Friday, March 7, 2025

Nkandu Luo is Godfather of hate speech-UPND


UPND National Spokesperson Cornelius Mweetwa says the appointment of Nkandu Luo as PF Presidential running mate is sweet music to the UPND Alliance because of her status as a political godfather of hate and divisive speech.

Mr Mweetwa who is also Choma Central UPND parliamentary aspiring candidate said the UPND alliance welcomes the appointment of Luo as it has rendered the PF more vulnerable.

Addressing the media after successfully filing in his bid for re-election as Choma Central Member of Parliament this morning,the UPND Mouthpiece said the country has not forgotten Professor Luo’s poor policy record when she served as Education Minister during which a number of unpopular decisions were made against the student movement.

“For us in the UPND Alliance,this appointment is like early Christmas and we wish to congratulate President Lungu on his choice.We all remember how she abolished meal allowances and banned unionism in institutions of higher learning.This is the person who at the helm of power closed the Copperbelt University for close to six months and today this is the person vying for the position of Republican Vice President. What a joke to have such people as leaders,” he said.

Mr Mweetwa who was accompanied by hundreds of his peaceful supporters to the Choma Civic centre further urged Zambians not to ignore the divisive statements attributed to Luo during the Chilubi Parliamentary by-elections during she issued statements aimed at demeaning and bringing the people of Southern Province into disrepute.

He however concluded by saying the UPND Alliance stands ready to defeat the Patriotic Front regardless of its flag carriers as the people of Zambia were resolved for change.

Five candidates which included UPND, PF,DP,SP and an independent Captain Cosmas Moono had by press time filed in their nominations.


  1. Look at this tribal ugly demagogue talking… I have some bones for your christmas, your demigod will never come closer to anywhere near State House, That house will soon be named Edgar Lungu as my boss will win easily and he wants he can run again in 2026 or will get his daughter to defeat your tribal god.
    ECZ is locked in and ConCourt is locked in. Just remember the warning from the boss “boma ni boma” (if you cause trouble, we will lock you up and throw away the keys in Zambezi river).

  2. Come on guys!
    You should try to do better.
    There’s no point in you responding to President Lungu’s choice of a running mate. That choice is a matter for the PF and the Zambian voters.

    You should be minding your UPND business by now. For example, revealing to your members and to the Zambian voters who your adopted parliamentary candidates are and whom HH has chosen for his running mate. It surely couldn’t be simpler than that.

  3. Mweetwa is probably right. PF should have gone for Mutale Nalumango. Country is above party interest.

    I hope PF reconsider their ticket.

  4. UPND time out, and PF third term is tyranny.

    “Remember, I am still Head of State and Boma ni Boma and still in charge. “-LT Taxpayer and international Donors left out.

    “The phrase taxation without representation describes a populace that is required to pay taxes to a government authority without having any say in that government’s policies. “Taxation without representation is tyranny.”

    Please talk about taxpayer how much they have contributed and international Donors and why We do not deserve third term.

  5. It was not long before tarino grew some balls to clone my account as seen above hahaha. Welcome back my clone. You are doing a job. Continue hammering these upnd tribalists

  6. As for my comment on this, upnd have never won an election and will never win. May be in the year 3000 when there are no longer tribalists in their party. We hope the T. o.nga people will denounce these thugs. Just look at field ruwe who went on a rant this morning insulting me instead of campaigning. When they lose ati we rigged

  7. Facts are constant, she is a Bemba Tribalist, very hurtful person. What she did to the students while she wines and dines with public funds was not cool. She got free education herself and must be aware of students from poor backgrounds!

