Friday, March 14, 2025

ECZ Suspends All campaigns, Including All Road Shows by PF and UPND in Lusaka and three other districts


The Electoral Commission of Zambia has suspended all campaigns by the PF and UPND in Lusaka, Mpulungu, Namwala and Nakonde due to political violence.

And the Commission has with immediate effect banned all Road Shows across the country to curb the transmission of Covid-19.

ECZ Chief Electoral Officer Patrick Nshindano announced the decision at a news conference at Elections House Tuesday morning.

Mr Nshindano also revealed that the Commission has also announced that three people will be allowed to conduct door to door campaigns.

Mr Nshindano said only one vehicle mounted with Public Address System will be allowed to do road campaigns and not a convoy.

He stated that the decision on suspending all manner of campaigns in Lusaka and other three districts does not affect other political parties and Independent candidates.

Mr Nshindano said the decision will be reviewed after 14 days


  1. Excellent! Simply excellent. I have waited for this to happen for a long time.
    People may now return to work or legal gainful activities. This also relieves pressure on the finances of the PF and the UPND.

  2. Phew we can some peace can the IG sit up and ensure these parties are no where to be seen for the next 14 days….

  3. 90% of country not wearing masks
    vendors crowded on top of each other selling salaula in all towns and districts etc etc.
    and the few road shows must stop ???
    I just dont understand the logic of this ?
    Dirty tricks at play ????
    You tell me

  4. Why having the elections when there are no campaigns. You were supposed to postpone the elections to the time Corona cases reduces. Otherwise the elections this year have no democratic sense. Democracy is campaigning. without campaigning, its dictatorship. If corona virus is real in Zambia, then call all political parties in Zambia, discuss the way forward. Today you tell then that 1 speaker mounted vehicle allowed. Tomorrow ati the speaker mounted vehicle have been attacked and all the people have been killed by the cadres.
    You think we are interested in people being attacked? You create an electoral problem and fail to solve.

  5. Trying to advantage one party over another party will cause a serious problem in this country as that party you are trying to disadvantage is striving for political space.

  6. It is a good decision, but also consider what happened in SInda where independent cadres fought with PF cadres. How is that going to be addressed to independent candidate with many cadres? I think it would be very fair to treat campaigners the same- whether independent or party.

  7. The fear of the popular publicity of UPND is the clear motive here. UPND were deliberately provoked and they fell for the bait. HH has been politically outclassed here. PF is very unpopular and Lungu knows that he would suffer embarrassing booing if he ventured on the streets of Lusaka.

  8. That is a good move.
    We all know whom we are going to vote for on 12 August 2021
    These campaigns happenings will change our stans on whom we want to rule the next five years.

  9. Good decision ECZ and thanks for taking leadership. Mr. Kaizar Zulu you should grow up. Your age does much your brain. Look at your comment.

  10. I smell a dead rat with this move. Better than a state of emergency anyway.
    The most disadvantaged is UPND. Edgar’s PF can continue on pretext of national duty to inspect incomplete projects across the country.
    14 days is a long time and will leave on 40 days before elections. GAME ON.

  11. This ban on Rallies and Road Shows is directed at HH and UPND Alliance. When ECL and PF saw the huge crowds following HH’s Convoy they panicked. What ECL doesn’t know is that People have already made up their minds on Lungu and his Third Term. Even in PF strongholds People are crying out for a change of Govt. HH and UPND Alliance inspire Confidence and most People will vote 4 HH instead of Violent, Corrupt, incompetent and clueless ECL. HH aka Bally will fix it.

  12. If both PF and UPND are banned from campaigning, how does this give advantage to PF?
    And by the way, UPND has always claimed to be popular but keep losing elections. Always poor finishing!

  13. “He stated that the decision on suspending all manner of campaigns in Lusaka and other three districts does not affect other political parties and Independent candidates.”-LT

    Others, rise up and fill in the gaps and bring zambia and the world together and take us forward. This is the time for international to jump in and help us.

    “We have nothing to fear but fear itself.”
    Winston S. Churchill

  14. Not totally a good idea because you ban 2 parties only meaning the others are irrelevant and can still campaign then why allow them.
    Secondly some parties are still supporting others EG FDD the madam is singing ECL where ever she goes,
    So what happens if alliance partners or other parties that decided to put there little weight towards a certain person of a banned party, can they still run campaigns can then still run road shows etc ?
    If they do then what
    Its a political campaign for Parties

  15. Its a good decision as it will work against the brains behind these instructions. Each time ECZ make some official statements there are always blunders. With or without ROAD SHOWS people will continue to campaign silently. Its now switch your NETWORK FROM ZAMTEL (AKA GREEN) TO AIRTEL NETWORK (AKA RED).

