Friday, March 7, 2025

President Edgar Lungu declares 21 days of National Mourning


President Edgar Lungu has declared 21 days of national mourning in honor of first Republican President Dr. Kenneth Kaunda who died this afternoon in Lusaka.

Secretary to Cabinet Dr. Simon Miti on behalf of President Edgar Lungu announced that Dr. Kenneth Kaunda died this afternoon at 14:30 hours.

“It is with deep regret and sorrow that I announce to the nation and the international community the passing of our beloved founding father, icon, and global statesman Kenneth Kaunda, First President of Zambia,” President Lungu stated in a statement.

In honor of the late First President, President Lungu has since declared 21 days of national mourning.

He explained that during the 21 days period, all activities of entertainment nature will be suspended with immediate effect and that all flags should fly at half-mast.

“Government through the Cabinet Office will guide on the details of the funeral and burial programme,” he said.

He indicated that the funeral processions will take into account and in consideration of the COVID-19 guidelines as prescribed by the Ministry of Health.

“On behalf of government and the people of Zambia, President Lungu sends a message of condolences to the bereaved family of the late Dr. Kaunda,” Dr Miti stated.

Dr. Kaunda was receiving medical attention and admitted at Maina Soko Medical Centre on June 14, 2021.

In the 1950s, Dr Kaunda was a key figure in Zambia’s struggle for independence in what was then Northern Rhodesia’s independence movement from Britain and became president following independence in 1964.

As leader of the United National Independence Party (UNIP), Dr Kaunda then led the country for 27 years and stepped down after losing the 1991 elections to the late second President, Fredrick Chiluba of the Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD).

Popularly known as KK, was a strong supporter of efforts to end apartheid in South Africa and was also a leading supporter of liberation movements in Mozambique and what is now called Zimbabwe.

Meanwhile, the United States Embassy in Zambia has joined the Zambian people and the international community in mourning the passing of First Republican President Kenneth Kaunda.

This is according to a statement that the US Embassy in Zambia issued to ZANIS in Lusaka this evening.

“President Kaunda is known to the Zambian people as the Founding Father of the Republic of Zambia. He was steadfast in uniting Zambia’s 73 tribes through his commitment to “One Zambia, One Nation.” He advocated against discrimination of people living with HIV/AIDS and was a tireless advocate for the poor and marginalized,” the statement added.

“We extend to his family and the people of Zambia our condolences. We honor his memory and his service to the people of Zambia and across Africa. We mourn his passing. May his soul rest in eternal peace,” reads the statement.


  1. RIP KK, you ran a good race and now before your maker to give an account. Well done good and faithful servant!!!

    I am just not certain about the 21 days of national mourning especially in an ailing economy, a week would be ok. Flags at half mast for 21 days or forever ok

  2. Even the old man would refused this ..he would want to celebrate his life but govt of Lazy Lungu its all about laziness!!

  3. Mr president lungu,

    One of the greatest enduring legacies and gifts KK gave zambia was the
    ” one zambia, one Nation ”
    Slogan , which we lived by and kept our nations cohesion …….

    sadley , under your rule Mr Lungu , this one zambia one nations looks like a distant dream.

    You watch while senior figures in your party and government peddle damaging tribal remarks

    I am sure KK died a sad man at what has become of his one zambia one nation.

  4. I recommended 2 months of mourning but I will take this. Our president has had to judge and make informed decision. For that we thank you. We will miss our founding father of this great country. I remember when I last met him about a year ago and what he told me stuck with me. I will not reveal what he said because that was a personal conversation. All I will say is that am forever blessed since that conversation. God accept your son. Until we met again my father kaunda. Rip

  5. A great uniting leader has died who is respected world over, and yet you look at the comments above from upnd diasporans and all you see is disrespect. Really what is wrong with you? Is it difficult to just pass your respect for one second in your lives and not politicise everything? Your tribal leader has advised you to take a break from politicking and yet here you are disrespecting a great man who fought for our country. I understand you are no longer zambian but the least you can do is show some respect. You showed more respect for prince Philip and yet your own Africans are inferior to you. That is why you will never rule our country. I put that on my life

  6. Super Ken, the African. A Zambian to the very end. He was treated in the hospitals he built, and he died in one of them. May the children of the universe learn from you. Rest In Peace.

