Monday, January 13, 2025

President Lungu’s Full Speech at the Closing of the PF Convention


Good morning.

I extend warm greetings to you all. Greetings to our international friends who have been with us through out the conference. We are humbled by your presence and support. Yesterday, we held leadership elections and upheld our commitment to intra-party democracy and rule of law.

This is a living commitment we set for ourselves 20 years ago, when the Patriotic Front was founded.

As a party, we have remained true to our commitment of ensuring that members at all levels of the party structures are free to participate in this very important process. This is what democracy entails and we are resolved to abide by its doctrine in order to enhence good goverance in the party and the republic.

Once again, let me wholeheartedly accept the unwavering trust and confidence members of the national council as well as general conference demonstrated yesterday by uninamously electing and approving me as party president as well as the PF presidential candidate for the general and presidential elections to be held on 12th August, 2021. I am thankful to you all for the support, I will not let you down as your party leader. Come August, 2021, the PF boat will politically float and sail through to the promised land. Trust me, I will be here with you in victory and triumph.

Distinguished guests, delegates and members,

Let me specifically address our good and dedicated members of the party who applied and did not make it on the final list of the 54 members of the Central Committee yesterday. In the PF, we must all know that there are no winners or losers when it comes to party leadership appointments and elections. It is important for everyone in the party to accept and defend the results for yesterday in the name of tue party democracy, patrioticism and loyalty.

Following our general conference, we must now demonstrate our true patriotism and commitment for what we stand for and believe in the Patriotic Front. With or without a position in the party, we must all prove our allegiance and loyalty to the party by demonstarting our pride, love, devotion, and sense of attachment to the Patriotic Front. As long as you seek belonging to and working diligently for the party, recognition and promotion awaits you at the opportune time.

The bible in proverbs 3:34, says, “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble”. In the next five (5) years, I personally pray to lead a party with members who are humble, loyal, united, respectful and dedicated to loving and defending Zambia. By now, must be aware that, in the PF, we are all equal members of the party-men or women, young or old, founder members or new comers and christian or muslims. We are one noble political family. Therefore, I want to appeal to all well-meaning members of our party to promote and defend party unity and oneness going forward.

Distinguished guests, delegates and members,

Let me commend the former secretary general of our party, Hon. Davies Mwila and his hard-working team for successfully organizing all the 10 provincial elective conferences for the party. I further applaud our former secretary general and his able team for efficiently organizing this conference under “the new normal”.

It is indeed gratifying that we, as the ruling party were able to hold our general conference virtually in line with COVID-19 regulations, certifications and guidelines as set by the ministry of health. Through the manner we held our national council and general conference yesterday, we have proven that COVID-19 has drastically changed human conduct and political socialiation.

Distinguished guests, delegates and members,

I also acknowledge and pay glowing tribute to both the first generation and current members of our great party for their role in mobilising, organising and growing the party at all levels. It is for this reason that our party is growing in popularity by the day. Going into August elections, let us all double our efforts in mobilizing for voters countrywide.

Each day, we continue to witness new members joining us across all regions of the country, including in the so-called opposition strongholds. More and more Zambian people are believing in us, what we stand for and what we mean for our citizens. This is very encouraging.

As president of the Patriotic Front, I wish to thank and congratulate the leadership and the entire membership of the mobilization committee and secretariate for working tirelessly to grow our party. The results of your efforts are unparalleled and are there for all of us to see. Continue with your good work. A warm welcome to all those that have made the wise decision to join our party so far. You have made the right choice. You mean a lot to us and the people of Zambia. We look forward to working with you on our sure path to victory this year.

I urge all those who are yet to join us to do so now without further hesitation. It will be the greatest decision you will have made. A decision you will cherish for the rest of your lives. A decision which will put you on the right path to contribute, in concrete terms, towards the development of your country, our country. Do not be a bystander or an armchair critic forever. There is enough room for you in all structures and levels of our party in every part and region of our great country. Join the moving and growing vehicle, join the Patriotic Front.

Distinguished guests, delegates and members,

As a pro-poor party, we shall continue to demonstrate our resolve in the fight against poverty and vulnerability among the marginalised sections of our society. We shall continue to scale up the implementation of the social cash transfer, the food security pack, the emergency cash transfer scheme and supporting women’s livelihoods.

Today, we can boast of approximately 4.2 million poor and vulnerable people, across the country, benefiting from these social protection programmes. This is a clear indication that your Patriotic Front government is living up to its commitment of not leaving anyone behind.

The Patriotic Front administration will continue implementing these social protection programmes. We will pay particular attention to broadening coverage and scope of the programmes so as to contribute to the well-being of all vulnerable Zambians in need of welfare and livelihood support.