  16. The PF cadres have been taught a lesson by ordinary members of the public and the opposition parties. This has annoyed ECL.
    I’m sure Nshindano was dressed down by the PF. The truth is that the PF have lost support on the ground.
    The last kicks of a dying horse.

  17. Fair deal. Some cadres here are just supporting their parties blindly. Violence and killing each other over elections is not worthy it. There will be Zambia even after 12 August 2021.

  18. Fair enough. This is clearly a decision taken in response with these two participating groups and their unruly cadres. PF and UPND must not think they are the bee’s knees of our country. Well done, ECZ.

  19. THE SAINT @ 7

    Be honest with yourself. Its people like you who give HH falsehoods that he is more popular than Lungu. Come to the Copperbelt where the big numbers are. PF has managed to sell itself by reminding people that it was HH who played a part in under evaluating the mines that got sold for a song. And it is Lungu that is grabbing back the mines for the people. Have you wondered why HH is too timid to campaign in the Copperbelt. And if he goes there, he ferries people to make him look he has a big popularity. By the way, the boos on Lungu are organised UPND Cadres who get paid to do so. That makes HH happy. But keeps backfiring on him

  20. Clearly done out of concern for the visible growth in the popularity of hh and upnd and the visible dwindling of pf fortune. If it was on account of covid, all parties would be banned as well. To the corrupt, incompetent ECZ, we are watching you,

  21. They are suspending because they lazy one can’t fly about after collapsing… let hope working visits are cancelled as well for Grandma Bo Inonge and her passenger Luo.

  22. Until the PF Security Wing disbands its Militias led by Commanders in each Constituency there will never be Peace. The Mission by PF Commanders is to stop HH and UPND Alliance from Campaigning even though we are in a Campaign Period. Although ECL promised International Election Monitors and Observers free,fair and Credible Elections he is now reneged on his promises. ECZ is being directed by ECL on how to Run the 2021 Elections. Chulu and Nshindano are implementing ECL orders. Given what is on the Ground Zambian Elections in 2021 are likely to be rigged by PF and will therefore be disputed. It looks Sanctions from the International Community are coming given all these Electoral illegalities and irregularities. The writing is on the wall.

  23. Just ban PF and UPND from participating in this election. That
    Way Zambians can choose MMD
    Or any other party.

  24. That congestion at Soweto market: How’s that different from a political rally situation or road shows? Just say ‘”ECZ has suspended UPND from campaigning”. The wind of change has not gone well with the PF. The more they frustrate the UPND the more popular they make them

  25. Kaizer Zulu thinks all Zambian’s are schupid like him. If his home can be searched you will find that the violence, cancellation of campaigns, media blackout etc are part of the rigging exercise. Photocopied from MU7 and Zanu PF.

  26. What a load of cr.ap is this? These are kangaroo rules !!
    If ECL has the power he claims to have, it’s time to declare an emergency due to COVID-19, which should lead to the cancellation of the elections. That is much fairer, But I know OPPOSITION will cry again, if that happens, HOWEVER in my opinion, the elections should be cancelled altogether.
    I already expressed myself here that this whole idea of ROADSHOWS was RIDICULOUS, and it appears ECZ has just realized the same. I am now calling for cancellation of election before ALL PARTIES spend more money. Campaigns are supposed to be the main means to communicate to voters, if other means such as ZNBC is NOT available to opposition. Just CANCEL the SH.I.T off, but at the sametime acknowledging LUNGU will continue to rule meanwhile.

  27. He has done very well. If you look at way they’re butchering each other some could have gone into elections without testicles

  28. Surprised anyone is celebrating this undemocratic biased decision and not in any way just for UPND or PF
    >>.Other Political players are allowed to go about there business
    >>>,… So another party say FDD can go and campaign say for example on behalf of the other suspended group, then what
    they can go on a road show in.
    >> >> To some people not well informed and say I running on a UNIP ticket, I would go there and tell them these guys are so bad they are not even allowed to come here
    These are things that are happening and promoting what I believe they are calling Surrogate players in the political space just to be a Nuisance

  29. So are we banning commissioning of toilets, private farm plots and bank branches by the PF in the name of underdevelopment projects??

