Tuesday, February 25, 2025

KBF, Mutati join UPND Alliance to unseat PF


The recently formed The Zambia We Want Alliance has formed a pact with the UPND Alliance ahead of the August general polls.

The Zambia We Want Alliance comprises of The Movement for Democratic Change led by Felix Mutati, Zambia Shall Prosper Movement led by Kelvin Fube, Zambians for Empowerment and Development led by Ernest Mwansa and Movement for Change and Equality led by Kaluba Simuyemba.

The formation of the electoral pact was announced Sunday morning at the Fallsway Apartment in Lusaka.

Mr. Fube said the need to restore the rule of law cannot be over emphasised as it plays a huge role in the proper functioning of the country.

And Leader of the Zambia Shall Prosper Movement Kelvin Fube has accused the ruling Patriotic Front of breaking the rule of law in the country.

Mr. Fube says this has resulted in citizens being denied their civil liberties such as freedom of speech, assembly and association.

Mr. Fube charged that currently, there is a breakdown in the rule which has the potential to make the country dysfunctional.

Mr Fube said the rule of law has broken-down and has been defeated by a few politically inclined cliques thereby denying citizens their fundamental freedoms and now living in fear in their own country.

He said the two alliances have collectively resolved to unify the country through the movement because a situation where political party cadres without training taking over bus stations and markets while men and women in uniform now fear to discharge their duty as a result of the cadres together with ministers who are now taking up the role of law enforcers.

Mr Fube said through the breakdown in the rule of law, the country’s leadership becomes a legal dictator where Zambians have been made beggars under the guise of empowerment, a situation he said is ditastable and disgusting

Mr Fube has since implored electorates to vote out lawlessness by voting for the Alliance in the the August 12 polls because the movement has discussed and agreed to retain the rule of law once elected.

And Mr. Fube bemoaned the division and hate speech the country has witnessed which is being championed by certain politicians saying there is need for those who will be elected as Members of Parliament on August 12 to pass a bill to criminalize the vice.

And Movement for Democratic Change Leader Felix Mutati said the country’s economy is in an urgent need of repair.

And Mr. Mutati said the decision to merge was made as the leaders have sacrificed their individual and party ambitions because Zambia comes first.

Mr Mutati charged said the country’s economy is currently in an urgent need of repair with all alliance partners grounded and collectively agreed on the employment of fiscal discipline, policy consistency and reforms that are crucial to economic reforms.

Mr Mutati observed the need to urgently repair the economy in order to create a direction that sees the aspiration of Zambia becoming a middle income country is achieved through the determination of the alliance movement.

Mr Mutati said the Zambian economy needs to breath again and this can only be done when Zambians elect the alliance movement in the August polls.


  1. Congratulations on showing your true colors bane…go now and campaign for the man you have chosen to lead you…

  2. So they need a minimum of about 3 to4 parties just to try and unseat PF and ECL. Could this explain why they are desperate to rule ECL ineligible? Its people who vote, tell me how many followers does mutati and the arrogant KBF have? Not even their children will vote for them hahaha. Opposition is dead in Zambia. This is going to be the easiest election I have worked on. Also, how long before these two chancers also desert tribal HH? Everything one fails to work with that tribal boy hh.

  3. I always ask…is it about removing someone from office is it about what you can do better than the current guy? As for Mutati, he’s a lost sheep…. just ask Nevers

  4. Best wishes. With several choices around, each one can choose the Zambia they want. But I personally doubt it if you have slightest guts to unseat the Patriotic Front.

  5. The winning number is on Nalumango.
    HH don’t be styupid again, Zambians can’t afford to lose again.

  6. Bola yakosa nomba, wapya baisa. Kuti bebele PF self tubombeko. This time it’s not going to be easy. Team Alliance make sure you close all the loopholes no Rigging from PF.

  7. HH thoso guys can take any other positions, let running mate to be nalumango, let them not receive you. They can pull a fast one on you two days before election.

  8. Look at the names mutati,KBF what can they offer? It’s like taking
    People who have been fired from
    PF.Is it desperation?

  9. Zambia is becoming a two party country like America . Elections are becoming too expensive for many. But, Lungu and PF need to go; two mandates are enough.

  10. I want to see a team that will work to make politics sober and normal by driving out PF zealots from bus stations. There are people always lazing about and putting a stress on public conveniences at bus stations. These should be made to vacate and leave local authorities to manage the facilities. Drivers are fed up of illegal fees they’re made to pay for every bus load.

  11. Political comedy at its best. We shall see how know-it-all KBF will work with know-it-all HH, since both have their own egos to massage. Mutati has been there before and seems to be seriously lacking in political direction. He is neither coming nor going. He seems to be missing on the Zambian political radar.

