ZANIS reports that Mr Siakaziba says the project being supported by the Citizen’s Economic Empowerment Commission (CEEC) will benefit 40 youth cooperatives involved in aquaculture.
The fish farmers have also received the first batch of 250,000 fingerlings and 583 bags of feed.
Mr Siakaziba said the fingerlings will help boost fish production in the district.
He noted that fish farming has potential to contribute to food security, improve nutrition, job creation and reduce poverty at household and district level.
Mr Siakaziba has praised the Chipepo Youth Cooperative in Chief Chipepo’s area that has continued to record positive strides in fish production.
RIDICULOUS 250,000 fingelings 450+ bags of feed
I GUARANTEE NOT MOE THAN 5% will be sold as this is not easy as putting fish in water
higly specialised !!!
Meanwhile hh has not built even an single toilet in gwembe and yet he stole billions during privatisation.
Campaign tactic that is useless and will do nothing to help resuscitate the last kicks of a dying horse. Magufuli accomplished way more than corrupt Lungu accomplished in 5 years WITHOUT any loans. The only thing Lungu accomplished is stealing and corrupt activities.
Swines licking Lungu’s a$$. Moderating clean comments. Mwanya. You think you are safe? Buckteeth will urinate on you after he steals the election again
kz imitator , ukusabaila kwati walikwata ingulu.
If he indeed stole billions during privatization while he was no even in government, then how much did Nawakwi or Sata steal as they were part of cabinet? What about the former CEO of ZPA , Francis Kaunda and the rest of the management? Elo where is the commission of enquiry on privatization promised by Lungu?
The question still lingers in my mind. Zambians never kmew of HH selling mines untill the day he decided to challenge for Presidency. Is it not ironic?
@ Kaizar Zulu you amaze me! HH to build a toilet for who? If it’s a public toilet then tax payers money has to cover that if the people have requested for a toilet! I come across a lot of talk about HH not having done this or that for the people including a mention of not building a school in his village area. I ask with whose money? Since when did personal wealth become a source for for financing government projects? Even you KZ with a profession in the health sector have you built and furnished a medical laboratory anywhere to assist with expedited processing of samples for ease of physicians to prescribe treatment! HH stealing billions during privatization? Where did those billions come from for policy to privatize was because of failure by government to care for the chicken laying…
contd….. the eggs and defaulting on obligations! Anyway keep singing the theft song but be wary of the youth stepping into the political arena to claim birthright with “new management” flair!
Kaiser lungu hate tongas