Monday, March 24, 2025

SEEDCO commended for supporting farmers


Shangombo District Commissioner Max Kasabi has commended SEEDCO Company for partnering with the government in improving food security in the district through the promotion of agriculture.

Speaking during a post-harvest field day in Shangombo district, The District Commissioner said SEEDCO has provided farmers with easy access to maize seed for the 2020/21 farming season.

“Seedco is contributing to food and income security amongst our smallholder farmers. This is achieved through improved access to good quality improved seed to our hard to reach Shangombo farmers,” Mr Kasabi said.

Mr Kasabi stated that climate change should not prevent the growing of agriculture especially maize as there is an early maturing and drought tolerant seed that is suitable for the district.

“Access to improved seed is being supported by government programs such as farmer the input support program (FISP) and food security pack under the ministry of community development,” He further added.

The District Commissioner further called on the department of agriculture to take practical steps towards ensuring that farmers adopt climate smart agricultural practices for improved food and income security in Shangombo District

Meanwhile SEEDCO Agronomist Bwacha Siangwelele said farmers need to learn on the correct seed variety favorable for the district terrain

Ms Siangwelele stated that engaging in farming will improve the livelihoods of the local people in Shangombo district hence the need to promote maize seeds that will yield good maize harvests.

And a farmer Martha Sikela has called on more youths in the district to engage in agriculture for income generation.

“Youths can create their own business through farming instead of waiting to be employed as agriculture produces more income,” Ms Sikela said.

Seedco Company in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture in Shangombo district conducted a post-harvest field day in order to check on the 2020/21 maize harvests among farmers in the district.


  1. These chaps have been working with a know company with an agenda to replace our traditional maize seed with GMO. This seed should be sent to a specialist lab to check for GMO. Otherwise soon all maize grown in Zambia will incur a royalty fee to the known company responsible for GMO. SeedCo should be forced to explain what they mean by “quality improved seed” . I hope we have our original maize seed stored for safe keeping.

  2. Seedco is been a very good seed producer company…
    As a youth of choma southern province have had a very good experience with seedco products,, for they have helped me to achieve some of the goes.
    Thank you

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