  8. I’ve always subscribed to the philosophy that everyone deserves a chance. I believe that people change, except some reform after hard lessons while others by learning from the mistakes of others. It’s 70 x 70 so says the Bible. This is the reason we advocated for the transformation of the Prison Service to the Zambia Correctional Service. We want people to reform and have another chance. Indeed some of the things that Nkandu Luo says and does are unpleasant. Let’s pray for her so that God Almighty grants her wisdom to help the ineligible candidate rule for a 3rd term. I wish to remind Nkandu that everything she said during the campaigns for the by-election in Chilubi to replace late Rosaria Fundanga shouldn’t be repeated ever again. I’m sure she has realized how wonderful God is,…

  9. First of all, you cannot call a woman a Godfather. So, you have failed from the word go. If you mean what you seem to imply, you should have called her a Godmother.

    Attacking Prof Luo as a Godmother will not yield you extra votes. The only thing its doing is revealing the frustration coming from the UPND Camp. As a party that claims to be an intelligent party, your Media Infrastructure is always making irrational statements. At this point, you need to sell what you can do. Highlight what is not working. And sell your candidates.


  10. I’m sure she has realized how wonderful God is. He has given her chance to humble herself and go and face the people that she disparaged.This is more torturous than even losing an election. It’s lesson to all of us. Please let’s moderate our language because you don’t know what the future holds for you. Nkandu Luo God loves you so don’t disappoint Him

  11. The problem with UPND is that you spend too much worrying about what goes into your neighbour’s house. If you want to be the best at what you do, you focus on improving yourself every day. Muhammed Ali, Michael Jordan, Tiger Wood and Pele all these sports legends never focused on their opponents. But just to improve themselves.

    MacDonald’s Restaurant does not go worrying about how good Kentucky Fried Chicken is doing. They just focus on improving and promoting their products and brand name. In the end, people flock to the restaurants. That’s what it takes to succeed. You focus on the person you see in the mirror.

  12. Nkandu Luo is a good politician, with years of experience and intellectually sound. She is a woman of no nonsense. She could have cleaned the Lusaka street vendors in Sata’s first government but she was moved from local government for political expedience. Wherever she has worked she makes rational decision – no appeasement. Congratulations Prof NKandu Luo.

  13. The day the country has a leader with a sharp tongue against a people for political expedience goes for the next highest position of a country to govern even the ones she thinks of being less, is a worrisome day indeed.

  14. Mweetwa’s response is childish. UPND should just have responded by announcing a strong woman candidate for the veep position. And if you continue with this amateurish behaviour, our UK troll might actually be right with his predictions, God forbid!

  15. This pairing can only win by rigging. What a duo! They were meant for each other, on another planet!

  16. No corruption my predictions have been right since 2011. Come August 12, you cry like a pregnant hippo when ECL is declared winner. I have already said that I am vowing to run naked from arcades to mandahill if pf Lose. Why can’t you in pf vow the same when you lose

  17. The description of Nkandu as the Godfather is the best to describe such a heartless, evil, and stone-hearted woman. Luo can not unites Zambians because of her quarrelsome nature. Elo one of the meaning of godfather; is a leader of an organized crime family or mafia leader. That’s what describes her, Leader of a tribalist criminal family.
    You think people have a short memory? Luo hated nurses with a passion. Fought with young doctors in 1998, fought with University students, and later closed the institutions for close to a year. Later removed the meal allowances.
    Let me hear some ululations from the student’s associations who came out in support of Lungu now that Luo is the running mate.

  18. Upnd court Nalumango-Its a match made in heaven. PF choose Luo-ITS ALL WRONG!!! What is wrong with this sentence??? A disillusioned party with a bad superiority complex and a bloated ego with an unprecedented record of failure at multiple levels. Upnd have no plan or agenda for this country except to grab power at any cost and exact revenge on their rivals and get filthy rich while doing that. This country needs new opposition.

  19. Mr. Kaiser Lungu, enjoys insulting and maligning others, how come you always print his posts. My posts are either labeled ” duplicate or moderation” What is your standard?