Distinguished guests, delegates and members,

We shall ensure domestic workers, drivers, shop-keepers and general workers enjoy improved salaries and conditions of service following the amendment of the minimum wages and conditions of employment act.

Distinguished guest, delegates and members,

The Patriotic Front government is a strong believer in gender equality. We shall ensure that women equally contribute to our success story, by being round the table of key decision-making processes. For this reason, I will continue to appoint women in positions of authority and influence.

We shall conversely continue to empower the girl-child and women with appropriate skills-training, equipment and empowerment opportunities across the country.

Distinguished guests, delegates and members,

Over the years, the Patriotic Front government has implemented various youth empowerment programmes and projects. I assure the young entrepreneurs in this country of continued support as my government has demonstrated that we believe in inclusive governance and empowerment.

Distinguished guests, delegates and members,

Don’t forget that the bigger picture is to serve our people – the Zambian people. The Zambian people are still in love with us and we love them back. We have come a long way together and we must not depart from our values, what we are. We are a pro-poor party.

On Thursday, 12th August, 2021 the Zambian people will have a choice to make. To choose between a party that is truly theirs to lead them, or, choose a section of people that represents interests of their sponsors and a sectarian movement.

For a long time, we have seen this during elections that certain foreign interests gather around, root for, and finance our friends to win elections. They have never won because Zambians are wiser and cannot be cheated or fooled.

Contrast this with the support of our own people, rooted in the belief that we cannot let them down. They support us, and vote for us and we have been winning elections. This is why I make this promise to the Zambian people, that come election day, go out in numbers to vote for us so that we continue working to improve your welfare. You are the reason I spend sleepless nights for so that we, together, find common solutions to our problems.

And remember, I am saying, together we find solutions to our problems. Our opponent, do not believe in that principle. They believe they have all solutions to your problems. Contrast with our party, the Patriotic Front, we don’t believe that we are the most knowledgeable Zambians. Our biggest weapon are the people of Zambia who we humbly serve, and they give us loyalty and support. In fact, the only ubiquitous being we know of in the party is the almighty God.

On Thursday, 12th August, 2021, the Zambian people will have to choose between tested leadership and very untested leadership. And by tested leadership I mean, a man who has served in both private and government sectors at the highest level. I have served in conglomerates such as ZCCM where leadership was integrated to all the echelons of the corporation;

I have worked in Barclays Bank where management and corporate governance is of the highest standard; and I have worked in government, where proceedure is unshakable.

And in government, I served as Member of Parliament for Chawama constituency; then Deputy Minister in the office of the Vice President; the Minister of Home Affairs; then Minister of Justice; then Minister of Defence, and then President.

Ladies and gentlemen, members of the Patriotic Front,

That is a hell lot of experience!

But you know what? Where I come from, we are taught never to boast. So we don’t talk too much. But you will hear them come to you and tell you they are economists, lawyers, doctors or they are businessmen, what can you tell them? They know it all. They tell us, they are rich, and the rest who work hard to succeed, they brand them thieves.

They brand us tribalists when we appoint names they don’t identify with or don’t like. It reminds me of my growing up on the Copperbelt, where we didn’t know tribe. Where we lived in real communities and learnt to share if you have. These are values you can never do away with regardless of your status in life. These are values I want embraced in our communities. These are values I will live with for the rest of my life.

Yesterday, our general conference successfully approved my “One Zambia, One Nation” list of members of the party central committee. From the list, everyone is a witness that all our provinces, regions, ethnicity and gender were carefully selected and well balanced without leaving anyone behind. In PF, there are no big or small regions or tribes; we are one political family under “One Zambia, One Nation”. In the Patriotic Front, we don’t just talk against tribalism like others, we act against it with all our mighty, soul and deeds.

Distinguished guests, delegates and members,

With the experience we have gained in delivering a better life to Zambians, it is only right that we continue to lead this nation to sustained prosperity. As a party in government, we have demonstrated unwavering commitment to our vision of building a prosperous, united, democratic and inclusive Zambia for all.

We have demonstrated, over the last ten years, that we are equal to the task of national development as well as national building.

Our experience has equipped us with skills and wisdom to take this country to greater heights. We will build on the momentum that we have achieved so far. This is not the time to experiment with leadership. I call upon all those whose interest is to serve the people of Zambia to come and join us.

Distinguished guests, delegates and members,

The Patriotic Front remains an allinclusive party, without any due regard to one’s tribe, creed or colour. While our membership is diverse, we have remained united, even when there have been attempts to divide us. We will surely remain unified as ours is a song of unity, as exemplified by the One Zambia, One Nation motto.

