Monday, March 3, 2025

If you are provoked call for the police. Do not fight back-President Lungu


President Edgar Lungu says government will continue looking to the Church for spiritual and moral guidance as well as other issues of national development.

The President has also reiterated that government will continue to work with the Church in efforts aimed at uplifting the welfare of the country and the political landscape by making sure that peace is upheld in the nation.

The Head of State was speaking in Lusaka yesterday when he graced the 20th Anniversary celebration for the Bible Gospel Church in Africa (BIGOCA).

President Lungu further urged the Church to remain united and make sure that they pray for the nation against violence especially that the nation is heading to the general elections.

“Pray for harmony and brotherhood in the nation and condemn violence. We need peace and unity before, during and after elections. Those who are perpetrators of violence do not belong to me. I despise violence and will always side for peace,” said the Head of State.

President Lungu has also advised the Zambian citizenry against engaging themselves in fighting back when provoked saying that the best thing to do is to involve the police and allow them to take charge of the matter.

“If you are provoked call for the police. Do not fight back. When someone provokes you on anything don’t say I will fight back, no, call out for the police,” he advised.

And the President has called on the Church to help government fight issues of Gender Based Violence (GBV), child marriages and corruption.

“Helps us to fight corruption in the country. It’s astonishing that the people who have destroyed the economy are the ones singing about corruption. Let us revisit the approach to corruption fight. Tell us where we went wrong, if its institutions failing us, lets inform them, if it’s the people, let’s educate them,” he stated.

The President also urged the clergy, women and the youth within the Church to come up with multipurpose cooperatives to benefit from the Churches Empowerment Initiative that was recently launched.

He observed that Christians are part of the Zambian citizenry who should also benefit from the governments empowerment programmes.

“Christians cannot sit back and look at others benefiting. They need to come on board and equally benefit from the empowerment programmes. Just as they are members of the Church, they are also members of the country,” said President Lungu.

The Head of State also observed that the COVDI-19 pandemic has not spared the places of worship and urged the Church not to relent in following the health guidelines.

“The Church have not been spared for COVID-19. It is imperative that you take advantage of the health guidelines that have been given by the Ministry of Health,” he urged.

Meanwhile, President Lungu noted that government recognises the many developmental programmes that the Bible Gospel Church in Africa have implemented in the country aimed at improving the livelihood of the people.

“Let me express my gratitude for the developmental projects you have implemented for improved wellbeing of the people among them being installation of boreholes that have enabled people in rural areas to have access to clean water as well as a health post in Nyimba district in Eastern province. And I urge you to continue so that other Churches can emulate you,” the President said.

And BIGOCA Overseer Archbishop Peter Ndhlovu said his Church will continue to work with the government of the day and will also continue providing checks and balances as well as guidance where needed.

Archbishop Ndhlovu who thanked President Lungu for gracing the 20th anniversary celebrations for his Church noted that the celebrations shows how faithful God has been to the Church.

He further expressed gratitude to the Head of State for not closing the Church during this time of the second wave of the COVID-19.

PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu is welcomed by Archbishop ,Dr.Peter Ndhlovu during the 20th anniversary celebration of Bible Gospel Church in Africa(BIGOCA)in Lusaka
PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu is welcomed by Archbishop ,Dr.Peter
Ndhlovu during the 20th anniversary celebration of Bible Gospel Church
in Africa(BIGOCA)in Lusaka
PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu with Minister of National Guidance and Religious Affairs ,Godfridah Sumaili read the bible during the 20th anniversary celebration of Bible Gospel Church in Africa(BIGOCA)in Lusaka.
PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu with Minister of National Guidance and
Religious Affairs ,Godfridah Sumaili read the bible during the 20th
anniversary celebration of Bible Gospel Church in Africa(BIGOCA)in


  1. This Man is a hypocrite. ECL is Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces and yet ZPS recently shot and killed Nsama Nsama and Joseph Kaunda in cold blood. Why didn’t he preach peace at the time? As we talk his PF Cadres are threatening and intimidating Concourt Judges over the Eligibility issue. This is a Constitutional matter which will resolved by following Constitutional Procedures. Why is ECL not restraining his Cadres on this issue? Abrogating the Republican Constitution is Criminal so why is ECL stealing an illegal and unconstitutional Third Term? Charity begins at home. ECL must respect our Constitution. ECL has been elected,held office and sworn in twice in in 2015 and 2016 is therefore ineligible to stand for office for the third time in 2021. Period.

  2. Last year on Youth Day Innocent Kalimanshi started a fight as you were laying a wreath. This was in full view of ZP and their colleagues in uniform. They couldn’t do anything because Kalimanshi claims to break the Law in your name. Your cadres have rendered the men in uniform impotent. So there’s no one who can take you seriously on such matters. Your words and deeds don’t coordinate

  3. “……Those who are perpetrators of violence do not belong to me. I despise violence and will always side for peace,”

    Lieing trough his crooked teeth……

    How many times have PF caders assulted , maimed people and destroyed property yet nothing happens to them ?????

    The worst part is he uses that Bible he carries on the ready in his back pocket to lie……

  4. Did i miss something ?? Has Kan.ganja already fixed the low confidence that we have for ZP and its cops.
    Is H.E sounding hollow again??