  12. Any cow ,leopard and hyena alliance to unseat the PF will be a good thing.Zambia future matters far more than any party now.

  13. Let us face it, bo Nalumango may be popular in the UPND, but she really does not have the persona that can sway voters. I would think that Sylvia Masebo has a bit of oomph. We have heard KBF and Mutati speak. They are very boring. Earnest Mwansa is a bit live and can put sentences together, but this alliance needs, badly needs a speaker who can connect with the grassroots BEMBA speaking people. It needs someone who can make people FEEL GOOD and laugh. This is what the man with a tail between his legs had before he cowed back to PF. He may have been a buffoon, but it is buffoonery that wins elections in Zambia. The alliance needs a crowd puller. So far, not looking good.

  14. “Mr Fube said the rule of law has broken-down and has been defeated by a few politically inclined cliques thereby denying citizens their fundamental freedoms and now living in fear in their own country.”-LT

    Let’s see PF with they’re third term defending this.

    campaigning message like this brings confidence to Investors community.

  15. God abandoned Zambia a long time ago due to His name being used in vain. Let this alliance be the one that will allow Christian Zambians meet Christ in Zambia instead of at some designated place outside of this ” Christian” nation.



  18. If BUFFOON CK had any backbone he would have been vital in this axis but he chose self preservation…I dont know what the likes of Felix Mutati bring to the table apart from confusion remember this is a person that was happy to be nominated a Finance Minister even though he knew the job was too much for and was being used to destroy MMD…even when he was demoted to Works and Supply Minister he still clung on. Felix is like Miles Sampa you can not just trust them.


  20. I notice you miss Kambwili Chishimba more than anything. It actually does not make sense. Last week they formed a party. Today they are in a mock pact with the unilateral UPND Pact. How you wish the “baf00n” didn’t go on his all four crawling back to his old kraal! I understand your cry.

  21. I agree with Nostradamus, Nalumango is the best choice. Dont F it up Bally. We dont want actors or comics, the country needs real people. Its time people stopped taking jokers serious. You want your leaders to dance and kneel, crack jokes?????

  22. I still have great respect for Mutati. He is such a prolific seasoned politician who doesn’t call other people names in his compaigns. I can almost predict that his messages on the upndead rallies will be more on economic turn around than name calling. Who doesn’t want a greater economy?
    For fube, he is a loser with no atom of true but a punka who can swindle priests and holy scribes for attention.
    For h² kindly resign. Zambian’s haven’t heard you word for this great nation. If you still got guts, try 2026. By then CK and others will be ready for you.

  23. They always come late to upnd, when promised something by government after some time, they go and accuse upnd of all stuff.

  24. @ Nostradamus you have insight and I follow you together with the others sharing your view. The UPND will go off the rails should they tamper with Nalumango’s running mate choice! The Alliance partners should not bring major changes but enhance the “Zambia we want” ‘slogan’ to gain the numbers of informed citizens for the vote rather than positions allotment. However in these instances we all become experts at advice on winning strategies and structures but if only for one reason of consistency, integrity and, loyalty including dependable for keeping spirits high in face of harassment and torture I see one Nalumango as the “I’ll stand by you” support pillar!

  25. I’m afraid it won’t be sufficient to unseat PF – I hope it does but I fear it won’t…..

  26. People want sanity at all costs, right now PF cadres are running the streets asking people to make a plan every time they meet.

  27. The alliance song is open ended and not specific. The Zambia we want. Which Zambia do you want? Rich Zambia and not poor Zambia. That is the song ‘WE WANT RICH ZAMBIA” In your message to the people do not blame anyone for being poor, do not say there is no law in the country, do not promise to jail anyone when you are in power, all these cannot win you an election. Zambian want RICH ZAMBIA. Make no mistake they want rich Zambia. Strategies that you will put in place to derive maximum value from the abundance resources including the country population [human resources] should be explained to the people. Do not waste your time talking about corruption, it will not earn you votes. My vote is stuck with PF because of CASSAVA-KAWAMBWA strategy, infrastructure development with room for…

  28. At this rate, the Zambian people may form their own party to challenge PF at the election. What have they been doing all these years?

  29. UPND leadership must be careful with those they are joining hands with, Mutati is a snake. Whn he ws finance minister never did he sympathise with the Zambians, he introduced harsh measures on the Zambians, mostly to kill thm. Awee ba Mutati you think Zambians will forgive u never, remember the past ad judge yoself. If Zambians hv forgotten u, they must be foolish

  30. I will post one more time.,you guys keep censoring my messages! On another day should sue you!

    To start with the heading is wrong, surely can not be to unseat PF, Then have seen your prominent bot comment that to unseat PF and ECL you need an alliance. Well PF has the largest alliance to date as follows:/
    Dan Pule – do not know his party
    Edith Nawakwi- FDD
    Kambwili C – NDC
    Nevers Mumba – some crazy name like new MMD
    Easy Chulu – ECZ
    All others can not remember

  31. Fred M’membe for presidency. He will sweep villages and compounds in cities. Social media keyboard savvies will be shocked.

