Sunday, February 23, 2025

Doctors on go slow, nurses plan to join in


Resident Doctors last night commenced their go slow after a failed government promise to meet their demands.

The Resident Doctors Association of Zambia directed that all emergency departments should be manned by the people on-call, emergencies on the wards should be attended to while those not on-call should report for work at 08 hours today and assemble at a selected meeting point until 16 hours which is knocking off time.

Association President Dr Brian Sampa said Doctors feel cheated after government failed to honour its promise to pay arrears and settling in allowances, gratuities, creation of SRMO/Registrar positions and the employment of the more than 500 doctors.

Dr Sampa said in a statement that the membership feel lied to and taken for granted and this has defeated the whole purpose of negotiation.

He said after a meeting held last week, it was expected that by the end of this week, something should have happened however none of the promises made by Government have been fulfilled not even in part.

And information emerging is that nurses across the country are also contemplating a go slow next Monday over failed government promises to pay their allowances.


  1. How can there not be money to pay essential workers, worse still in a pandemic that is claiming many lives?
    One hopes that the government can quickly resolve this matter by releasing the money that is needed.

  2. Meanwhile some moron was busy flying around the country in a Presidential Jet dishing empowerment funds that were never going to be paid back. No shame at all…its only PF cadres who are brandishing cash at the moment these hard working Doctors and nurses still are in arrears. How can one survive like that?

  3. To resolve to withdraw labour is so unfortunate. Hopefully something is in the offing sooner than later.

  4. This is real pressure for government of the day if they are to defend their title as a ruling party in place. Cash for cadres no problem – when it comes to life threatening issues its just empty promises. Am sure even cadres can fund doctors – why not just ask them to surrender part of that money they are playing with all over the show to solve this issue. Disaster!!!


    The six-year-old shadowy, and predatory lying and parasitic architects waddle in Zambia’s electoral swamp in a quest to protract their unsustainable parasitic enterprise. They are the outgoing PF, and its leader, Edgar Lungu.

  6. The PF priorities have been on tenders because that’s the side of the bread which is buttered. You can’t make commission or kickbacks from emoluments. Some of these issues have been outstanding for a long time so you can’t blame the professionals. The PF’s opponent number 1 is the PF itself

  7. Ee mwandini teto. After elections it will back to base. In fact manje you can win double: get your cash and vote out the scoundrels.

  8. As I said before, any deaths caused during their go slow will be on their hands. They will have to live with the f.a.ct that they killed innocent patients. We know that this slow go is being funded by that tribal desperate bab00n hh who thinks he will get political mileage

  9. So it has come to this! PF has amassed infinite resources to rig elections but can not pay paltry allowances to Doctors. Not surprising though looking the neglect in hospitals! PF has blood on its hands!????

  10. Relax Kaisar naiwe, just let your government which is going round flashing money pay them. Lately we had been seeing top grz officials flashing money to people in form of covid empowerment.

  11. This matter need serious attention than banning holding political rallies on account of Covid-19 pandemic. You PF has run down the coffers such that they can’t even afford to pay the health workers. This calling upon self inflicting pain at this critical time when they are supposed to be campaigning. PF through Ministry of Health has got its own medicine, ban holding political rallies fine but now doctors and nurses going on strike meaning a lot lives will be lost. I lost my beloved mother in 1984 at Kitwe General Hospital when Doctors then went on strike. I would not want other people to become victims.

  12. A kind, good and responsible government pays it’s doctors on time and not make President, cadres, ministers rich. It shows that PF has no love for Zambians. Vote for HH

  13. Mr kaiser Zulu….sir you were an advisor to our president and as such one would expect more measured response from you about this serious situation…if anybody goes to work one expects to be paid so they can fend for themselves first so they can care for the sick….now govt has not paid up and that said how do you turn around and blame the.? Sad you blame HH n call him a baboon….come on now man.

  14. Where is all the money being dished out by PF candidates coming from? How come there is not money to pay our doctors? Please their lives involved and Dr Malama do something before we lose more people. And please my doctor friends, do attend to those critical cases out of humanity while you press for what is rightfully yours.

  15. Niza – You think K-Z would be spending time on LT …he can not spend 2 mins in their WhatsApp Group….really laughable!!

