Sunday, September 8, 2024

Fred M’membe, Hamududu successfully file in nominations


Socialist Party Aspiring Presidential candidate Fred M’membe and his running mate Cosmas Musumali have also successfully filed in their nominations before Electoral Commission of Zambia Chairperson Esau Chulu.

Addressing the media after being validly nominated for the election, Mr. M’membe said his party is for the poor people, adding that it has enabled poor people to contest various positions at all levels of elections.

“Rich people have political parties and they rule the poor people but this year the poor people have their own party and they will vote for themselves,” Mr M’membe stated.

former UPND Bweengwa Member of Parliament Highvie Hamududu
former UPND Bweengwa Member of Parliament Highvie Hamududu

And Aspiring Presidential candidate for the Party of National Unity and Progress (PNUP) Highvie Hamududu says he will champion politics of right policies that will make Zambia become a better country, once he is elected as Zambia’s next Republican President.

Mr Hamududu says his party will do its best to implement right policies, to rule the country for the better.

The opposition PNUP leader stated that his party believes in the free market economy policies which he said were key to the country’s sustainable economic development.

He said this today at Mulungushi International Conference Centre after he and his running mate Kasote Singogo successfully filed in their nominations ahead of the August 12 general elections.

“Zambia from independence is so blessed. It had the second best human development indices in Africa. If we put right policies now the future of this country can be better,” Mr Hamududu said.

He further said, “The general ideology of this party is very clear for all. We promise one of the best manifestos ever.”

And Mr Hamududu has observed that political parties can not completely do away with physical meetings during campaigns.

He has therefore suggested that the idea of discouraging physical rallies can be revisited.

“We all understand the COVID situation as political stakeholders, so we should agree on how we can conduct campaigns. We can mask up, we can reduce the number of people at the rally and we can social distance,” he said.


  1. Congrats HH and KS for successfully filing your nominations. Now it’s time to sell the PNUP party to the masses. God luck and may God bless!

  2. The winner has already filed in.

    Right now I am at my offices where I have asked our cleaner to bring the stereo out and play Abwelelepo . We are all dancing and celebrating. This song is a hit. The way I will fwenkula when we win in August. Basop

  3. My main concern is the Lungu/Luo will not provide strong opposition to the incoming president.

    We should make sure HH never allows this country to become corrupt again.

    Let us all be very critical of the incoming president so he knows early on that Zambians will never allow thieves in office ever again.

  4. “after being validly nominated for the election” And other nominations may not be valid ka?

  5. Socialism. Does it work?
    The litmus test will tell. Zambians will tell if. Best wishes Fred.

  6. Some of these Presidential Candidates only file so that they can claim EU democracy funds because they know they have no chance of winning.

  7. I have listened to Highvie Hamududu on different forums, and have been amazed at his wisdom, plans and vision for Zambia. You have my vote.

  8. Hamududu is a very intelligent and principled man but he lack the charisma to organize a political party that can offer alternatives. Having listened to him especially during his time in parliament, you would enjoy and be informed but it ended there. He needs to embrace people with charisma to take on the political giants on the political scene. It is difficult to wish some candidates good luck in these elections because they have been sleeping and just campaigning on social media and in Lusaka while the rest of the country has never heard of them.

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