Saturday, March 29, 2025

UPND Launches party Manifesto for 2021-2026, promise more jobs and lower fuel price


The United Party for National Development (UPND) has today launched the party manifesto for 2021 to 20 26.

Speaking at the launch of the manifesto, UPND President Hakainde Hichilema said that Zambia is in a crisis caused by the failure of leadership by the ruling Patriotic Front (PF).

The UPND Leader promised to Create jobs for our young people; Lower prices of fuel; Lower food prices for all Zambians; Empower our small businesses to succeed and grow; build a health system that serves all the people of Zambia; build an education system that is robust and prepares our young people to be the leaders and job creators of tomorrow; change a government that steals from the people, to a government that works FOR the people and bring REAL change. Meaningful change.

Below is the full Speech

Today the 9th of April, 2021 marks an important day in the life of our country. Everyone agrees that Zambia needs change. Not just change for the sake of change but change that is actually going to make a difference.

2021 presents Zambians a chance to experience real change for the better. We have done it before and we will do it again.

If anyone doubts whether Zambia needs change; just look around you. Unemployment. Poverty. Rising Prices. Hunger. Falling education standards. Hospitals and clinics without medicine and many more problems.

Zambia is in a crisis caused by failure of leadership by the PF. The lack of political will on many fronts shows us that the nation needs a change of leadership this year. A government that is preoccupied with winning elections as opposed to providing answers to the many challenges that the country is facing needs to be CHANGED.

Patients are going to hospitals which have no medical staff and most importantly no medicine. Children are not going to school because parents cannot afford to pay school fees. Parents are struggling with putting food on the table. This needs to CHANGE for the better.

We cannot imagine how Zambia will look like in another five years with the same party in office. This country will no longer be recognisable. It therefore should not be lost on anyone that the decision we make on 12th August 2021, will either make this country worse than it is, or give it a new lease of life towards prosperity and peace.

In a nation like ours that is fertile and plentiful, nobody should be poor. All that needs to be done to change this country for the better, is included in this document we are launching today, the UPND Manifesto 2021-26. The highlights in this transformation plan include the following:-

Create jobs for our young people; Lower prices of fuel; Lower food prices for all Zambians; Empower our small businesses to succeed and grow; build a health system that serves all the people of Zambia; build an education system that is robust and prepares our young people to be the leaders and job creators of tomorrow; change a government that steals from the people, to a government that works FOR the people and bring REAL change. Meaningful change.

The Manifesto explains how we will address the areas we have listed above. At the top of the list, is job creation. The country has capable and qualified young people, but there are no jobs. Our small businesses which will also create employment, need financing, business support and market linkages, so that they not only survive but thrive for sustainable job creation.

We intend to support private sector so that it’s easy for them to do business. This will happen through policy consistency and law reforms that will support private sector to thrive and create jobs. We are also going to invest heavily into the agriculture sector. This will be done by increasing production and productivity as well as connect producers to profitable markets. Agribusiness which is value addition will also be supported in agriculture for purposes of creating jobs. We will not rest until food is affordable and every Zambian has three meals or more a day.

Education has and remains a top priority for us. We shall not rest until every child who needs to be in school is in the classroom, learning. Many of us, including myself, are products of an education system that served both the rich and the poor. We are also making an undertaking in this Manifesto to reform the education system to a two-track system that is vocational and academic.

Under this system there will be no failures as seen today. This is the same education system we would like to create, until that happens, we are not resting. Until there is medicine in hospitals we will not rest. Our Government will work ceaselessly until the hospitals have healthcare personnel and ensure that a functional healthcare system is created for all Zambians.

Lastly, we will fight corruption with everything at our disposal. Corruption is stealing from the public. People pay taxes, fees and fines, but they end up in pockets of individuals. Currently there is no medicine in hospitals because of corruption. People were supplied with faulty condoms and expired drugs because of corruption. New roads only last for one year instead of the recommended ten years, because of corruption. We cannot move forward as a nation without rooting out this cancer that is fast consuming our nation.

These are not just promises but a personal commitment and social contract we are signing with the people of Zambia. This is a strategic document backed by a solid plan of actions and reforms, such that from the day we set foot in office, the people of Zambia will feel the difference.

This election is not about the candidates contesting elections, these elections are about the people. God bless you and may He bless our Country.

Hakainde Hichilema


  1. But why is the face of HH on that manifesto. I hope you have not plagiarized Zambia must prosper

  2. Another blow. I can be on everything the manifest HH photo. HH’s party and he is the one who should be deciding what he will do and not a collective ideas. What a shame

    “…promise more jobs and lower fuel price.”

