Thursday, March 20, 2025

Introduce performance based management at National Assembly – Miti.


Secretary to Cabinet Simon Miti has urged the National Assembly Management ( NAM ) to emulate the Executive’s initiative by introducing performance based management contracts in order to enhance quality service delivery.

Dr Miti explained that the National Assembly should take a leaf from the Executive that has introduced performance management based contracts at Permanent Secretary level and being cascaded to directors’ levels.

The Secretary to Cabinet underscored that performance management contracts are key in the evaluation of staff for either promotions or demotion.

“ The Public Service is crucial in the social and economic development of the country, hence the need for all civil servants to uphold professionalism, “ he said.

Dr Miti made the remarks today when he officiated at the Senior Staff workshop on Ethics in the Public Service organized by the National Assembly held at Bonaza Resort and Hotel in Chongwe district.

“I urge you all to study and internalize the provision of the code of ethics unlike being a passive reader or not reading at all. As such public servants going against the public service provisions should be disciplined in line with the provisions,” he stressed.

Dr Miti emphasized that public service workers should execute their duties diligently in line with the code of ethics while implementing all the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

And Clerk of the National Assembly Cecilia Mbewe said the workshop is targeting the Heads of Department as they are key in the implementation of the code of ethics.

Ms Mbewe stated that the workshop will enable parliament staff to refrain from spreading grapevine information and peddling rumours.

She further said the workshop will promote the dissemination of verified information and promotion of non-partisanship as they work.

This is the 13th training workshop that parliament is holding to familiarize its staff on the code of ethics and will run from today 16th to the 18th of April 2021.


  1. Secretary to Cabinet Simon Miti was handpicked by Lazy Lungu from State House years ago now is the time when he is talking about performance based contracts …can he explain how some PS stilll remained in the job like that lady who was literately in bed with Dr Chilufya in their corrupt schemes…..signing off on expired drugs and still working free.

  2. Computer Scientist – Please if you have nothing to comment about …do something else with your life and time instead reducing this website to cesspool of insults for trolls …if you want to interact with this blogger just ask him for his UK number.

  3. With everything going to rot in Zambia how and why are those underperformance contracts still in effect ?

  4. ‘Held at Bonanza Resort and Hotel in Chongwe district’ Aptly named! Someone has hit the bonanza!
    They can never get away from skiving, no matter what. People are holding crucially important meetings and conferences via zoom but with our people, no, it has got to be a resort- full English breakfast, 4 course meals, drinks and side chicks on top of that, all at tax-payers’ expense.
    Ubomba mwibala…

  5. Don’t know what that under performing useless Cabinet Secretary talking about.
    The guy who just died was 2 times better than this Mititi.

  6. THE SAINT- Really laughable they are defaulting on EUROBONDS but have money for expensive workshops yet want IMF to give them a loan.

  7. The executive under pf is the best executive in the history of zambian governments. If you don’t believe me then come here I slap some sense in your ugly dry heads. Tumutu toyuma.

    You people I am in kafue right now after a successful party mobilization program. I am very drunk and the night is only starting. If you know pf them come and say hello to me the most handsome man in Zambia. I will buy you a drink.

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