Sunday, September 8, 2024

Ntindi Primary receives buildings materials


Nakonde Member of Parliament, Yizukanji Siwanzi has donated building materials for an ablution block at Ntindi Primary School.

Mr Siwanzi has donated cement, sand and bricks valued at K10, 000 for the completion of an ablution block which is currently at window level.

The area MP said he wants to ensure that education infrastructure in the district is developed.

“In my quest to improve the education sector, in our district through Constituency Development Funds (CDF), we have been allocating funds every year to assist various schools in the district in infrastructure development,” he said.

He stated that classroom blocks and a science laboratory have since been constructed at Uzinji Primary School and Ntatumbila Secondary School respectively, to uplift the standard of the institutions.

And Nakonde District Education Board Secretary (DEBS), Hastings Kayira has urged the teachers and pupils at Ntindi Primary School to take care of the donated materials.

”Ntindi Primary School has 1,312 boys and 1,339 girls giving us a total of 2,751 pupils. At the moment boys have seven pit latrines and girls also have seven. According to the ministry, one pit is supposed to carter for 25 learners. So, as you can see these pupils lack toilet facilities,” he noted.

Meanwhile, a senior teacher, Gerald Mukwasa, thanked the MP for the gesture.

Mr Mukwasa also appealed to government to employ more teachers at the school as there was currently a shortfall.

“We are grateful to the area Member of Parliament for the donation, that will greatly benefit the pupils at this school,” said Mr Mukwasa.


  1. “In my quest to improve the education sector, in our district through Constituency Development Funds (CDF), we have been allocating funds every year to assist various schools in the district in infrastructure development,” he said.
    After all these years now they start looking for projects to put money in

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