Thursday, March 13, 2025

Kambwili says he wants to work with President Lungu to Improve the welfare of Zambians


National Democratic Congress (NDC) leader Chishimba Kambwili, who is still embroiled in a factional fight with his former Vice President Joseph Akafumba, has said that he wants to work with President Edgar Lungu in uplifting the welfare of the Zambian people.

Speaking to ZNBC in an interview during the week, Mr Kambwili said that he has taken his forgiveness from the Head of State with much appreciation, adding that this is not the time to fight one another but find solutions to challenges affecting the people.

Mr. Kambwili said that he and President Lungu come a long way and that it is just right for the two to continue sharing brotherly love and that he is grateful to President Lungu for forgiving him.

Mr Kambwili is still in a fight with Vice President Joseph Akafumba on who controls NDC with both factions claiming to field candidates in parallel structures for the upcoming 12 August elections

NDC President Chishimba Kambwili at an event attended by PF Secretary General Davies Mwila and his Deputy Mumbi Phiri and Lusaka Province Chairperson Kennedy Kamba
NDC President Chishimba Kambwili at an event attended by PF Secretary General Davies Mwila and his Deputy Mumbi Phiri and Lusaka Province Chairperson Kennedy Kamba


  1. Kaizer Zulu, chicken farmers who are ordering chicks (broiler, layers, village) are crying over a 30 to 60 day waiting period before they can collect chicks they paid for all because all hatcheries have now prioritized Congo dollar market were we hear they are making upto 4 times than here. So tell us, is this how PF agriculture policies are being implemented, proudly?

  2. This Criminal Convict has no choice but to go back to PF with his tail between his two legs. Its cold and cruel out there. CK welcome to “Uubomba Mwibala Alya Mwibala” where there is plenty of Money and u will be “living well ” forever. CK has shown his true colours. He has no Principles and Intergrity. Its just as well HH realised he was dealing with an untrustworthy CK.

  3. @twende I have responded to your question and unsubstantiated claims on another article. As such I will not respond to you here.

    The whole point of politics is to serve people. Mr kambwili has realised his errors in the past. Sometimes we have to experience things to learn. He thought he could work with hh even when we warned him that no one can work with that evil arrogant selfish devil hh. Kambwili experienced the wrath of tribal hh, just like gbm, and now he is back. We welcome you prodigal son

  4. These are our leaders? Hahahaha….koma ungaseke mwe. Zambian politics have been contaminated. Time to drain the swamp. Kambwili is weak, a hypertensive opportunist with no boollssss!!!! Who doesn’t know that PF is a mistake that Zambians wish they did not make? Hahahahaha…I will unsit PF if HH doesn’t. Bunch of mistakes.

  5. CK is the worst politician Zambia has ever known. He insulted ECL left right and centre. He insulted all the Tongas saying they can not even vote for Jesus even if he were to stand against HH. This man is enough headache for all to see. It just shows the type of politicians PF will still embrace – we are under siege bane. Whats the way out of this – votes are already rigged!!!!

  6. I called Chishimba Kambwili a BUFFOON when he was in opposition pre 2011 with old man Sata, called him a BUFFOON…. when he was Minister of Foreign Affairs called him a BUFFOON when he was Minister of Information & Govt Spokesman, called a BUFFOON when he was in opposition and formed his party and I am still calling him a BUFFOON.
    Only a demented fooool who does not stand for anything can start showering with praises because he has suddenly decided to come back when he livelihood has been threatened as these people can not survive without GRZ contracts which have made them become too greedy. Much of BUFFOON CK’s problems in courts have been because of his mouth and his greed.

  7. CK’s decision to side with the PF government only says something about his total lack of compassion with ordinary Zambians, and that he is completely out of touch with the population at large. And it also says something about Lungu: I wouldn’t want to be seen dead with last year’s not so clever politician!

  8. Kambwili , to quote you , ” insoni ebuntu” aren’t you the one who put his head on the parapet? Now you want to steal as well?

  9. This is how rotten one Lazy Lungu has turned Zambia into ….where one has to go to kiss Lungu’s boots for all the court cases to disappear and contracts to come back…I remember back in KK’s era there was not this much control of the Judiciary, politicians danced the tune in court.

