Sunday, January 26, 2025

Zambia Police Chief’s Full Statement on the Upcoming Elections



Zambia will on 12th August, 2021 go to polls and citizens will be exercising their democratic right of choosing leaders of their choice at various levels.

The elections are usually preceded by series of public political activities such as campaigns with a view of according every political party taking part in the election an opportunity to reach out to the electorate.

With the foregoing, our resolve as the Zambia Police Service is to ensure that we provide an environment conducive for all political parties participating in the forthcoming elections to conduct their scheduled activities in a peaceful environment.

However, this cannot be possible if political players do not commit themselves to conducting peaceful political activities. I am, therefore, urging the leadership of all political parties at all levels to take a lead in preaching peace to their supporters.
Political parties are also advised to submit their campaign schedules to respective regulating officers without undue delay so as to allow the police come up with a consolidated plan of all expected political activities.

This is with a view of avoiding clashes between political players as well as complaints on unfair treatment in the application of the Public Order Act.

As political parties commence campaigns in a few days’ time, my advice is for all of them taking part in the elections to observe provisions of the law as well as electoral regulations that guide the conduct of political players some of them being the electoral code of conduct, Electoral Process Act and other relevant legislations.

In previous elections, we had experienced occurrences where some cadres were deliberately provoking members of opposing political parties by straying into their camps or public gatherings which in most instances resulted in public order disturbance.
I am warning those with such tendencies that police shall not hesitate to arrest them if found wanting. It should be understood that section 26 of the Electoral Process Act criminalises such conduct.

Furthermore, pulling down, defacing or destroying other political party’s campaign materials is criminal and shall not be condoned.

Political leaders at various levels should play their role of educating their cadres against engaging themselves in acts that may trigger violence.

All political parties should conduct constructive and issue based campaigns devoid of hate speech, inciting violence or violence.
Political activities should be focused on presenting political parties respective manifestos to the electorate and leave it to the electorate to exercise their constitutional right of choosing their preferred leaders without coercion.

Zambia has been on record to have conducted peaceful elections in the past, a clear indication that, even in the coming elections, we can accomplish a violence free election.

Political players should appreciate the need for co-existence by exercising high levels of tolerance for divergent views and avoid engaging themselves in provocative behaviour.

It should be understood that every citizen of this country has got a responsibility to see to it that peace, law and order prevails during the whole electoral process. Peace cannot be attained through violent means but through peaceful means.
My call is for everyone involved in the elections to exercise maximum restraint and embrace peace before, during and after elections.

The Zambia Police Service, being an institution charged with a constitutional mandate of maintaining law and order, has made adequate preparations for effective policing of the forth coming elections which include training of police officers in policing elections, Investigation of electoral offences, Intelligence gathering as well as Crowd management and control.

We have also trained members of Community Crime Prevention Units with a view of utilising a community policing concept to avert violence before, during and after elections.

My command has adopted an open door policy to enable all stakeholders in the electoral process to seek redress in matters that may affect them during and after the election period.

We are deploying a sufficient number of police officers to police elections and we are assuring all stakeholders in the electoral process of their maximum protection.


  1. The danger is when ZPS acts on orders from State House or PF Cadres, Militias and Vigilantes against Opposition Parties. If ZPS can avoid selective application of Law then there is a chance Zambia might have Credible Elections. Can ECL control PF Cadres, Militias and Vigilantes to desist from interfering in the Election processes? We doubt it. Any attempt to steal the Vote at Vote Counting and Election Results Announcements stages will ignite violence. The problem is that ECL wants to retain Power at all costs and will employ any method to win. The mood of the Nation is that most People are yearning 4 change. If “The Zambia we want ” moto is respected People will definitively vote for Restoration of Rule of Law,Good Governance and respect for Human Rights. We shall see how things pan…

  2. Not inspiring enough. He should have made mention of misconduct from the PF or indeed any other party and how it won’t be tolerated.
    This is a blanket statement that really doesn’t say anything new.
    Its like this guy gave up when he was told he had a 6months contract. Appoint Katanga, at least she has a constitutional law masters degree now.
    Who even writes the IG’s speech?

  3. In a normal and fully democracy, you don’t see Police playing this role that the Zambian Police is being used to play. Parties should be freely planning and executing their campaign plans whenever they need to, and the Police should be ready to “provide and serve” the people and political parties.
    It doesn’t smell well to see the Police issuing statements, All parties should be allowed to campaign freely and otherwise this can be considered to be intimidation.

  4. The campaign period has officially kicked off and we are yet to see how the police will manage the season this time around. Things are easier said than done. For instance the statement from the IG is already at variance with that of ECZ where they have stated that no rallies will be allowed but how the political players reach out without holding rallies. Door to door campaigns will not work as there is no time. Even the use of social median can’t because internet penetration in Zambia is very low compounded by poor network connectivity.

  5. Police chief ,

    You are a useless PF cader thugs…….

    Nothing good for the wide nation and democracy can come out if you.

    To the opposition,

    ……… remember to prepare those video recordings , that is the only way to show everybody what a useless PF cader he is , this police chief.

  6. Well spoken sir, but when you are dealing with the under-five politicians who think that being in opposition and to win an election is rubbishing all institutions inclkuding the law enforcement agency then this statement will not be appreciated. The courts are only fair if the opposition win the case. When the opposition loses the judges are bought. IG you are working under very difficult circumstances.

  7. This useless PF cader police chief is only interested in entrenching lungu and PF hold on Zambians against all democratic norms…….

    He is being heavily paid by lungu to suppress all PF dessent…….

  8. How many lip service warnings has lungu given this PF cader ????

    Those warnings by lungu were only meant to dupe the international community ,

    I the meantime , the police chief is a full time PF cader thug taking instructions from other PF thugs at statehouse……

  9. Ba police if anyone is found disturbing the peace then by all means use all force possible on them. We have bought you state of the art equipment so that you can protect our nation. No one man is more important than the peace of this country. If upnd think they are man enough then by all means show them that you are the real deal. Whlp them and just beat

  10. The Republican President’s schedule may unreasonably change without notice, leading to denying the opposition to meet at a pre authorised event. This is what causes tension.

  11. I want air my view, I don’t belong to any political party but the way police has been handling opposition parties was not impressing companies to the ruling party. This time don’t fire live rounds. Don’t be brutal in handling issues bare in mind that we are all ZAMBIANS.

  12. Inspector General the whole country knows you’re NOT to be believed.You are a paid PF Cadre ,at the top of the State Sponsored Violence tree.There’s no difference between you ,Jay Jay Banda or Innocent Kalimanshi.
    We the people have Zero Confidence in you,that is why Edgar C. Lungu has put you on probation.Quite simply the worst Police Chief,the most useless in Zambia’s History.
    You are now preparing to brutalise citizens supporting the opposition as though you do not have enough blood on your hands .

  13. IG Kanganja remember your Contract might not get extended,you are on PROBATION for the way your men slaughtered those two citizens in December,Vespars and numerous other Citizens.Bonny Kapeso got the Sack ,honestly you should have gone as well ,it’s long overdue .You are the Paid PF Man Eating Crocodile
    You have blood on your hands,We the people will never Forget

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