people are suppressed and hated just because they belong to a certain tribe. it is written: “KJV Isaiah 59:14
14 And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter.”
How long O God, How long are you going to remain silent, please Lord answer, we plead. We need a change of government. Have Mercy upon us o Lord and forgive our sins in Jesus Mighty name, Amem
No need to complain who will hear us! My prayer is to the Almighty God of justice, please O LORD hear the cry of your people. This government has become a beast. people are murdered in cold blood, your people terrorised broad daylight with killing machinery without cause. Thieves loot the national resources with impunity, while the poor go hungry. Your people are suppressed and hated just because they belong to a certain tribe. it is written: “KJV Isaiah 59:14
14 And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter.”
How long O God, How long are you going to remain silent, please Lord answer, we plead. We need a change of government. Have Mercy upon us o Lord and forgive our sins in Jesus Mighty name, Amen
Imwe elyo muleishiba ati ba hh babufi
Liar is hh middle name
Umuntu ukuleka ba In law balechula n we have Zambians who thinks Bally will pay