  32. The timing of this Alliance is Excellent. The theme of the Alliance: The Zambia we want is spot on. The Alliance has alot to campaign on which People will buy in. The Burning of the Markets and Gassing of 50 People by suspected PF Cadres , killing of Civilians by PF controlled ZPS, violence at Markets by PF Cadres and Militias, Lawlessness by PF Cadres, the sick Economy, high prices ,no money in People’s pockets, Lungu’s Third Term, Lungu’s breaches of the Republican Constitution etc. These issues will resonate with the People. The Alliance should make Lungu a Referendum issue. If the Alliance can protect the Vote HH will easily win becoz of Lungu’s unpopularity. ECL and PF will try and rig the Election but if People massively vote for change as expected ECL will be send “ku…

  33. ZAMBIA WE WANT is a meaningless song because it can be anything, bad or good. Be specific Zambians want to work and achieve a quality life, simply put, they want a RICH ZAMBIA. Explain how you will make Zambia rich, how are you going to make Zambians from being development spectators to development players. Each Zambian is worth a lot of $, explain how you are going to bring out those $s. As Zambians increase their participation in the growth of the country economy, explain how you are going to ensure every Zambian benefit from his sweat and not exploited by a few Zambians. Enabling environment to attract foreign investments is secondary and not primary to our situation. Enabling environment for Zambian to participate is what we want. As of now, PF has a better song and not a good song…

  34. Failure for Zambians to develop their own country compliments corruption. Achieving quality life is a good weapon to fight corruption and earn a peaceful and democratic country. Not carrying a whip, it never works. Alliance concentrate on explaining how you are going to make Zambia rich. Dwelling in the past, no solution. Note that ECL has done better than Mwanawasa and Chiluba regarding exploitation of our minerals but far less than what is expected. ECL has positively grown agricultural industry, however, more is required, like manufacturing agriculture equipment. PF, as of now has better a song. Alliance explain what you are going to do to earn our votes and not to teach us about what PF have done.

  35. This alliance is not based on Saving Zambia but basically to perpetuated the hold and stay of seasonal politicians now whose political life has reached a peak and must retire to allow for new ideas and cadres of youthful politicians to carry on where they have left It will also fail because the part they want to unset PF has a better reference and positioning to grow the economy to 2030 Its logical in economics to record weak economic indicators and parity conditions for a country like Zambia in Investing Zambia has been Investing in Human capital Infrastructure and other soft skills to position the country to be competitive for the future A country…

  36. If you are investing albeit even sustainably you reach a point where inflationary pressures from investing will arise So now having invested There is need to moderate the economy to increase its productivity and address the inflationary pressures caused by demand for goods and services In short you will not expect the country to be at equal footing with countries not investing The PF have set the course for future country economic development and exports to improve the reserves and perform the kwacha Any political party worth it economics will start from where the PF are ,from solid foundations and create opportunities for local consumptions and exports


  37. Countries that have Invested have recorded superlative growth rates for the future The Choice of better well rounded candidate and best candidate should be supported Doing the opposite could have met loss to opposition and independent parties We expect the country to perform better and address the economic challenges of our people Those not adopted could be appointed in other country positions of influence to save

    As it is changing GOV is retrogressive and the transition give hope for a rejuvenating party as opposite to the same politicians in other

  38. How many followers do Mutati and Fube have? Didn’t the two recently form an alliance with Kalaba? And have now formed another alliance with HH. Part of an alliance joining another alliance…a bit confusing me says. What are they, FM and KBF, bringing to this alliance? Please don’t bite me just asking for a friend

  39. Mr Magande said Zambians should embrace a culture of hard work to start producing goods instead of being consumers.
    He said for people to appreciate hard work, there is need for culture remodelling to deal with mindset change, which is critical for personal and national development. “Zambia should have citizens who have capacity to produce goods and services without depending on developed countries.
    Listen to this song,

  40. look at the people who advise President Lungu no wander the country is the way it , my 3 years old boys has more to say than this guy

  41. @ba Garlic tell us then how you would want an opposition party to do in order to unseat the ever dwindling PF party. You seem to know lots. Don’t just yap yap…be specific yourself. You know very well that PF and its government have not been corrupt free and was we speak they are busy bribing people with bikes and cash handouts.

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