We are open to old and new members. We are always ready to unconditionally welcome back those that may have strayed. We, in the Patriotic Front, have also embraced new members from other political parties who believe in our principles and values. In PF, all and everyone is welcome.

I am confident that our party will remain in power after the August, 2021 elections. The people of Zambia have faith in our party. Equally, the traditional leadership, the church and civil society have shown willingness to continue working with us in an effort to develop this country. We will continue to listen to their wisdom and counsel as well as the people’s concerns to better deliver on our fresh mandate.

Distinguished guests, delegates and members,

Let us celebrate our party and its achievements. Let us not get discouraged but rather be motivated by our critics. Let us soldier on in our development agenda. Together, we will surely transform the lives of our people. So far, so good. We are determined to do even better.

The new leadership from this conference will have the noble task of uniting and mobilising the party towards the August 2021 elections. There is no time to waste. We expect to work with all members of the party. The credibility of yesterday’s election will be marked by how we conduct ourselves after this conference. Let us emerge stronger than ever before as a united family, the Patriotic Front.

Distinguished guests, delegates and members,

We must all go flat out and mobilise more members and voters as there are no winners or losers in PF. Let us aim and work harder for a landslide victory for ourselves as a party. We have the support of the Zambian people. Let us, with warm hearts, welcome back old members that left the party for various reasons. Let us embrace those joining us from other political parties. The future of the Patriotic Front party is in our hands; and the future of the Patriotic Front is politically brighter.

I now declare the Patriotic Front elective general conference officially closed and wish all those travelling, journey mercies and grace from above.

I thank you all and God bless you.


  1. “Pro poor party” and then …”lead this nation to sustained prosperity”. I have serious doubts on Lungu’s and PF’s actions on that coz their record says otherwise.


  3. Shameful general conference wasting time and then you hand pick mcc members.

    These guys must be taken to court for not following party constitution.

    PF must go!

  4. I spent sleepless nights with our communications team working on this speech. Eagle 1 delivered and it was a success. Thank you to all party structures for your contribution. I salute you all. We now move into election mode to show these triablists the door. Amen.

  5. @ KZ. Now go and give the convict a blow job. Get use to it as you will be rendering this service day is day out once incarcerated.

  6. Black Scouser your language says alot about you and that tribal party you support. You lack morals and are full of shlt in your head. You will die a very lonely and sad man there abroad where you are seen as monkeys. I know it hurts to be in opposition but please try and control your emotions you hopeless f00l

  7. Is PF Corruption pro-poor? Is “Uubomba Mwibala Alya Mwibala” pro-poor? What evidence is there that PF is pro-poor? People like GBM have boasted that if u want to eat,loot,plunder and get rich then u join PF. How is Bribery and Corruption in PF pro-poor? In 2016 PF promised People money in the pocket but the pockets and tummies are empty. Most People are worse off now than in 2011 when PF came to Power. PF has ruined the Economy and People’s lives. Another 5 years of PF Corruption, Mismanagement,Misrule etc is going to be catastrophic for Zambians. ECLl and PF must be put “ku wire” on August 12,2021.The writing is on the wall.

  8. Iwe KZ. The majority of masses are sick and tired of you thieving scum bags. You have made livelihood for the majority a struggle whilst the scum bag lungu and his minions are enriching themselves to the hilt.

    Zambia needs a change of government. Lungu and his minions are scared of relinquishing power for one reason only. That is, they will be investigated and jail beckons

    Look around Africa. The dictators who are at the helm Don’t want to give up power at all costs.

    People like you are the scum of this earth. The truth hurts innit, the scum that you are.

  9. That hyperbolic speech is full of empty ism’s and false prophecies .Lungu has proven to be the Lord of Poverty not prosperity.

  10. The only thing needed is to put a bullet in Lungu’s skull. This clown, like Museveni has no respect for the constitution. Zambians should not let this clown destroy a peaceful country. He and his fellow thieves have stolen enough. Save Zambia and eliminate this clown Lungu.

  11. PF is full of contradictions. ECL claims that PF is a “pro-poor Party” but GBM says if u want to eat,get rich and have a fat belly like him u should join PF otherwise “njala izakunyokola”. Then ECL goes on to say that in PF they believe in “Uubomba Mwibala Alya Mwibala Alya” . This Corruption at its best so PF is a pro-corruption, pro-rich etc Party. Clearly PF doesn’t care about the welfare of Ordinary Zambians. No wonder the Economy is in a mess and Zambians are poor and suffering.

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