  10. Now that little rat boy Tayali will be in an awkward position, the person you were paid to eliminate has suddenly decided to join your bosses….he just needs time on his hands to fatten up and then turn his guns on you and your innocent Ethiopian teenage wi fe and feed you to the wolves whether PF wins or loses.

  11. The same person you accused of driving the economy down is now the one to save it??? Where is the integrity to stand by what you believe to be true?

  12. The Catholic Church has completely refused to accept the bribery money the PF is dishing out to churches in order to win votes in the forthcoming general elections.

  13. Don’t clap for idi ots who call Lungu a thief, Kambwili is just a fat glutton – Moonga [Diggers by Mirriam Chabala, 29th July 2019]
    The stupidity of Zambians is that they like clapping for *****s like Chishimba Kambwili when he calls … Lungu a thief, says Patriotic Front acting chairperson for Lusaka Province Paul Moonga.
    And Moonga has charged that Kambwili,…is just a fat glutton with an extremely low caliber of intelligence.
    Commenting on Kambwili’s announcement last week that he would parade President Edgar Lungu for everyone to see him after arresting him for theft when NDC forms government, Moonga laughed at Kambwili’s “illusion,” while calling him a “fat glutton.

  14. Kambwili’s political career nose-dived the moment he chose to dine with Under 5. Nobody has done that and has remained the same. Dining with the devil is a perilous act.

  15. CK has the right to join or work in alliance with any one he wants……

    that is his democratic right……

    The most glaring bitter pill in this episode has exposed for all to see how corrupted by lungu , zambias judicial system has become,………those fake court cases against him are now dropped

    90 % of all cases are politically motivated by lungu to fix critics , they are all fake cases by lungu…..

    So when you see a case against HH or any other opposition, just know it is a fake case meant to silence them….

  16. CK has the right to join or work in alliance with any one he wants……

    that is his democratic right……

    The most glaring bitter pill in this episode has exposed for all to see how corr.upted by lungu , zambias judicial system has become,………those bogus court cases against him are now dropped

    90 % of all cases are politically motivated by lungu to fix critics , they are all fake cases by lungu…..

    So when you see a case against HH or any other opposition, just know it is a bogus case meant to silence them….

  17. CK has the right to join or work in alliance with any one he wants……

    that is his democratic right……

    The most glaring bitter pill in this episode has exposed for all to see how corr.upted by lungu , zambias judicial system has become,………those bogus court cases against him are now dropped

    90 % of all cases are politically motivated by lungu to fix critics , they are all fake cases by lungu…..

    So when you see a case against HH or any other opposition, just know it is a bogus case meant to silence them….

  18. Mwiponta mukabwela, te papa! The pathetic politicians never get the advice the electorates offer them. We always urge these people never to get personal but simply stick to facts and issues that affect the nation. It is very important to have debates, agree or disagree it is all well but never get personal to the extent of showering others with insults etc. Minimise the rhetoric because politics has no permanent enemies. I wonder how much the PF can trust Kambwili.

  19. Ba Kambwili is not a principled man. The Bible says “out of the heart comes abundant of things”. Some of Zambian politicians cannot be trusted for the love of money. Gone back to its vomit. Flip Flop politicians, politicians of food. How can someone who called the president corrupt, go and work with the one he accused of being corrupt? Hunger.

  20. This shows how messed up the judicial system is under lungu…….and the man is supposed to be a lawyer.

    All those cases against ck will be shelved.

    Every case against any opposition is all bogus meant to silence them…..

  21. CK is untrustworthy. The wife and daughter wired and humilliated by PF and he gets back to them. Thuggery and nonsensical. PF should use him and drop him again.

  22. What happened to the 2 year sentence hanging over the neck of this convicted criminal? We all know that Chishima Kambwili was convicted and sentenced. The only thing keeping him out of jail is his appeal. Jam Ian is a convicted criminal!

  23. Mr Spineless man has managed to avoid jail with this move.Before casting your vote , Vote wisely bane, 5 years is a long way ahead.

  24. CK is a politician.. why do you want him to be associated with people who have lost elections 5 times.
    Leave Imbwili alone…Let him decide what is good for him not you

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