  30. People are angry and PF thought they still command Lusaka and copperbelt,big No!

    Zambians are determined to remove this useless PF government and wait for the last Edgar Lungu collapse and this time je will be dead because that will be stroke.

    Bally to clean up the messy created by PF and bring discipline.

    The ban is working against PF instead of them working to convince the electorates it is further isolating them.

    The message has already reached the country that Bally is the incoming president.

    PF must go!

  31. But will this message of the ban reach the following people on time – Inno, American, Freedom, Paul, Kennedy, Emmanuel and I have forgotten the PF guy who asked for Police to break peoples bones, add that one to the list as well.

  32. But will this message of the ban reach the following people on time – Inno, American, Freedom, Paul, Kennedy, Emmanuel and I have forgotten the PF guy who asked for Police to break peoples bones, add that one to the list as well

  33. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    Saw it coming from a miles away.. this one came after The Humble One threatened ECZ and the police that he would take matters into his own hands.
    Not sure why they just can’t cancel the whole sh@m elections. You are already abrogating the Constitution by canceling political gatherings, so why not cancel the Constitutionality enshrined elections as well.
    What’s next, the UPND can’t go and vote?
    The bizzare ruling of only banning UPND and PF and let others campaign… what happens when those others campaign for the PF and UPND (even though they may not belong to the PF or UPND)?

  34. The PF leader just attempted to censure ZNBC for the unprofessional coverage after that lady from the UN came in the country and pointed out the abuse

  35. The problem with being a tribal opposition supporter is that you end up looking like a big m.b.0.l.0. Just Weeks ago the same monkeys were saying that ECZ is controlled by us in pf. Today they are praising ECZ. Upnd supporters I treat you like idl0ts because you behave like one. You have a long way to go to earn the peoples respect in Zambia

  36. First of all the bans are piecemeal – if the reason is COVID. Secondly, ECL and Mama Inonge (including Nkandu Luo who is following her around) have
    been going round pretending to ‘work’ on projects. That will be their pretext while others will not have the same opportunities. At each ‘project inspection’, ECL has been talking about elections and whom people should vote for. Isn’t that campaigning? Nawakwi, like someone said, is oficially FDD leader but is out campaigning for PF. Technically she is part of the ‘other parties’ that can still campaign. The alliance leaders should do the same, then. Otherwise if this was genuine, everyone should have been halted, including the ‘project visitors’.

  37. If you see a ruling party crying like babies, just know that those are the last kicks of a dying elephant.

    PF is well known for violence, tribalism and all sorts of criminalities and there leader fainting not knowing what to do about all these troubles.

    Endesheni, Chapwa, longeni!

    PF must go!

  38. You @KZ are the biggest a.ssh.ole here with your diatribes. Planted to be divisive, but only from the recognition that you are already a primitive tool that can be used for such

  39. Next UPND should be ready and prepared for a total shutdown of the Internet and cellular phones in zambia at anytime by lungu……

    You are being warned….

  40. The ECZ has been complicit in getting us to this point for their incompetence for together with the police they handled and spoiled their favored baby nurturing it into a monster that is causing mayhem to the country! What ECZ has done through Nshindano is akin a housewife beating her step children too after her own child has soiled the bed they are sharing! The rigging for PF is in progress, Cry the beloved Zambia!

  41. The Humble Ruler fainted and was embarrassed, that’s why we are getting all these tuma temper.

  42. It is a must that the ECZ structure be reviewed and restructured after the August 12, 2021 election! Of utmost importance is need for representation of the active political parties in the commission’s structure as members whose role would be to iron out what is the modus operandi of the ECZ and to agree beforehand to the rules of play across the board applicable to all parties participating in an election! Constitutional legal minds could be incorporated in the commission to advise! The chairs role would be just to moderate and effect the collective decision. The way the current ECZ composition is acting leaves much to be desired!

  43. @bwafya you motherfcuker you! Fuseke. You are hurt because my comment is true. You think I don’t know what tribe you are.

  44. I agree. The biggest loser is the Upnd in this ban. This is where brains are/were demanded. But the upnd being what it is, they are so uninspiring and unstrategic. They behave as though they are not an managed organization.
    But 14 day is rather too much and hash. 7days was abit better 3-4days wad much better.
    Regardless, erring parties ought to be taught a lesson.
    It is perfect time for smaller parties to showcase their viability. Decampaign the Upnd thereby splitting those opposition votes and hit on the PF in a common opposition mantra.
    Indeed, let the ECL begin to bite. It’s a definite bitter pill for some untaught hooligans.

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