Sunday, March 9, 2025

The State will not allow anyone to harass the media-President Lungu


President Edgar Lungu has assured journalists that the State will not allow anyone to harass the media during the course of their duty.

President Lungu says he will not countenance violence on journalists adding that those who are in a habit of attacking journalists, whether Patriotic Front or opposition risk being prosecuted.

The President said this in a press statement issued by his Special Assistant for Press and Public Relations Isaac Chipampe.

The Head of State made the assurance this morning at State House when he held a virtual meeting with members of the Zambia Union of Journalist (ZUJ).

“ I must state that the space is not shrinking for journalists, it is not true. There are always bad eggs in society but it is the duty of the Police to ensure a safe environment for journalists. Violence against journalists is not part of the PF policy and anyone engaging in violence, whether PF or opposition will be arrested,” President Lungu warned.

The ZUJ members had requested to meet the President to discuss various matters affecting their members.

And President Lungu has allayed fears among journalists that there would be mass redundancies as result of the merger of Times Printpak Zambia Limited and the Zambia Daily Mail Limited.

According to ZUJ president Samuel Lukhanda, there is anxiety at Times Printpak Zambia Limited arising from the rumored merger of the two companies.

But President Lungu explained that the two companies will continue running separately despite having one Chief Executive. The two companies are under the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) whose chairman is President Lungu.

The Head of State disclosed that the two companies are in the process of restructuring and in the event that some redundancies happen, the affected employees will be paid their dues.

“Even if you are laid off, you will be paid and there is life after formal employment,” the President said, “I have heard of journalists who are now successful farmers of businessmen.

Meanwhile President Lungu has said the media plays a critical role in the democratic dispensation and this is why the government advocates for self-regulation of the media so that journalists operate freely.

He added that the government allows journalists to express themselves without hindrance.

At the same meeting, Mr Lukhanda informed the President that Journalists would like to be considered among the first people to be vaccinated against covid19 since they are also frontline workers to which the President agreed.

The ZUJ leader also informed the President that their salaries need to be improved and that they are in dire need of support from the government to cover the forthcoming elections.

In response to the request, President Lungu promised to help the journalists so that coverage of elections is not affected by logistical problems.

“Journalists need transport and other logistics, otherwise they will be susceptible to “blalizo”(Zambian journalists, term for corruption),” the President remarked.


  1. What has ever been done to those who were invading radio stations whenever there is an opposition member on air?
    I see, future tense is used here-you will be protected-meaning after elections, is that not so?

    • Moosa Mate Please I want to introduce you to the company platform I just benefitted from yesterday,.I invested R4000 and got back R23,000 in just 5 days of investment , the company platform management board told me to refer people who are willing to join as well and I make 5% from their profit as referral bonus please join me on this investment it will really help you a lot or you can contact the manager with the name below ?????
      Jeremy Gavin

    • Collins Kafunga Please I want to introduce you to the company platform I just benefitted from yesterday,.I invested R4000 and got back R23,000 in just 5 days of investment , the company platform management board told me to refer people who are willing to join as well and I make 5% from their profit as referral bonus please join me on this investment it will really help you a lot or you can contact the manager with the name below ?????
      Jeremy Gavin

    • Michael Chisenga Please I want to introduce you to the company platform I just benefitted from yesterday,.I invested R4000 and got back R23,000 in just 5 days of investment , the company platform management board told me to refer people who are willing to join as well and I make 5% from their profit as referral bonus please join me on this investment it will really help you a lot or you can contact the manager with the name below ?????
      Jeremy Gavin

  2. You won’t be harassed but your media houses will be closed if you report badly about the govt. I take everything this f00l says with a pinch of salt. The only leader in the history of Zambia to have closed TV stations & news papers because of not liking how they report critical issues in Zambia. We tied of dictators

  3. Level headedness returns to the leadership when its election year! Here the people are witnessing recognition of the might of the pen and investigative social acumen of the journalist to bring out facts to the people! Self preservation is all the politicians are worried about and so is the president for all that comes out their mouths can be verified through the lens and pen of the journalists for the Zambian people! However it must be realized that the softened tone by the president is only words pleasant to the listener for journalists are a threatened species!

  4. Lip service, lip service, lip service! Let’s take governance issues seriously. Never assume people are that dull and can easily be told anything and believe.
    Since the demise of SATA or even before, the party has thrived on harassing and intimidating those with divergent views within or outside the party. I have deliberately said before his demise because a faction had risen against another within the party when he was alive. Even now people have felt the heat for expressing their desire to challenge the the incumbent whether parliamentary or presidential.

  5. Wasn’t it himself that took on the post, ensuring that it was liquidated even when the newspaper had began dismantling its tax arrears? Compare that to GRZ newspapers that pay no tax, no Workmen’s Compensation or NAPSA contributions and have workers’ salary arrears! To that add Prime TV who committed no crime.

