Good morning Sir/Madam
My name is Chileshe, NRC No. ******/6*/1 and live in Luanshya in the Copperbelt Province.
I started work and contributions in 1988 with Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines Limited (ZCCM). I was born in 1964. As at now am 57 years.
I went to NAPSA in Kitwe to find out how much I have contributed and way the forward so that I can claim my money. Upon going through my records, I was told that I have contributed more than 180 months and so I cannot get a lump sum of my monies.
I have entered into a pension which will be calculated and be given to me on a monthly basis for example K800.00. Now where can I take this kind of money? Because when I was working I was getting K7,000.00 per month and could not manage building a house. Thinking since Iam now old let me get my NAPSA and build a house for my family who will remain on earth since am now about to die anytime and only to find those statements.
No one has informed me of such changes. Again how do you institute a law on someone’s money? This should not be compulsory. Someone must choose whether getting lump sum or enter into pension. Please I will leave my children in the dark.
The question is: How are you going to help poor people like me? Please help me in this matter. I need my lump sum and for that matter it’s my contribution and no one else. A lot of people are complaining about this. We are the voters on the ground and we must be happy in whatever we are doing.
Kindly advise our President because he is a listening president and we Love him so much.
Yours crying,
Pension fund are the biggest scam in the world all that money they are using to buy inflated Chink factories will not return anything its you who will suffer. Invest in yourself buy land buy land buy land
This is a bad law. It is in meant to steal workers contributions. Where can one take K800? Abash archaic laws and we were not consulted for that matter. Give us lamp sum pension
The last sentence makes him a Styupid man. Why mocking Ba Edgar like that.
Go vote for HH, he understands money and a good man.
NAPSA is like any other parastatal in the pocket of the government, and therefore all your money is GONE to criminal corrupt PF cadres, the private plane of the president etc. You were conned!
They have built malls in your money. All you do go and shop in the malls they have constructed for you.
There are many pipo who will find themselves in Mr. Chileshe’s shoes . if he started contributing in 1988 then thee must be something under NPF which he can claim as lump sum. Its unfortunate that our colleague Chileshe did not plan properly for his retirement. one can’t build shelter from retirement benefits, you start a bit by bit from your monthly earnings whilst still in gainful employment.
It’s called a Pension fund. Meant to help people to live with an income after they retire. The rules are straightforward and have been clearly explained. If you contribute less than 180 months, you only get a lumpsome of your contributions meaning you do not qualify for a pension. If you manage to contribute 180 months you then qualify for your pension for life as well as survivors pension should the pensioner die. The amount to be paid depends largely on the amount of contributions done monthly. The advantages of a pension are that you will continue to receive your monthly pay till you die and the registered beneficiaries will have a little something even after you have departed to be with God. This is much more important than getting that lumpsome. Remember also that this is law and…
Unfortunately, that is the law at present.
Someone did some calculation that showed that in getting those monthly peanuts, you are simply getting your money without getting any interest on it!
Unfortunately these are the kind of issues that our MPs must labour on when we send them to parliament. There is a raw deal with NAPSA whichever way you look at that institution’s dealings. Imagine, when a member dies, the funeral grant comes out months after the very funeral it is meant to support!
Something needs to be done but it must start from parliament unfortunately.
Vote UPND , they will change things through an improved economy
Chileshe, the lump sum payment was faded out through a government law a long time ago and Napsa up to now continues to sensitise the public over the same. If you do listen to Kabusha on ZNBC you would have understood what this is. I am not fron Napsa but just a contributor to Napsa as anyone else
If this government is a listening do the needful some of us in the same age group as Chileshe are shocked to the core putting a rule on someone’s money, no contribution comes from the government it’s our own contribution plus company. Why do you want to kill us, this is making some of us who support this government look foolish. your reasoning that some used to squander this money does not hold water , we can’t be punished for someone sins. Some of us can make more than the K800.00 per month out of our contribution.
Pension companies should invest your money in local companies and your contributions always get a hefty amount in interest. This is why seniors in rich countries are wealthy.
We need mindset change in Zambia, we cannot wait for a pension before we build our homes.
Also, giving someone a lumpsome payment usually ends up in sad stories. People who have never seen more than K100, 000 will go crazy with such monies in their accounts.
Let us learn to plan better in our youth, and leave Edgar Lungu out of this, the man has nothing to do with our own personal failures.
