Thursday, March 13, 2025

Zambia is projected to have a bumper maize harvest this year, says Minister of Agriculture


Minister of Agriculture Michael Katambo has expressed optimism that the country is poised for a bumper harvest this year.

Mr. Katambo says despite flush floods recorded in most farming areas, he is confident that the country will record a favorable harvest.

Mr Katambo has disclosed to the media that he will on May 1st, 2021 announce the crop focus survey to avail the country of the actual harvest figures.

“Of course we experienced floods, dry spells in certain areas but the outlook is not bad, it’s only a certain percentage hectarage of what has been planted,” he said.

Meanwhile, Mr. Katambo has urged farmers not to sell all their produce but instead make a reserve for household consumption.

Mr. Katambo said farmers should only sell surplus produce to safeguard household food security.

“Household food security is key and farmers should only sell that which is surplus to them and leave something for home consumption, this will also ensure that we attain National food security,” he said.


  1. But the entire agricultural component of Zambia’s GDP has been doing very badly though.And services,tourism and manufacturing too.

  2. Good things brought about by the hard work of pf. What is disgusting is that the upnd diasporans will still find a way to criticize such good news. Evil f00ls

  3. The people hh stole the kalomo farm from would have also been celebrating today. Unfortunately one greedy bush boy hh stole from them

  4. PF had nothing to do with the good rains so let not the id10t blogger take credit
    price will remain high and farmers will be screwed as usual
    Pf has to go

  5. What is the corrupt PF government proud of? They didn’t bring the rains! They only brought about misery and corruption, especially this UK diasporan KZ, who even steals maize from his own workers!

  6. Same-all-same-all. What is the percentage? What are the areas? What was the projection and based on this percentage spoiled, what makes us confident we are in the clear… and so and so forth. Awe mwe.

  7. “Meanwhile, Mr. Katambo has urged farmers not to sell all their produce but instead make a reserve for household consumption.”

    Another of Lazy Lungu’s dull corrupt cabinet ministers Michael Katambo… so why project bumper harvest then!!


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