    • David M Mwanangombe Please I want to introduce you to the company platform I just benefitted from yesterday,.I invested R4000 and got back R23,000 in just 5 days of investment , the company platform management board told me to refer people who are willing to join as well and I make 5% from their profit as referral bonus please join me on this investment it will really help you a lot or you can contact the manager with the name below ?????
      Jeremy Gavin

    • Mainde D Keembe Please I want to introduce you to the company platform I just benefitted from yesterday,.I invested R4000 and got back R23,000 in just 5 days of investment , the company platform management board told me to refer people who are willing to join as well and I make 5% from their profit as referral bonus please join me on this investment it will really help you a lot or you can contact the manager with the name below ?????
      Jeremy Gavin

  6. I think we should be having election every after one year.. Our president has woken up from deep slip. He used to hide in state house, the only time we were able to see the president is when is leaving and coming back into the country. I remember when we had gassing/ early days of corona, it had to take the media kudos to hot FM for him to just address the nation. #Fi Mwakole

  7. ZNBC TV also, on their main news tonight, on the Nakonde water project the news caster says the 6 million dollar water project, in the same story the reporter says the 6 million kwacha water project. Close this PF institution

  8. PF secretariat and Kampyongo don’t understand the difference between The State, State House, Government and PF, and who is in-charge of what. I loved Civics.
    For Example: Mumbi Phiri, a PF vice-secretary, demanded that HH get smoked like a rat… charge him with treason. And for sure it happened. Another, a PF cadre said HH is hiding weapons of war in a village, and for sure unashamed, bored officers wanted to enjoy a drive to go eat some village chicken in the loot, they went to dig at a village.
    The STATE… define

    • Arron J Moonga Please I want to introduce you to the company platform I just benefitted from yesterday,.I invested R4000 and got back R23,000 in just 5 days of investment , the company platform management board told me to refer people who are willing to join as well and I make 5% from their profit as referral bonus please join me on this investment it will really help you a lot or you can contact the manager with the name below ?????
      Jeremy Gavin

  9. Lungu Chi colour you are a tin pot dictator, you a dander head as well, the ka worst president on earth, you are useless as sh1t…… Need I say more dander head

    • Castro Chibwe Please I want to introduce you to the company platform I just benefitted from yesterday,.I invested R4000 and got back R23,000 in just 5 days of investment , the company platform management board told me to refer people who are willing to join as well and I make 5% from their profit as referral bonus please join me on this investment it will really help you a lot or you can contact the manager with the name below ?????
      Jeremy Gavin

  10. President Lungu mean Journalists need not be harassed but is directing PF cadres to raid break and damage all private radio stations who host other political parties.- according to PF democracy

    • Canaan Adams Please I want to introduce you to the company platform I just benefitted from yesterday,.I invested R4000 and got back R23,000 in just 5 days of investment , the company platform management board told me to refer people who are willing to join as well and I make 5% from their profit as referral bonus please join me on this investment it will really help you a lot or you can contact the manager with the name below ?????
      Jeremy Gavin

  11. Lazy Lungu is just a toothless dog barking…its too little too late …this is the same moron who stated publicly that unknown assailants shot Mr Nsama Nsama and the opposition party cadre!!

    • Arthur Hakalima Please I want to introduce you to the company platform I just benefitted from yesterday,.I invested R4000 and got back R23,000 in just 5 days of investment , the company platform management board told me to refer people who are willing to join as well and I make 5% from their profit as referral bonus please join me on this investment it will really help you a lot or you can contact the manager with the name below ?????
      Jeremy Gavin

    • Chivunda Samusungwa Please I want to introduce you to the company platform I just benefitted from yesterday,.I invested R4000 and got back R23,000 in just 5 days of investment , the company platform management board told me to refer people who are willing to join as well and I make 5% from their profit as referral bonus please join me on this investment it will really help you a lot or you can contact the manager with the name below ?????
      Jeremy Gavin

    • Man Chilo Please I want to introduce you to the company platform I just benefitted from yesterday,.I invested R4000 and got back R23,000 in just 5 days of investment , the company platform management board told me to refer people who are willing to join as well and I make 5% from their profit as referral bonus please join me on this investment it will really help you a lot or you can contact the manager with the name below ????
      Jeremy Gavin

  12. Public Prosecutor Nsama Nsama and Joseph Kaunda were shot and killed by the State representatived by ZPS. What stop the ZPS Command to do the same to Journalists. With Constitutional Democracy, respect for Rule of Law, Good Governance and Human Rights in Zambia no one is safe under ECL’s reign.

  13. Funny enough is that Edgar Chagwa Lungu is the bully! He is not fit to be president of Zambia. No morals, no values and not integrity. We have a fake as president of the republic of Zambia. He intimidates and harasses citizens, a human rights violator. This chap belongs in jail. A douche bag!

  14. Tarino the only useless dog is that f00l who gave birth to you. You should have been aborted you tonga tribal preeek

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