Friday, March 28, 2025

Mutale Nalumango has been appointed as new UPND Vice President


Announcing the appointment of Ms Nalumango during a Press Conference at the UPND secretariat this morning, party president, Hakainde Hichilema says the decision was arrived at after wide consultations.

Mr Hichilema stated that contrary to assertions that he single-handedly run the party, he stated that successful running of the party was anchored on a competent team that helped him to smoothly run its affairs on a daily basis.

“People ask me whether am alone. I tell them that am not alone. I can’t deliver alone; I have a great team. We have the most diverse NMC with competent people.” Mr Hichilema said.

Mr Hichilema reiterated that the UPND government will have representation from all parts of the country.

“When we are in government the Cabinet will reflect the face of the country and the process we witness today is to put competent people in right places to deliver victory for us on 12th August,” he said.

And Mr Hichilema, who has congratulated the newly elected NMC members, says it was incumbent upon them to work hard and help deliver victory for the UPND in the forthcoming general elections.

“Thank you to those who made it to the NMC. Most importantly, thank you to those who didn’t make it to the NMC because you have a lot of work to do. For those who made it, it is your duty to reach out to those who didn’t make it. Work starts now. It is time to work hard and ensure that you deliver victory for the UPND in the forthcoming general elections,” he said.

And in her acceptance speech, Ms Nalumango stated that she was grateful to answer to the cause for the greater good of Zambia.

“I accept the responsibility, why? Because my strength and confidence is in these people. You are the strength and the anchor on which I stand. I accept to be a tool in the cause. The cause is not for me or the President, but for the people of Zambia,” charged Nalumango.

She says her appointment to the UPND vice presidency was a clear indication that Mr Hichilema believed in gender and regional balancing.

“This day, Zambians must know who is for them and this is the time when they should decide. I want to thank everyone who has shown confidence in me to stand before the man of valour (HH). Am happy to accept this position, and am available,” she said.

The position has been vacant since Mr Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba (GBM) ditched the UPND to re-join the PF early last year.


    • UPND has made a force to reckon with. I have defected. Forget about Fube and the 3rd term. If you focus on 3rd term you will lose focus on August 12.

  1. Congratulations to madam Nalumango. This is a well deserved appointment. She will redeem the womenfolk from the embarrassment of the PF appointee. God bless you madam and guide you as you assist lead this great party.

  2. This is a win-win for (HH) and UPND.
    This was your best choice of candidate for Veep. I have defected to UPND ahead of the August 12 2021 polls.
    Forget about the useless junk from Kambwili. Nalumango is the best running mate.
    Let’s win.
    You are now ahead of PF since you have held a convention and your running mate is known. You can now focus on campaigns. I have a lot of information.

  3. Congratulations to Mutale Nalumango this is a big win. Many Zambians are in agreement with this UPND choice. Look at the social media reactions you can tell that Zambians have accepted this move.
    Donchi kubeba. There a lot of money and bicycles being dished out even school buses.
    Get them they were bought from tax payer money.

  4. Congratulations Madam on your well deserved appointment. HH and UPND Family have shown the way. Let’s hope ECL and his Panga Family can emulate what HH and UPND have done. The UPND Convention has been held in line with that Party’s Constitution and the Republican Constitution. ECL has already been elected and sworn in twice and what remains to see is how ECZ and Concourt will manouvre to grant ECL a Third Term. In terms of Article 106(3) it is illegal and unconstitutional for ECL to stand for the Third Time in the August 12,2021 Elections. We shall see!


  6. Pf did this years ago,we are way ahead of upnd in terms of women participation in politics. As for nalumango mubi and I wonder how long she will last because no one lasts under tribal hh. She is just been used but she doesn’t even command any support in her region so kuwaya waya fye

  7. It makes sense since she got the most votes during their elections.
    Ba Lsk Times, learn some journalism please, a brief description of Mutale’s political or other history would be ideal. Tell us about how she is from the MMD era, her and other UPND leaders so we know that recycling of politicians still exists.

  8. @ Kaizar Zulu,
    Akalijo balafwa. You can not compare the UPND Leadership with these hypocritical leaders of the day who think money and fights can win them favors. Read the Bible in the book starting from 1 Samuel 13:1-, You will discover that exactly what king Soul used to do on David’s life when the spirit of God departed Soul, exactly is what this leadership and and its king are doing on HH.
    The presence of God on ECL is gone and more over he was not the most needed one by God but man’s desire. Let me warn all who are fighting HH like Kaizar Zulu, Sunday Chanda, Bowsman Lusambo etc, that you are not fighting him but fighting God.

