Monday, March 3, 2025

Party Adoptions: Of Adoptions, Bribery and Corruption Allegations!


By Bill M. Kaping’a Political analyst

Yona Musukwa, who prides himself as a political and social activist, has presented two perfect scenarios regarding the on-going party adoptions. well……… the flurry of allegations bordering on bribery and corruption notwithstanding.

He writes that in the first scenario, you will find that candidate A is very popular and wins the ward primaries, but tumbles in the constituency or provincial primaries. On the other hand, candidate B performs miserably in ward primaries, but goes on to scoop constituency or provincial primaries.

“Now, who is really popular between the two candidates or can be considered as the choice of the grassroots?” he asks.

He further goes on to elucidate the second scenario: Candidate A, who happens to be a ward party official, wins ward primaries, but fails constituency or provincial primaries while candidate B, who happens to be a provincial party official, fails ward primaries, but wins constituency or provincial primaries.

“Who can be said to be popular with the grassroots between the two candidates?” he wonders.

This seems to be the ghost that is haunting our two major political parties – ruling Patriotic Front (PF) and main opposition United Party for National Development (UPND), hence their apparent dragging of feet to unveil names of their preferred candidates to attempt a run to Manda hill or indeed various council chambers dotted around the country. This……ladies and gentlemen, constitutes the thrust of this write up.

As one prominent politician, whom by the way we’ve trouble figuring-out what he stands for, asserted recently; make no mistake, this years’ elections is a two-horse race between PF and UPND. We won’t therefore waste time discussing some of these ‘brief case’ political parties whose leaders are merely individuals pregnant with oversized egos……..and probably intoxicated with being referred to as bwana President!

Wait a minute…….didn’t late President Frederick Chiluba once lampoon them as presidents with a small ‘P’?

Anyway…….as stated earlier on, we’d rather focus on the two elephants in the room, for good effect of course!

Readers will recall that once the floodgates of adoptions were finally unlocked, we witnessed an avalanche of characters of different hues and shades go on rampage jostling to be torch bearers for their respective political parties as MPs, Mayors/Chairpersons and/or councilors.

Whereas some incumbents seemed less interested to pass on the button, these new entrants were determined to elbow and push them aside. Why? They are eager to break the sealing and have a feel of the corridors of power……..most likely motivated by the good life these individuals we tend to refer to as ‘honourables’ seem to enjoy – who doesn’t fancy driving around an expensive SUV or drawing a good salary or enormous allowances, thanks to ever generous tax payers!

This year’s elections have already proven to be the costliest in the history of this nation! Candidates, whether contemplating defending their seats or aspiring have gone to town outspending each other! If they’re not availing a fleet of vehicles for the use of their constituents, they’re showering party officials with expensive gifts, making massive donations at funerals and in churches, dishing out food and buying our youth copious amounts of alcohol. One of them even had the gale to gift a priest a Mercedes Benz S class! Sometimes you’d even wonder whether the Anti-Corruption Commission has any teeth at all.

Now……why should our country allow individuals ‘force’ their way into leadership positions using underhand methods? Do these individuals mean well for the nation? Are you sure they are desperate to acquire these offices so as to serve?

No need to pretend, both PF and UPND are having sleepless nights finalizing their adoption lists because they’re sitting on a mountain of names of restless individuals eager to have a go at the loot! This is mainly happening in their strongholds where these individuals are alive to the reality that being endowed with an adoption is as good as one step across the finish line!

Moving forward, we’d like to appeal to parliament to enact laws to enable electorates vote for political parties of their choice as opposed to individuals. Once a political party has won a particular constituency for instance, they’d deploy a cadre with the necessary acumen and credentials to represent that particular region. This way, we’d see individuals cease regarding constituencies as their fiefdoms as the situation is at the moment. Most importantly, it would be easier for any given political party to recall a non-performing member.

If we aren’t mistaken, this is working perfectly well in South Africa. Let’s discuss folks………


  1. There is no system which is 100% perfect. If we were to vote for a party and they deploy a cader to that constituency, what method would they use to pick the id1ot? Are you sure they can’t pay bribes at this stage?

  2. Beautiful write up, funny and interesting too. That last idea about voting for a political party may eliminate the worship of individuals as well as go a long way in fighting corruption.

  3. I personally took a look at the Chongwe adoptions where numbers believes to have been garnered by Silvia Masebo did not make common sense. Figures were doctored to favour the favoured and not the favorites.

  4. Whichever political system we adopt, it will not work if the integrity and service is not at the heart of individuals wishing to be adopted, elected and installed. We can try to tighten the system but if the values of our society is modeled around political success, we will not get anyway. I am convinced that our political system is relatively fine except for one aspect: the excessive power of the executive. It is this that is creating all kinds of issues, bootlicking and corruption that is permeated our country. So the next constitution review must focus on the powers of the executive so that we can have true separation of powers. By the way, I enjoyed reading the article.

  5. As long as the ECZ is not independent, because appointed by the president, you will have rigged elections!

  6. Boring perennial blogging .

    I have woken up with a serious bout of a running stomach. I have never had such diarrhoea in my entire life. Ba upnd you won’t manage to bewitch me. I am a born again.

  7. Very interesting article, its their time, they are busy criss crossing the country and this is the only time the various party officials at different levels making a kill. This is the time when politicians become humble, they can kneel down, the can dance, sing in any language, drinks flow like rain in month of March, make donations of all types. But as soon as they voted into power, they are never seen, some MPs even relocate to Lusaka for good. Just hammer them, and I wonder why ACC does not take keen interest in curbing bribery.

  8. Ding dong Mumba, you are such a loser! You are born from a dog. You are a coward, no wonder you can hide behind a pseudo name. Disclose your identity I take you on fool! This is Cyber bullying at play and you won’t deter me. Yes, I was an auto electrician in the mines in my youth and not a mechanic as you claim and I’ve since evolved if you even know what this means you *****! I’ve a clue as to who you are, just wait till I finish my investigations.

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