  4. As always HH and UPND Alliance are sincere, imaginative and visionary. If Zambians fail to buy into this UPND Manifesto for 2021 then they will regret the suffering that they will endure should ECL illegally and unconstitutionally retain Power. Zambians should fight for a change of Govt in 2021 otherwise ECL and PF will ruin the Economy and People’s lives further. Another 5 years of Corruption, mismanagement, misrule etc will collapse the Zambian Economy and People will suffer with ECL at the Helm. The writing is on the wall.

  5. This party has operated without a manifesto for 20 years. Also is it HH manifesto or UPND manifesto looking at the cover. This kid HH is so self centered and does know that the cover of the book speaks volumes.



  8. For those that are as enlightened as me, cult of personality springs to mind when I see this. A dictatorial tendency which shows here that everything is about hh. Hh is upnd and upnd is hh. A manifesto promising mana on earth without telling you how it will be achieved. Poor opposition in Zambia. Pf will rule until 2090


  10. Wasted my time reading crap, didn’t know these kaponyas had no manifesto this long,am sure Muliokela had an input, I hear they are having a collabo.

  11. Is this what UPND is calling a Manifesto. this looks like an essay by a grade 12 dropout. This essay does not show how all these will be done. What a shame

  12. Haters as usual, how was HH sole candidate bla bla but their own strategically blocked all contestants to be christened sole candidate. The manifesto is a milestone. Good job!

  13. I have said it before hh is stupid, How is he going to create employment for the youth when he sold parastatal companies together his friends. And that manifesto is fake…How do you have a manifesto the last for 5years..From the time under5 was formed it has never had a manifesto why now!

  14. Party Manifesto and self-portrayal? While a lot of people may be comforted by promises and the whole package, others like me are more interested in what’s inside : what are the economic management plans? Zambia is a resource driven economy largely dependant on mining, so you can’t create jobs or reduce prices of commodities without efficiently running the mines. Everything hinges on proper mining laws that will benefit the country first.

  15. Sorry but for an educated economist as he portrays himself, this is a bit shallow. Anyone can say that. It lacks substance. How are you going to archive all that? HH must let go if he comes out 2nd or 3rd best in these elections. I really I’m beginning to feel sorry for the man.

  16. At least HH and UPND have a Plan or a Manifesto. Apart from stealing a Third Term and 2021 Elections what is PF’s Plan for next 5 years? All they do is Chipante pante. Burning Markets, Gassing, senseless empowerment deals,print money like confetti, dishing out money to buy votes etc. What is PF’s Manifesto? Now ECL is operating like a Dictator. He is handpicking CCMs and inturn being nominated by unelected officials. Why kind of Democracy is this? Another illegal and unconstitutional Third Term for ECL and PF means a disaster. People will suffer with Visionless ECL at the Helm. Zambians need to vote wisely and send ECL and PF “ku wire ” on August 12,2021.

  17. Do you think it will kill HH if he loses the election and goes back to business? He will just roll up his sleeves and continue making money while you continue crying of high prices and economic meltdown. Perhaps he might even withdraw from social media and won’t read or year you insults

  18. I give up. HH litole fye. for the past 10 years I have been looking for reason to vote for him. Does his manifesto even address tribalism?

  19. @SkyLab, it will kill HH if he loses elections because Agro American and the other gay friends HH has been getting money from to fund his campaigns will want their money back. This is why even after losing five times he still wants to stand because he has obligations to meet. What business has HH done apart from privatization and stealing pensioners?

  20. This is a stolen manifesto. The Patriotic Front has had their policy statement stolen by UPND. I remember also how Hakainde Hichilema failed to explain how he will provide free education. From the onset, it is a failed project.

  21. #15  Kaizar Zulu
     April 9, 2021 At 8:51 pm

    “I have requested a copy of these useless manifesto so that I can wipe my backside with it…”

    I got that toilet paper with lungus face on it……….
    the one PF printed and thought was a good campaign strategy ……..


  22. Time to try HH. He is going to manage the affairs of the nation very good like SATA (MHSRIP). People at first hated him, but he came to work wonders. Like what HH will do after August 12.

  23. Same mistake over and over; it’s not what needs to be done; it’s how it’s going to be done. Inflation of 22%, how is it going to reduce to single digit? Unemployment is 70% how is going to reduce? How about the 18-25 billion dollar debt etc.