NAPSA is now a cash cow and there’s a lot of wastefulness at the institution. There must be a lump sum initial payment then a monthly instalment. NAPSA must allow its members to qualify for a mortgage after a certain period of membership. This is what will provide social security to workers. Many people that still govt or company money invest in houses because it’s difficult to genuinely build in Zambia. They say Chalala has been built with stolen money and that’s true, how about those that don’t wish to steal? We can’t expect to have an upright society with such arrangements. Suppose FTJ never sold houses? Many would have been destitute by now. Workers don’t have any dignity. Unions leaders look for plots immediately they’re elected, they can’t speak for workers
Every game has its own rules. Ignorance has no defence. NAPSA, ZNBS, ZSIC, and Regna Saturnia have all invested in mega real estates to make profits to afford retirees that fall due timely payment. If this miner complained of non access to his pension money it would make sense. He looks to be someone ‘vote selling’, doing a psychologically emotional blackmail.
He will in effect get K10,000 per annum until his eventual death
ba Stanislaus chilshe vote wisely
VOTE HH. He’ll come and change all this rubbish.
what about PAYE which employees pay every months, will ZRA, pay back a TAX refund after retirement?
The must give you your benefits and later you must be paid every month since you have past the pensionable age of 55yrs.NAPSA has laready paid out Contribution Benefits for most of those retirees who have cloacked 50 and 55yrs and in addition to there benefits like Kabusha say they are now getting akashapuku every month.
There are contributors who got lumpsum. After squandering it, and seeing their friend getting pension,they have come back to claim their already claimed money. Lumpsum, no matter how attractive it can be, it does not go anywhere. 180 contribution is equivalent to 15 years. Pension has got advantages in that a pensioner will not be subjected to destitute life. Life of begging after retirement is a thorn in flesh to most relatives. At least a pensioner will have some where he can run to in case of being broke. Chileshe is lucky in that Napsa will be covering his destitutional life after he is out of employment.
If you think this is a listening government then continue with your K800 per month.
What is K800? USD35 sure, less than USD1.2 per day. That is the definition of living below the poverty line…NAPSA needs real restructuring. what’s the point of working for over 30 years and contributing each month, only for the so-called pension fund to keep you in perpetual poverty. They are busy building unprofitable projects and white elephants instead of investing in modern markets and portfolios that will create wealth for the investors who are the pensioners, but alas, due to political manipulation and corruption, the institution is used as a conduit for syphoning money for other activities, leaving the main stakeholders in untold misery. We need to change things…
It is important for us who contribute to napsa to seek amendment of the law. The pensioners should have been allowed to choose what they felt was reasonable to them. In some cases, getting a lumpsum would be more ideal than getting montly salary. If one is given K300,000, as lumpsump he can build a house that can even give him between K2000 to K4000 monthly rental income. For those who are wise it is better to get a lump sum than monthly salary.
You should have invested in long term sustainable business or investments. No one solely relies on pensions in this day and age. Not even in the so called developed worlds. The problem we have are people who are so used to being employed such that they don’t realise that one day they won’t be in formal employment. This is a lesson to all those who don’t think outside the box. Be the employer and not the employee. Ba chileshe contact me for assistance. But I know you won’t because you are a fictitious character created by f00lish upnd.
Chiza Chirwa – Please name a country where retirees are rich solely from Public pension fund? Dont mistake getting by with being wealthy…unless you invested in some private pension fund and you were a Director or something.
Pension was suppose to be saved in dollar not in Kwacha because our currency loses value everyday by the time you’ll stop working your monthly salary can’t buy even wheelbarrow
@10 Akaps, hat is neither the solution , nor the right party to vote when it comes to Pension benefit.
HHis a shareholder in Africa Life, a pension company. They were saved by useless politician friends of Muna Hantuba, HH and Michael Munda shi when they took millions of dollars of pension funds out of Zambia, made their overseas income under the table and shortchanged contributors ( employers and employees).
Worldwide and especially in Africa, it is a source of siphoning of working class money to political appointees ( go and check the salaries paid to top 10 management staff; sitting allowance paid to directors; these useless Kaponya get 5000 times more money as salaries and allowances in ONE quarter then K800 a pensioner is being paid). Add kickbacks from investments (malls,…
Solution is simple, allow employees to open a personal pension account with a bank or two and invest in bank deposits, Treasury bills, government bonds, forex deposits. Investment income from these fixed income investment without any intermediation will be million times better than any pension scheme run by SANLAM, PRUDENTIAL, ZSIC or NAPSA. Start Persona Pension Plans option for employees. They be lower to withdraw a certain percentage of their savings to buy a house for themselves. The house can be earmarked not to be sold, or if sold, money goes back automatically to employee’s persona pension lan
It is not a politica issue, it an economic and old people benefit issue. Bo LT why are you not showing my comments that brings a different most efficient and self-directed fully under worjers’ control heir nestegg?
NAPSA is the golden egg laying goose for the PF government! A lot of institutions need reform and restructuring!