  9. Congratulations mama Nalumango. God is with you, with me and with us. Let those who hate you wait for you wisdom and may God expose them to shame. I know now genuine PF have now started ditching out coming to UPND and NDC.
    My advise to all Zambians- when PF come dishing out money, praise them and tell them that you are the true leaders who cares for our lives while in your hearts you thank God that I have gotten today part of my stolen money by the thieves.

  10. Jesus brought forth into the world something called the “Upside-Down Kingdom.” It is a Kingdom that says, “Do you want to be exalted, you must humble yourself. If you want to live, you must die. If you want to be the greatest, you must become the least.” The estate of humiliation was a path the Jesus walked for 33 years while living on this planet. As his children, he calls us to do the same.

  11. Zambia is far from attaining any meaningful economic emancipation….
    Teacher…former teacher. …with no clue of how the global platform operates…so long she spats the most!we need people with the right business acumen for this diverse world…..teacher wamu tolotolyo ena kusebanafye pa world! We not still fighting for independence to be having such quality of people to lead!we need economic brain crammers not loud mouthed people!

  12. Congratulations Madam! UPND had a peaceful and Historical Virtual Convention. Now HH has made a strategic appointment and in time 4 the August 2021 Elections. HH and UPND are showing the way. Best wishes for the 2021 Elections.

  13. This is the first step towards another loss by this Tonga chilema! Nalumango is finished and does not command any respect in her region! Uluse aba Tonga aba! Sammy Hichilema should just stop politics, he’s just waisting his time! He will never win in Zambia, he will never be president of Zambia! So he’s aware that he’s a dictator, and now pretending to have consulted. It will soon backfire, just wait.

  14. To me I was softening towards opposition, but the way hh has created a situation were UPND is hh & hh is UPND were he can, alone, appoint EVERYBODY in the party. No way. It reminds me of the humble one, & how he has now changed with the power he yields. So am not giving my vote to create another dictator. Zero. No way. Mwaetaya.

  15. Well done HH and Team UPND, one of the best choices you have ever made and I am so proud of you guys. You are now ready to govern. Kudos to your team your Excellence.

  16. Mr. Chivuno governing is not achieved on the mouth or on paper, its achieved out there by creating popularity and acceptance by the people. Hichilema is not popular and acceptable by the people, he makes it worse by hand picking another unpopular colleague of his. Maweeeee! That’s what people were saying that intra party Upnd elections were a sham, how you elect people without positions attached? It is now showing that even those figures of election results were just cooked up by Hichilema, so that he appoints Nalumango as his vice! Let him just wait, the back lash will soon come from his tribesmen!

  17. Congrats Mama Nalumango! Edith Nawakwi is jealous of this appointment no doubt. She wishes she was the one appointed VEEP by HH. Anyway ECL will appoint Edith Nawakwi PF VEEP and ECL Ruining Mate for the 2021 Presidential Elections. Good luck Edith!

  18. HH is quoted to have said, “People ask me whether am alone. I tell them that am not alone. I can’t deliver alone..” What this quote reveals that all the talk about ” Bally will fix this or that” is mere bogus claptrap. Or, it could be that HH is just pretending to all of us that he believes in collective and not individual genius in relation to matters of national governance when he knows deep down he does not believe what he is saying here and is a mere autocrat.

  19. Some people can’t see beyond beyond PF. Leave the woman alone. Discuss her abilities and not her physical appearance. That is the wrong focus. Beside, we are all made in the image of God, fearfully and wonderful in His eyes. At least she has credibility compared to many politicians. Let’s wait and see. I am watching and counting down..5 months more.

  20. Me Im puzzled by some people because the VP is appointed by a president of the party so people like kaiza Zulu just says discouraging words unless PF Thugs are beating innocent citizens then positive words are there and PF has been amazed because they where preparing to see CK to be VP and Namulango was a former deputy speaker and she was one of the trustees of Levy mwanawasa they have just been outsmarted and you talk about your date of covetional may be KZ has got a clue a date of PF covetional.

  21. They came out of the convention will only one position filled. The rest of the position have to be hand picked by the supreme leader Hakaivotela Humwine.

  22. Brother Kudos you as a veteran commentator have also joined me now in UPND, I defected 2 years ago after seeing PF officials busy buying luxury SUVs when the roads in the towns and compounds remained deplorable. I first then joined Green Party but was dissapointed with Sinkamba who appears out of touch with reality and left, we then sat down and took a close look at HH and realised he was the best leader around then joined Zambia Foward!

    Congrats to Mama Nalumango

    I have my UPND membership card and we are winning this election.

    Zambia Forward!!!???

  23. Congrats ms nalumango!!And this goes to H E,Mr President HH for such a great move you have its a time to work hand in hand to make sure that no stone remain unturned before 12 Aug.enough is enough

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