Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Farmers receive fertilizer- Serenje


Farmers in Serenje district in Central Province have started receiving fertiliser for the 2021/2022 farming season.

Serenje District Commissioner Chunga Musonda confirmed the development to ZANIS in an interview.

Mr Musonda said Serenje district has so far received 28,000 by 50kilogram bags of D’compound fertiliser, out of the 68,478 bags of fertiliser allocated to the district under the Farmer Input Support Programme (FISP).

Mr Musonda said Nyimba Investment, the company engaged, started delivering the fertiliser a few days ago, and is expected to commence distributing top dressing fertiliser to the district soon.

Mr Musonda has commended government for the commencement of the early delivery of farming inputs.

“This is very encouraging. We are grateful to government. This has never happened in the history of Zambia where before farmers harvest, they already have fertiliser for the next season,” he said.

Mr Musonda said people should not criticize the move, but should instead appreciate the early delivery of inputs for the next farming season.

“Critics will always have something to criticize but this time there is absolutely no reason to do so. This is unprecedented and critics should just appreciate,” Mr Musonda said.

He said the early distribution of the inputs means that farmers will be able to start preparing for the next farming season immediately after they are done with harvesting.


  1. Verily, verily, this is a wrong timing. Is it for gardening and dry land loughing?
    Awe elo lwanya the so called amano yapwa mubutungulushi bwesu.

  2. Kaizer Zulu, chicken farmers are who are ordering chicks (broiler, layers, village) are crying over a 30 to 60 day waiting period to collect chicks they have paid for. All because all chicken hatcheries have now prioritized supplying Congo, the dollar makert were we hear they are making upto 4 times what they charge here. Is this how PF agriculture policies are working?

  3. The delivery is actually late.The estimated time of delivery was about two months ago. Or maybe Seer 1 has prophesied a good rainy season for 2021 2022.

  4. The best part of our government system is that they exactly know what the people of this country want.

  5. True, criticizers always have something to criticize. Hence, the government and other Zambians should not pay any attention to them.

  6. President Lungu is taking care of Zambians like our father. That is why he is been called the father of the nation!

  7. Bumper harvest this season…And, through this distribution, we will see the bumper harvest in next season as well… farmers must be extremely happy.

  8. Zambia has exported blueberries during the pandemic time. This shows that the country is capable to do the impossible thing possible.

  9. Seems the leadership fishes its brains and start thinking and performing the way the general public expect them to from day one of them being in office when it’s election year! Everything is done in a hurry and unbudgetted cost is considered irrelevant for at stake is self preservation! This is the cycle that repeats itself government after government and a country with such leadership hopes to develop!

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