  24. Let us learn to look at anything critically than just to criticize because you are in opposition. I like the position of an observer and then you will be laughing always. I remember when HH stood unopposed, friends from PF said HH is a dictator. Today batata ba Lungu is also unopposed what are those from PF who said HH was a dictator saying. Can we apply the same word that Ba Lungu is a dictator for standing unopposed, while in the PF we had KBF who was willing to challenge ba LUNGU as compared to HH. Then who is a dictator between Ba Lungu or Ba HH?
    Today UPND has come up with a manifesto which should be a road map, already the friends in PF are saying it is a trash. Are you telling me that there is no sense in whatever has been given out, all is garbage? Can this not make…

  25. A lot of lazy good for nothing critics here. For your information, UPND had a manifesto even in 2016. Read the whole manifesto and then state your reservations and reasons point by point. Don’t just attack because of the dislike for the person. The ‘cancer’ of the failure to read and react from an informed premise, is astonishing – though not surprising from most of PF cadres who are have consistently refused to be educated. The above is only a snippet of the manifesto.
    This is about getting most people out of the economic quagmire that the PF has dropped them into. The PF on the other hand, through it’s corrupt leadership is desperate to maintain the status quo that has enriched them and their cohort.


  27. Any sign post or a symbol on a road or anywhere, it represent what is found ahead of that road. So if you want to travel safely on your journey, you need to take keen interest in reading the the road signs. Therefore, for our safe journey from 2021 – 2026, we need to obey the rules. The UPND manifesto is good because it points out to many things that the Zambian people want. You can’t expect the manifesto to have everything no, the road map has already been set. How it’s going to be done, it’s them who knows. We usually see the constructors, when they are building something they just put how it will look after it’s done. How they are going to do it it’s not the business of the public, it’s them who knows. So UPND is okay with the manifesto, we have already been told what they’re…

  28. @Ceejeyy we are not going to try ba under5, it’s not like clothes or pants No..Mind you those under5 do not have understanding of how government system functions therefore abuse is inevitable, And please don’t mistake greedy for a good manager for your inform hh doesn’t help people are you aware that he almost beat up a fuel attendant over his K10 change. Leadership matters we don’t experiment.

  29. PF have publicly boasted that they are in Power to eat,loot and self enrich and they don’t care about the plight of the masses. An ECL and PF Govt is a Govt by the Corrupt and for the Corrupt PF Elites and Cardres. People are Angry and Hungry for a Change of Govt. On August 12 Zambians should vote massively for Change. If we want to regain our liberty,our lives,our Economy etc we must put ECL and his PF fellow looters “ku wire”. Failure to do so will be a disaster for Zambians.

  30. Well done HH and UPND for producing an excellent Manifesto for the period 2021 to 2026. We want to compare Apple’s with Apples so any serious Political Party which wants to participate in the 2021 Elections should produce a Manifesto. PF’s Manifesto is already known thru their Corrupt Empowerment Programmes and their moto: “Uubomba Mwibala Alya Mwibala”. All those who want to loot and self enrich are at home in PF. This year is a Year of Change of Govt. Zambians must vote out this Corrupt ECL and PF Govt. We must put ECL and his Panga Family “ku wire” on August 12 otherwise our Economy and our lives will be ruined forever. The writing is on the wall.

  31. PF should produce their own Manifesto which we want to compare with that of UPND. PF bloggers like loud mouth KZ should not criticise for the sake of criticising. PF Corrupt Empowerment deals and PF Moto:”Uubomba Mwibala Alya Mwibala ” cannot be considered to be PF Manifesto. Let ECL launch a PF Manifesto b4 the August 12 Elections so that we can compare it to that of UPND. We want to compare Apple’s with Apples. ECL should detail PF’s Offering to the People of Zambia. Printing Money like confetti and dishing it out to buy votes will not improve the Welfare of Zambians.

  32. He should answer one thing that why one by one all his party members are leaving? If he is so capable then why not even for once people choose him the leader of this country, since 2006?

  33. HH is a blind person who just refuses to see all the development in Zambia. The maximum Zambians are unbothered as we are not dull like his supporters.

  34. #Bally is the creator of a fake news chain in the country. He holds a media team whose job is to target PF with lies. Not a single chance they miss to defame PF. #Shame

  35. During the time of the Covid-19 pandemic and flood, it was a golden chance for him to rise as a true leader by helping poor and needy people because they needed help the most. But what he did? Nothing…in fact, he had roamed around with his party cadres without wearing the mask and clicked pictures.

  36. Zambia has witnessed many leaders in the past who showed the lists of promises for the bet-terment of the country but did nothing. Only President Lungu initiated true development in the country, he initiated several schemes for the people to uplift their lives and he is continuously doing it.