  16. KZ was saying People don’t eat inflation. Well they do and that’s why the Drs have gone on go slow. They are demanding their arrears and a living wage. Becoz of inflation prices of goods and services have skyrocketed and People can’t afford to buy basic goods. The PF Govt’s priorities are upside down. They have been dishing out money to buy votes but they have no Money to pay Drs,Nurses, Civil Servants and Retirees. Civil Servants on August 12 must vote wisely and get rid of this Corrupt and uncaring ECL Regime. Besides PF Cadres were threatening fellow Civil Servants with death. To get rid of this uncaring, corrupt, incompetent and Visionless ECL we must vote him out on August 12 and protect the Vote at the same time. ECL has destroyed the Economy and our lives. On…

  17. The Drs have learnt the hard way that u trust this ECL Govt at your own Peril. Elsewhere this Govt is promising Civil Servants Debt Relief. Civil Servants are now in a debt trap but apart from Debt Relief what the Civil Servants require is a Salary increase which will enable them service their debts. The govt is giving Civil Servants false promises to buy their votes. These false promises on debt relief will be forgotten as soon as Lungu bounces back into Power. Drs, Nurses, Teachers, Lecturers, Students etc should never trust this Corrupt,uncaring , incompetent and Visionless ECL Govt. To save their jobs all Civil Servants should vote wisely to get rid of this uncaring ECL Govt on August 12. HH and UPND Alliance is their only hope. The writing is on the wall.


  18. Mr kaizar, how quick can you be on saying the blood of lost lives will be on those who will be on go slow when you never commented on expired drugs and honey bee issue, what is your interest.

  19. Umulinganya you must be new to this website because if you read old articles you would see that I have commented on all those issues. There is a big difference between an issue which occurs outside of the government’s control and that like this one where doctors make a conscious decision to go slow and cause deaths.

  20. The doctors are on go-slow because the corrupt PF government has not lived up to its promo. Last week Lungu’s lying government committed itself to paying all arrears in three days. It’s now TEN days and of course nothing has happened. These doctors have not received their salaries for MONTHS. And Mr oh so dumb KZ, that is not the fault of your incompetent government and its lying leader???

  21. why should this be a recurring problem? Medical personnel are employed on terms agreed by both parties to uphold and when the agreement is negated a problem is created! Doctor’s theirs is not a free service and they are not spared from paying taxes as every employee in any organization and when government fails on its obligation to pay this work force their earned entitlements and instead pivoting to reminding the doctors that theirs is a noble cause to save lives just doesn’t cut it for medical personnel are not a charity! Why should medical personnel be made to think with their hearts when they too have homes to take care of and are experiencin the same hardships as any average Zambian? Government must not place politics above peoples’ lives!

  22. Economy ya Lungula n people are tired of this. Mind you, the retirees are also waiting for their dues.

  23. Kz has a small ch1kala thats why he does what he does…just ignore the little empty tin..

  24. Drs were promised to be paid their arrears in 3 days but the ECL Govt failed to keep its promise. Drs,Nurses, Teachers,Lecturers. Students, Retirees, Civil Servants etc do not Trust ECL. The Cost of Living is high and People have no Money to buy basic goods. People are starving and suffering. So who is insane to vote for this uncaring and cruel Man on August 12? ECL trusts his Election Rigging Machinery but can u rig Elections Country-wide? Even in PF Traditional Strongholds People are chanting : “we want change..we want change “. It seems Macmillan’s wind of Change is blowing across Zambia. How will ECL withstand this push for a change of Govt? Time will.

  25. At such an opportune time. Good timing is of the essence. Strike the iron when it’s hot.
    I don’t support any worker going for a month or two without pay neither do I support blackmail or essential workers (those charged to take care of sick and vulnerable lives) to go on strike. This act is heartless.
    Not paying them is as heartless and heartbreaking as withdrawing service from serving and saving health compromised people.
    But it seems the Doctors have seized the moment. Annihilating and slaughtering patients with impunity is not acceptable. Government should log patients to doctors and those patients who will die during this period must be tied to a doctor responsible then take appropriate action. How heartless both of you!

  26. PF and UPND members will die and who loses in the end every one… UPND danderheads and sycophants are Sadists who will never appreciate anything…

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