Thursday, September 12, 2024

Use mobile money for your crop sales, farmers urged


Government has appealed to farmers to embrace the use of mobile money as the 2021 crop marketing season kicks off.

The Ministry of Finance recently released K657 million to the Food Reserve Agency to assist in the smooth implementation of the 2021 crop marketing programme.

Southern Province Permanent Secretary Joyce Bwacha said farmers should adopt digital platforms such as mobile money as handle the selling of their produce.

She said mobile money offers convenient, safe and secure cash handling options which garners should take advantage of.

Ms. Bwacha was speaking in Choma on Monday when she officially opened the new Zamtel Choma Customer Service Centre.

She commended Zamtel for opening the Service Center adding that the development will positively contribute towards the enhancement of Choma’s economic profile.

“As Government, we would like to commend Zamtel for its efforts in providing affordable and quality services to the people of Choma and the entire Southern Province. The efforts by Zamtel fully speaks to His Excellency President Edgar Chagwa Lungu’s vision of taking development to all parts of the country without leaving anyone behind,” Ms. Bwacha said.

She added, “The opening of this Service Centre is therefore a welcome development by Zamtel that will help exploit the business potential that Choma has to offer. I also wish to encourage Choma residents especially our youth to leverage this opportunity and fully utilize the opportunities for employment creation.”

“Let me take this opportunity to call upon our farmers to take advantage of technologies such as mobile money in the selling of their produce. Platforms such as Zamtel Mobile Money offer a safe and reliable alternative payment option which should be encouraged for us by our farmers. We do not want to hear stories of farmers being swindled out of their hard earned money when they could easily deposit their money in Zamtel Mobile Money and transact whenever the need arises,” she stated.

And Zamtel Senior Manager for Sales and Distribution Keith Banda said the opening of Choma Customer Service Centre is in line with the company’s new strategic direction of ensuring service and product access closer to the customer.

“The opening of the Choma Service Centre follows the opening of a similar outlet at Makeni Mall in Lusaka sometime in February. I am pleased to announce that the Choma Service Centre is part of the over 80 Service Centres that Zamtel has rolled out across the country,” Mr Banda said.

He added. “As a business we have over the years realized that one of the challenges our customers face is access to our products and services such as Mobile Money Services, SIM Sales and Replacement, Mobile Phone handsets and Top Ups.”

“This Service Center, therefore, will provide convenience to the people of Choma, Pemba and surrounding areas.”

Mr Banda said the programme to open Service Centres has already created employment opportunities for over 200 people, mainly youths.

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