Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Five star hostels to be built at Kasaba bay


African Eagle a multi-national company has pledged to set up a modern resort at Kasaba Bay in the Nsumbu National Park of Nsama district at a cost of 50 million United States dollars.

African Eagle Hotels Representative Renatus Mushinge said the Kasaba Bay Resort will comprise two hotels, a 3 star hotel and 5 star hotel which would be constructed by 2023.

“We expect to construct two hotels, a 3 star and 5 star each costing 20 million US dollars and 30 million US dollars respectively,” he explained.

Mr. Mushinge who is also Mukuba Property and Development Company Chairman said the project which is currently undertaking an environmental impact assessment is expected to create over 300 jobs during construction and about 200 direct jobs once operational.

Mr. Mushinge said once complete, the resort would help attract both local and foreign tourists in the area.

He adds that the company is committed to ensuring that it puts up modern infrastructure that will leave a legacy in the history of Zambia’s tourism.

ZANIS reports that Mr. Mushinge disclosed this during the Environmental Impact Assessment Scoping meeting for the proposed Resort on the Western shores of Lake Tanganyika in Nsumbu National Park.

And Northern Province Permanent Secretary Royd Chakaba said there is need to ignite the dream of the 2018 Northern Province Investment Exposition to unlock the potential of the Northern tourism circuit.

Mr.Chakaba noted that the province is endowed with abundant natural resources which have remained unexploited for years.

He however stressed that the abundant natural resources coupled with the enabling environment created by the Zambian government makes the province an attractive destination for investors both local and foreign.

“Northern Province has great opportunities for investment in many areas ranging from agricultural production, agro-processing, hospitality among others,” he said

Mr.Chakaba said the development of Kasaba Bay will not only benefit the Province but Zambia as a whole as it will generate revenue as well as create employment opportunities.

Meanwhile, Senior Chief Nsama has commended government for following up on the investment pledges made during the 2018 Northern Province Investment Exposition.

In 2018, Northern Province held a tourism and Investment Exposition under the theme, “unlocking the tourism and investment potential of Northern Province.”


  1. Easier said than done, good idea but we will believe when we see it happening. And since the investors have very little confidence in our government for now, this project will only materialize after elections, I suppose

  2. Meanwhile PF govt and Brian Mushimba gave Ethiopian Airlines free $30 million for an airline that every sober minded individual said was a non starter!!

  3. We don’t even have a 5 star hotel in this country, why would you put one in Northern province what’s to see, the game park is poorly managed and limited animal numbers, the air strip is not for large aircraft which you would need to fill these two hotels. Where would you get 5 star trained staff and chefs , managers? As LT title states a Hostel will be built not a hotel , so it will be a self catering place for families, fishermen and backpackers.
    i will believe it when its built which i don’t think will happen.

  4. Cosmos – Royal Livingstone Victoria Falls Hotel in Livingstone is 5 stars its not cheap its £200+ per night.

  5. Does anyone remember the Northern Province Expo? $5 billion was pledged to be invested in NP by several dubious chaps. Hello! Are you there?

  6. All this is due to the conducive business environment created by pf.

    I am currently in my office working. I then got a call from my wlfe and panicked thinking what is going on at home. When I answered she said she was just calling me to tell me she loves me. You guys if this is not real love then I don’t know what it is. I will spoil her and take her to this resort when its ready.

  7. They always come with big talks mentioning big money to entice government to give them land and facilitate all paperwork quickly then at the end of the day they end up building a kantemba. First let him bring the $50million into a local bank and put it in escrow before he is even entertained.

  8. Is nothern province the only province that pays taxes ???

    Or is this part of lungus dirty assults on a once united zambia ??

    80 % of GRZ development efforts seems to be going there……

  9. The most classic adage regarding trolling is, “Don’t feed the trolls.” Trolls seek out emotional responses and find provocation amusing, so replying to them or attempting to debate them will only make them troll more. By ignoring a troll completely, they will likely become frustrated and go somewhere else on the internet.

    You should try your best not to take anything trolls say seriously. No matter how poorly they behave, remember these people spend countless unproductive hours trying to make people mad. They’re not worth your time of day.

  10. Don’t complain about any of the ten provinces president Lungu is working hard to develop every province, there are some people who only think about northern province when someone said they will be exploring for oil in northern province someone came very quickly to sue, and speedily wanted to frustrate any thing to do with such a project my question can be why do you think northern province is the enemy of some Zambians like AKaPS.

  11. # 10  nshilimubemba 
    March 20, 2021 At 8:58 pm

    “…..any thing to do with such a project my question can be why do you think northern province is the enemy of some Zambians like AKaPS…”

    Nooooo , me just wondering because every GRZ effort seems to NP………

    that province must be the only one taxes

  12. Tarino Orange- no disrespect but the Royal Livingstone is rated at 4 star internationally and its not based on price but on services , as for price its over 400 pounds but other lodges in Zambia are much more expensive such as Royal Chirundu which is $2,000 night and others in Lower Zambezi and South Luangwa also in the $1,000 mark. The Royal Livingstone Hotel cost a lot more to build than $30 million as well , even the Radisson Blue was more in Lusaka. Building in remote areas pushes the costs up. In the end I think the investors are going to spend 50 million Kwacha (USD$ 2.4 million) to build a basic lodge . All talk no action

  13. In view to promote tourism, and to safe biodiversity, may I suggest that some strong measure have to be taken in view to stop pollution of lake Tanganyika.
    Those program should include all the main citys sharing the shores of the lake.

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