Saturday, February 1, 2025

All is set for next weekend’s Patriotic Front (PF) General Conference-Davies Mwila


All is set for next weekend’s Patriotic Front (PF) General Conference to be held at the Mulungushi International Conference Centre.

The General Conference that will be held virtually is expected to elect the party President and members of the Central Committee.

And speaking at a media briefing in Lusaka today, PF Secretary General Hon Davies Mwila announced that the Central Committee of the party has unanimously endorsed President Edgar Chagwa Lungu as its preferred candidate for the position of party President at the forthcoming General Conference.

Hon. Mwila however said that the decision of the Central Committee does not stop anyone from contesting the position of Party President.

He announced that those wishing to contest for the position of party President should submit their application letters to the party Secretary General from Wednesday, 7th April to Thursday, 8th April 2021 from 08 to 17 hrs.

The PF Secretary General further announced that those interested in contesting for the position of Members of the Central Committee should equally submit their application letters to the President through his office from Monday, 5th April to Thursday 8th April, 2021.

“The nomination fees for Presidential candidates is K10,000 and K2,000 for candidates vying for the position of Member of the Central Committee,” he said.

Meanwhile, Hon. Mwila reiterated that the Conference shall be held virtually with strict adherence to the COVID-19 health guidelines as prescribed by the Ministry of Health.
He stated that the Central Committee in accordance with Article 68 and 69 of the party Constitution did approve new Standing Orders and Regulations to facilitate for the holding of the General Conference virtually.

And Hon. Mwila has called upon members of the party and all voters to take the extended voter verification exercise seriously and ensure that they verify their details with the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ).


  1. I have been working day and night in preparation for this important party event. I can also confirm that all is set for this event. It will be a very energetic event. We are proud to be leading by example instead of like the upnd who prejudge outcomes at conventions. We all know that hh has no support within his party after losing over 5 elections. And yet he still magically manages to come out victorious as leader. Tribalism

  2. You should try your best not to take anything trolls say seriously. No matter how poorly they behave, remember these people spend countless unproductive hours trying to make people mad. They’re not worth your time of the day.

  3. That will just be a Panga Family Circus. We learn elsewhere that a Criminal Convict called CK will contest PF’s Presidency. That’s just a put up job. We hear that ECL has been endorsed as PF President and PF Presidential Candidate. They have got assurance from Concourt that ECL’s Eligibility will be sorted out by Concourt when it’s Petitioned?That’s another indicator that the 2021 Elections will not be conducted in terms of the Republican Constitution. Zambia Concourt will breach the Constitution again? That will confirm that Constitutionalism,Rule of Law, Good Governance and Respect for Human Rights are dead in Zambia The signs of a 2021 violent, rigged and disputed Election are all there to see. Both EIU and Sishuwa Sishuwa will be vindicated. The writing is on the wall.

  4. Every one who expressed interest in challenging lungu has either been sacked , banned, expelled or threatened with violence…….

  5. KZ is a Civil Servant and paid a Salary out of Taxpayer’s Money and yet he is boasting that he has been working Day and Night to organise a PF Convention. So many PF Party workers are being paid from Taxpayer’s Money? That’s why this Govt is failing to Service interest on Bond Holders. They are Printing Money recklessly to buy votes while Public Workers and Pensioners have not been paid their Salaries for Months. To re-elect such a Corrupt and Wasteful Govt will be a disaster for Zambia. On August 12 Zambians better vote wisely otherwise they will have given ECL and PF a licence to return to a One Party State Dictatorship under ECL/PF in Zambia. If this happens Zambians will suffer more and beyond imagination.

  6. Watch this PF event and see how taxpayers funds and resources will be abused.I CAN GUARANTEE.

  7. The UK based impostor/ troll with nothing to do this Easter Bank holiday and long weekend plus national lockdown in England must be very bored silly.

  8. Tarino are you talking about yourself ? The only person with a fake name and fake profile picture , who is based in England is you. Are you listening to man in the mirror by Michael Jackson.

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