  20. Such a coincidence .”Luo” is also the name of the quarrelsome /divisive East African tribe in Kenya and Tanzania .

  21. There has never appeared “Godmother” as an equal alternative this creation is because people love to create “opposite of” as beauty is to ugly! Those who cared follow Ms Doris Mwiinga she totally refused to change her working title from “Draftsman” to anything else she kept referring to herself as Draftsman! “Godfather” can as well pass for a neuter!

  22. To UPND supporters : Do you really think attacking Professor Luo will win UPND votes? If Nkandu Luo used bad language towards southerners and for that reason she and president Lungu shouldn’t be voted into power. What should voters do to Cornelius Mweetwa for telling Nkandu Luo that she is a man? Cornelius is repeating in summary form numerous abusive words that many bloggers have directed at Professor Luo by calling her a man, ugly person etc . So voters should vote Luo out for insulting southerners but should vote in Cornelius and UPND for insulting women. Isn’t that double standard? If Luo’s sentiments were taken as referring to everyone in southern province then even Cornelius’ sentiments should be taken as him calling all women fathers. Thats why at this point UPND should be…

  23. When know where UPND stands when it comes to tribalism. Is it not UPND that told Zambians that only a Tonga can lead UPND? Secondly, when HH and UPND lost the 2016 elections, Zambians from other regions who had found a second home in Namwala were hounded out like common criminals in that part of Zambia as they saw their homes torched and their livelihoods brought to nought. What we all experienced was velvet silence from the UPND leadership that included Cornelius Mweetwa. It is the silence we also witnessed from UPND leaders when Patrick Chisanga, Bob Sichinga and Sakwiba Sikota were hounded out of UPND by their cadres wielding traditional weapons to ensure only HH took over the party from late Mazoka. Cornelius cannot today preach to us about tribalism when Zambians know how deeply…

  24. …entrenched it is in UPND. When Levy Mwanawasa sent VJ to take a message of condolences to late Mazoka’s funeral home, VJ was thrown to the ground and manhandled for belonging to MMD and not UPND and for being looked at as having “betrayed his tribesmen and women”.

  25. ECL has appointed a controversial and unpopular character as a Running Mate in Luo. She has alienated Traditional Chiefs,Institutions of Higher Learning, Lecturers, Students, Drs,Nurses, Catholic Church, the Public etc. Luo is not adding value to ECL’s Personality. Team Lungu/Luo is likely to be a disaster and a very unpopular combination. Time will tell.

  26. There’s a difference between sound decisions and unpopular decisions. A good politician makes popular decisions, or else you are ruining the name of your party. Nkandu Luo is notorious for making unpopular decisions. When she was at Health(banned close relatives from being at the bedside of their
    sick relatives), Transport(painting of buses, which is not cheap), local government(banning street vendors),higher education(banned meal allowances)

  27. I can’t understand why UPND is concerned about Nkandu Luo?She is great woman.Because of Nkandu Luo i’ll campaign for Lungu.we need strong leaders not ba bootlickers’.U can see that UPND is now insulting her as man coz she is the running mate.why should Mweetwa abuse a woman like this?This party is so too triiiiibal and abusive to woman.Careful mothers and Zambians.Let the loose

  28. That’s why upnd keep losing elections because of their thinking. Do you really think people who want to vote for president Lungu will suddenly u-turn and vote for HH just because of Luo? Just sell yourselves to the voters and stop insulting Luo. And who says upnd are angels? He who has no sin, let him cast the first stone!

  29. In December 1999, over 300 junior doctors went on strike demanding better conditions of service, this ground the operations at UTH and other hospitals to a halt.
    Professor Luo and President Chiluba fired all 300 doctors and replaced them with Cuban doctors who were paid hefty salaries, many times more than the Zambian doctors were crying for .
    President Chiluba subsequently moved Luo from the ministry but the damage had already been done.
    Thousands of Zambian nurses and doctors left the country to go and work in Botswana, South Africa and the UK during the tenure of Nkandu Luo as Health Minister at a time when the country was grappling with an HIV AIDS Pandemic.
    The brain drain and loss of expertise in the health sector took over 10 years to overcome.