  5. It grieves my heart to imagine the spiritual state of the churches and their leaders that allow this man to use their pulpits week in and week out to spew his hypocrisy. About political violence, he will only call for prayer and yet do nothing to prevent it. His counterpart HH had issued a proposal for the main political leaders to meet under the chairmanship of main church bodies and come up with actions to prevent violence in upcoming elections. ECL has so far failed to respond to that request and yet he wants churches to pray against violence. When our church leaders fail to call him out on this, they become equally complicit in promoting this violence – all for a few pieces of silver!!!

  6. You are the most deceitful president Zambian’s will ever have. All you are after is just our votes after that you will lock yourself in plot 1 and throw away the keys as usual. Suppose it’s Kazier Zulu who has attacked me? You fired Kapeso for manhandling PF caders when Chilufya appeared in court, what message were you sending to the men and women in uniform?

  7. My president reminds me of Nelson Mandela. So peaceful and loving. The president is saying use reason to justify whether it is proportionate to use self defence. Of course if your life is at risk then use proportionate self defence. For example my life is always at risk with upnd thugs during elections. So I am allowed to defend myself. This year I plan on effecting citizens arrests and also squeezing their balls until the police turn up

  8. Computer scientist, why don’t you make me eh l? If you are man enough then make me. I am in lusaka and if you man enough I want see you say those words to my face. You know what will happen. I will discipline you with 50 strokes

  9. Classic adage regarding trolling and tantrums of KZ as a badly and spoiled brought up, now looks like a man but child. “Don’t feed the trolls”. Trolls seek out emotional responses and find provocation amusing, so replying to them or attempting to debate them will only make them troll more. By ignoring troll completely, they will likely become frustrated and go somewhere for attention on the internet. KZ fits the narrative..

  10. Muna just like tarino you have also failed to tackle my arguments and valid points so you are now resorting to calling me a troll hahaha. You have lost the political debate . Its is funny you call me troll and imposter and yet you for one have no profile picture and are using a fake name. A fake account calling me with a real name and picture an imposter. Do you see how f00lish that seems. Fuseke

  11. Muna just like tarino you have also failed to tackle my arguments and points so you are now resorting to calling me a troll haha. You have lost the political debate . Its is funny you call me troll and imposter and yet you for one have no profile picture and are using a fayk name. A fayke account calling me with a real name and picture an imposter. Do you see how f00lish that seems. Fuseke

  12. If you are provoked there is provision to defend yourself. In cases where it is deemed feasible, you can make the arrest and dump the culprit at the police station. Those are the other options … all constitutional by the way.

  13. For sure the worst president in the history of zambia in regards to violence , intimidation and corruption.

    With the mercy of God, lungu will be the last in the history of zambia.

    Remember that it was under him , that for the first time in our history that Zambians lynched and burned fellow Zambians to death in our towns while his goons carried out a gassing campaign…………

    Zambia can sink no lower than that…..

  14. Chi computer scientist chilibe nzelu please see below my CV;

    1999 to 2001: founding member of the PF party during which time I supported the party via various means

    2001 to 2011: worked hard as pf strategist to carry out checks and balances against the ruling party. Sacrificing everything to campaign and sell the pf manifesto

    2011 to date : various senior roles within government and business owner.

    Contact me if you have further queries

  15. KZ You have forgotten to indicate on your CV the period you were fired by Sata because of your competence and evil minds

  16. You mean report to the same PF police who always listens to one side of the story and who might be the ones to perpetrate the violence in the first place.

  17. Yaba, KZ answering his own questions. When did you last seat for an exam? Do you know what a CV? In case you didn’t know. It is about your professional experience, educational background, and skills.
    No wonder Lungu has been mislead.

  18. @Computer Scientist, the troll @KZ has no idea what a CV is. The boy is a simpleton like the majority of PF cadres. Don’t waste your time addressing this immature misfit.


  20. You are leading by the example sir. You walk the talk. We are witnessing massive and historic cleansing of corrupt system and people in the country. We are with you sir, even beyond 2021.

  21. What else real patriots do? They respect the law and denounce violence. Illegal activities are not their forte, it for the members of UPND.

  22. It goes without saying sir. It is the norm of a civilised society. Unless one is follower of a dictator, who is dumped by people of Zambia.

  23. We are the peace loving society and one of the most peaceful countries in the world and Africa. We can’t resort to any sort of violence and won’t endorse any.

  24. That’s what a responsible leader would advise people. Not like the one who wants to be President of Zambia and feeds a gang of goons ever ready to resort to violence. No wonder people have rejected him five times in a row!

  25. No law abiding person would ever engage in any illegal or unlawful act. Fighting back is not a solution to any problem when we have police and law to punish the unruly people. You are absolutely right sir. That should be the ideal reaction to any provocation.

  26. Yes sir. We never fight back like this. We know how to uphold the rule of law. We are responsible citizens of the country sir, not members of UPND!

  27. It is not a misguided advice at all. Right to self defence doesn’t mean taking law in your hand. One can retaliate in self defence if someone is assaulting him. Provocation is not direct assault. It is an attempt to force you to retaliate in violent manner.

  28. There is nothing wrong with the spiritual state of the Churches. HH is the hypocrite of highest order. He was the one who had turned his back on the all party meeting earlier. Now that when he realised that UPND is doomed, he called on the Church to intervene and get all the political leaders on table! Who had stopped him from approaching the political parties and leaders for the so called peace meeting?

  29. Give me a break, bro! No more futile debate on third term. You need to understand it once and for all. The Constitutional Court has decided the matter and settled the dispute. President Edgar Lungu is in his first full term in office, so chill and find something else.

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