Friday, March 7, 2025

HH is sole beneficiary of political violence says Bweengwa Candidate


Hakainde Hichilema is a sole beneficiary of political violence being committed by his members against the ruling party says Patriotic Front Bweengwa Parliamentary candidate Miyanda Mulambo.

During a press briefing held Sunday at Mika Lodges, My Mulambo has charged that the ongoing political violence has become the last resort for United Party for National Development (UPND) to derail elections using insidious methods following the failed attempt to stop President Lungu to contest election using the court process.

“When the legal way is now permanently closed door, the UPND intend and have been to use illegal ways to threaten peace using violence to destabilise the nation. Our people in Bweengwa have not been spared from the violence and intimidation which the UPND has unleashed as a tactic to win try and win elections. The UPND is beating people, burning cars everywhere. They are openly boasting about it across social media,” says Mulambo.

Mr. Mulambo has however warned the UPND not to consider the lack of retaliation by the PF members and the youth as a sign of weakness but said the PF want to win elections by showing what President Lungu and his administration has done and will continue to do for the Zambian people.

“We want to warn the UPND though that they should not take the peacefulness of our youth as a weakness because our members are capable of fighting back but our members know that violence does not win elections. Our campaign is not anchored on violence but issues. The UPND must therefore not stretch the patience of our people to respond with an equal force to their actions but must engage the Zambian people to discuss issues,” he said.

And commenting on the letter circulating on social media which was allegedly authored by Mr. Hakainde Hichilema, Mr Mulambo said denying the authenticity of the letter by the UPND does not take away the responsibility that rests on the leadership one of being responsible for your cadre and members.

“We want to be clear that by refraining to curtail and condemn the behaviour of their cadres, the UPND leadership under Mr. Hichilema is indirectly condoning and encouraging the violence,” said Bweengwa candidate Mulambo.

Mr Mulambo was franked by PF Member Isaac Mwanza who is also governance advisor.


  1. Mubi uyi hh both inside and out. He is so evil hearted that he refuses to help his own blood relatives. So how can you expect him to care for an entire country

    some one sent this to my inbox, what do you all think:
    1. Vincent Mwale
    2. Kaizar Zulu
    3. Given zayelo lubinda
    4. Bowman lusambo
    5. His excellency edgar chagwa lungu.

    1. Stephen katuka
    2. Hakainde hichilema
    3.anthony bwalya
    3. Nalumango

  2. Ati burning cars every where and attacking people ……?

    If you belive this you will belive lungu when he says he is not corrupt………..

  3. The best thing for these guys at the moment is to minimise talking because as they say leave by the sword die by the sword, these were you tactics to ascend to power you might just have to leave the same way. To make matters worse once you made it a criminally organised way of life.
    To the opposition be careful to not fall in the same trap come into power the way you want to leave when your time is up because nothing is forever in this political arena.

    1. Vincent Mwale
    2. Kaizar Zulu
    3. Given zayelo lubinda
    4. Bowman lusambo
    5. His excellency edgar chagwa lungu.

    1. Stephen katuka
    2. Hakainde hichilema
    3.anthony bwalya
    3. Nalumango

  5. Vote ECL and say no violence. Zambians say no to violence. WE need Zambians to develop Zambia. We do not owe HH anything and we do not need the services he is demonstrating to us. It is too cheap.

  6. UPND has hired mercenaries. Sadly, the PF is stopping Zambians from dealing with these mercenaries. I think its time for siya 2

  7. Hichilema can’t win 2021 without violence but what has happened to PF, GROWN WEAK TO FIGHT BACK?

  8. Hichilema can’t win 2021 without violence but what has happened to PF, GROWN WEAK TO FIGHT BACK

  9. Lessons from the ZANUPF syllabus.
    Watch “Jonathan Moyo destroys Mnangagwa and tears Zanu PF apart (latest)” on YouTube

  10. @Kaizar Zulu so it’s true what Field Ruwe said. That you were diagnosed with substance abuse at the age of 26 and was on several occasions chained to the hospital bed to contain his biting syndrome. Under severe psychotic attack, blogger Zulu would soil his pants, foam from the mouth and bite any one in his way. In addition to hallucinations, and delusions, substance abuse can cause violent behavior and hypoglycemia. Once a year since 2001, Zulu has to report to the hospital to control serious complications that develop in him time and again.

  11. Zambiano its true if you are into fictional movies written by a frustrated tribal m0nkey like field ruwe

  12. Am sure i have never head UPND cadres following the PF gatherings. Its always PF cadres following the UPNDs to disrupt their gatherings as if there is no police. When they are beating ati UPND is violent. Stop following them for them for provocation and you wont be sliced. We witnessed an event where PF cadres blocked the aspiring Matero MP from entering the market. Those PF cadres at last were beaten like *****s from Chainama. When they beaten ati UPND is violent. Have ever seen them entering town and start beating the people?

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