  30. Hardwokers and high achievers think differently. Most people don’t like them. That is what she is. The candidate Edgar Lungu has unveiled has been put on the spotlight for all voters to see. By the time we go to vote she will be everyone’s favourite. Believe me. ECL was not looking at tribal balancing in PF as it is already evenly distributed in Zambia. Let’s just wait for who HH picks so we pick it from there too instead of UPND insulting Luo.

  31. Brother, better you worry about yourself. First see if your party adopts you, and then rejoice. Your master is using fools like you for his personal gains and here you are dancing like a buffoon.

  32. Wow! A slave ***talking on divisive politics. If you were so worried about dividing society, you would have stood against Hakainde Hichilema being appointed as president of the party and continues to be in the position for over a decade, just because, ***

  33. When you make such statements and try to take on PF, just ensure that there are UPND supporters behind you. The way UPND cadre and leaders are defecting, the day is not far when you will be left alone and won’t have anywhere to hide.

  34. This is nothing but frustration of UPND. You have been trying every trick of the trade to garner support, but nothing is helping. HH tried all the permutations and combinations of alliances, imposed himself as Presidential candidate, yet he is not confident of winning. Now he has gone for an unholy alliance with KBF and Felix Mutati. It is a suicidal step for HH and he has sealed the fate of his own party leaders. Tomorrow, you will have to boot lick KBF, because he will be running mate of HH and all the dedicated UPND supporters will continue to slog as slaves.

  35. No matter what you say or how much you crib here. It will be PF supporters who will take the final decision. It is the internal matter of PF. How does it affect you? As you are celebrating here and trying to cover HH’s a$$, he is preparing to shock you. Just wait till he files his nomination.

  36. The supporters of PF have faith in their leader. We know he can’t take any decision that will harm the prospects of the party in coming elections. We stand with ECL in thick and thin. You better worry about your party.

  37. I never saw you that worried about how HH is treating Mutale Nalumango. Despite being party vice president, she is treated as a servant. Are you not ashamed of that?

  38. What is UPND alliance? It is a bunch of disgusting heads that are nothing but failure in every field of life. Instead of getting happy, over a non issue, why don’t you worry about future of your party?

  39. It is the decision of PF leadership. They will face the consequences, if any. Why are you getting worked up when PF supporters are in support of the decision? Did anyone ask your opinion? Why don’t you mind your own business?

  40. You what Mweetwa, it is too early to celebrate. Wait till HH declares his running mate. Then we will talk, till then pray to God that he doesn’t put you in awkward position.

  41. Actions come from the mind. It is important to trace someone’s past actions; it will help you predict that person’s future action

  42. Prof Luo is exactly what His Excellence described as, ‘A Solid person’.She is a very hard working and transparent leader. Most of the people who dont like her those hate hard work and transparance.She fits well in any Ministry she is assigned to.Many people thought she would be frustrated by taking her to Life stock Ministry, but look at the way she transformed it into a working Ministry.Thank youvery much YOUR EXCELLENCE FOR APPOINTING HER AS YOUR RUNNING MATE.GOD LESS BOTH OF YOUR AND YOUR PARTY PF.

  43. ……..MAY GOD CONTINUE BLESSING BOTH OF YOU AND YOUR PARTY PF. Please ignore the word ‘LESS’ in my first posting, it was supposed to be ‘BLESS’

  44. Kanshi twabashani nobupuba fwebena Zambia….Luo/Lungu is null and void. We do not want recycled politicians twakana. She has occupied her position as MP illegally and has done worse things when given the instruments of power and failed. Why would anyone in their right state of mind vote tor such people. UNZA iyo ni Zwaaaa…! Ba monko voteni Bally kabili.

  45. PF is winning make no mistake best move as others have alluded to is concentrate on your own house….best strategy for opposition is winning seats in parliament….I stand to be corrected not insulted lol

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