  37. Now, when we are so close to the election date, he launched his manifesto? Sorry, we wanted a leader who is capable enough to take instant decisions like President Lungu. ECL Be-yond 2021!

  38. Even without reading the whole crap of Hichilema, I can confidently say that it is the full copy of President Lungu’s development plan!

  39. Just wondering how UPND would be able to create jobs, bring the fuel prices down? Do the UPND have oil wells in Southern province. Any way atleast now they have a manifesto.

  40. We cannot forget that he is a fraud and cheater. No former members of UPND spoke good things about him, ever! Then who could Zambians trust him?

  41. President Lungu has earned our trust and respect by working hard. All the development fa-cilities like better roads, hospitals, schools, job opportunities, etc. could be opposable because of the President. We won’t give all these in the hands of HH!

  42. He should answer one thing that why one by one all his party members are leaving? If he is so capable then why not even for once people choose him the leader of this country, since 2006?

  43. HH is a blind person who just refuses to see all the development in Zambia. The maximum Zambians are unbothered as we are not dull like his supporters.

  44. HH is a blind person who just refuses to see all the development in Zambia. The maximum Zambians are unbothered as we are not dull like his supporters.

  45. President Lungu has earned our trust and respect by working hard. All the development fa-cilities like better roads, hospitals, schools, job opportunities, etc. could be opposable because of the President. We won’t give all these in the hands of HH!

  46. Real Zambians are tired of these Tandem of Looters who have ruined the Zambian economy!Only those who are enjoying looted money will vote for the current party in power.Uno mwaka fwe ma Zambians abapitile mumafya ayengi Tatulefwaya intungulushi ishatuchusha iyo, twachula Pafula
    When MMD was ruling we didnt witness such type of economy which has caused people to suffer. PF found the rate of the Dollar to Kwacha trading at K5. Nowadays it’s trading K22.Reserves, were about 3billion dollar plus but today they have borrowed debt of 17billion dollars. Prices of essential commodities are going up nearly everyday because of NO measures are put in place to reduce inflation dispite Copper selling at record 9000 Dollars per ton. Hospitals had expired drugs only Panadol is being adminstered…

  47. I cant believe this, these PF dunderheads are now focused on the picture instead of content. Again, I am not UPND but a political observer. 2 years ago, I clearly mentioned here that UPND & HH need to work hard and respond to all the arguments that were on the table, which were tarnishing HH & UPND`s name. And the questions I mentioned were that of privatization, the question of convention and the question for a manifesto. It appears UPND & HH, realized that and have gone full force to address them. 1) Privatization, Ba PF they are now quite, the ball is in ECL`s court and he has not acted…where is the commission of inquiry? 2) Convention – UPND being the first set an example copied by PF 3) PF dunderheads, have been crying for a manifesto, here you have it now. Now they are concerned…

  48. 3) PF dunderheads, have been crying for a manifesto, here you have it now. Now they are concerned with the picture, WHAT? So they are able to see a dictator in HH and able to see one in ECL? The only weakness is the defection of Katumba & that MP, that shouldnt have happened.

  49. 18TH OCTOBER 2020 was the last National Day of Prayer and so called fasting, Almighty God creator of Heaven and Earth had allowed PF to use in order to mock him!!

    Come 12 the August 2021, The Almighty God is installing his own in State House!! Mark my words!!!

  50. 18TH OCTOBER 2020 was the last National Day of Prayer, and so called fasting, The Almighty God creator of Heaven and Earth had allowed PF to use in order to mock him!!

    Come 12 the August 2021, The Almighty God is installing his own in State House. Hakainde Hichilema will be sworn in as Seventh Republican President of this great Nation called ZAMBIA. Mark my words!!!!

  51. It is so sad that some people who call themselves educated cannot distinguish between a manifesto and an implementation plan. My foot. A manifesto is high level document backed by a solid implementation plan. What we must ask is whether there is a solid plan. I tend to give people a benefit of doubt. We must try another leader to take Zambia forward. This business of struggling with basic necessities in the 21st century is but embarrassing. People will cast the lot but the LORD decides. So Aug, 2021, we will have a leader by God, bad (to punish us) or good (to reward us). Vote wisely!

  52. Incredible the number of spelling and grammar mistakes in the manifesto. That doesn’t really tell me UPND is ready for government

  53. I call UPND 2021 – 2026 Manifesto as a Fiction and a joke in Zambian Politics. PF for sure will rule up to 2099. Zambia needs PF or else better we pray for the Kingdom of Jehovah our God to come and rule us not UPND. “Dr ECL alebwelelapo!

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