Auditor General Dick Sichembe says his office, working with other law enforcement agencies, will ensure that people mismanaging public resources are brought to book.
Addressing Heads of Department in Chinsali District today, Dr. Sichembe advised the officers to manage public resources with transparency, openness and humility.
He said his office is mandated to provide Zambians with assurances that public resources are being utilised efficiently and in a transparent manner.
Dr. Sichembe also noted that effective use of public resources is key to national development and benefits citizens through construction of better schools, hospitals and roads among others.
The Auditor-General revealed that his office has since embarked on a nationwide stakeholder engagement of public officers aimed at enhancing transparency and accountability in the use of public resources.
And Muchinga Province Deputy Permanent Secretary Jonathan Ng’onga said the performance audit has already started and there is need to spread resources across all the five pillars.
Mr. Ng’onga said the province has been working hard to observe prudent utilization of public resources as evident with the construction of structures such as the new Civic centre.
Dr. Sichembe is on a tour of Muchinga and Northern Provinces inspecting public projects and meeting heads of departments and provincial audit staff.
We have heard this before. Nothing will happen. Action speaks louder than words.
In the last 10 years how many PF ministers and cadres been brought to book for corruption and stealing.
These ministers were paupers and all of a sudden they are multi millionaires
HH are you keeping this chap after August 15th too? Are there no white men interested in Auditor General job?
Great job from you. Please ba Dlck make sure you deal with anyone found acting like a dlck
How many top officials have been brought to book from last report? Zero Dr Chilufya and his PS are laughing at you…Lazy Lungu is inept as ever as he benefits from the rot.
Lazy lungu and his entourage of Indian businessmen.
Let’s not forget how these Indians made millions on the fire engines.
@ Nostradamus
Bring a white parson and see the results of who are involved in corruption. The first person will be lungu
Remember in the days of Chiluba we had a white man at the helm of ACC – Paul Russell OBE
This person was removed because a file was opened for Chiluba followed by Sata and other ministers of thier corrupt practises
Year after year the Auditor General’s report reveals rampant theft of funds – with ministries named, but no meaningful action against the main perpetrators has ever been taken. Even ECL claims to read the reports but all we read are ‘warnings’ that amount to nothing. The problem being the politicians and the agencies bestowed with the responsibility of taking action, have all got their dirty snouts in the gravy trough.
Ba Sichembe what you are saying is like a teacher standing outside the school and shouting to everyone I am going to teach, I am going to teach! The community will only appreciate the teacher if children graduate with good grades. It’s your job to ensure controls are functioning and and anyone stealing regardless of who they are, the law visits. Stop making us noise and do your job sir.