  7. We celebrate this gallant soldier of our nation. May God bless him and receive him in eternal rest. What a life ! A great life! Go well KK.

  8. I remember shaking hands with KK as a ball boy before the match between Zambia and Tunisia in 1989. The world cup qualifier for Italia 90. When Zambia beat Tunisia 3-1 at the old independence stadium. We line up along the national team. After finishing greeting the national teams he continued to greet us the ball boys. That match is still in my mind remember how Charles Musonda destroyed the Tunisian midfield together with Makinka who score a long range strike. Talk Summer bee (Widom Chansa) , Great Kalu with Yellow man at the back, John Soko and Witson Changwe overlapping on the flanks. It gives me good memories of greeting the republican president and our national team beating a Tunisian side lead by the great Nejib Liman.

  9. KK, may your soul rest in eternal peace, much loved and forever regarded, you came, you saw and led the way!

  10. KK, you play your role diligently, may your soul rest in eternal peace as you finally join your beloved mama Betty!

  11. At a time like this, all I can say is that KK is missed. His wisdom, directness, humanity, and his keenness in building Zambia post-independence will always be my fondest memories of having lived in Zambia since the late sixties through the late eighties. I will also treasure the moments when we got to see him attend the Mufulira Wanderers games at Shinde Stadium and he would drive out waving his ubiquitous white handkerchief, that is what stays with you from childhood, spent in the great town of Mufulira. My sincere condolences to the people of Zambia and my thoughts go out to his family, near and extended. May KK Rest in Peace.

  12. The only president who retired humbly akin to civil servant, trusted service institutions to deliver on challenges the nation faced to the expectations of the citizenry, invested in free education that saw a rise in the national number of indigenous graduates and not leaving behind those in neighboring countries under colonial suppression. KK was bold enough to take a risk with Zambianization program to empower control and harnessing of the natural resources wealth in the hands of the citizenry, there’s much more to KK the founding father of the Zambian nation to celebrate him for and his quiet life devoid of politics makes his stature loom larger than any politician after him! I call on all the beneficiaries of KK’s policy on free education to shout “AMEN!” for he delivered a crop…

  13. Kenneth Kaunda was born in Chinsali, the Northern Province of Northern Rhodesia (now Zambia). Kaunda was a qualified teacher and taught in a number of schools for years. In 1951, he left teaching to become Organising Secretary of the Northern Rhodesian African National Congress for the Northern Province. In 1959, Kaunda broke away from the ANC and formed his own party, the Zambian National Congress (ZANC). In 1964, Kaunda became the first president of an independent Zambia. He remained in power until 1991, when he stepped down following pressure from his own people and the international community. He was succeeded by Frederick Chiluba. Since stepping down as president, Kaunda has been involved in various charitable organisations.

  14. KK – The passing of a titan. Not too bad, sir. Not to bad at all. As you enter larger life you are being greeted as a returning hero. To my fellow Zambians, even as we mourn, let us celebrate the life of a man who tried to show the way to live, putting fellow man first via Humanism, and the motto of One Zambia One Nation. His transition into larger life, in time/space will afford him the chance to be received as a true hero in how he lived in space/time.

    Ps: KK11 never beat Tunisia 3:1 in Lusaka. The score was 1:0. The results that year at Independence Stadium then, were Zambia 4:2 Zaire; Zambia 1:0 Tunisia 0; Zambia 2:1 Moroco. Agreeably it was the late Derby Makinka who scored the lone goal in the 66th minute. But a reverse scoreline in Tunisia meant we did not qualify for Italia’90…

  15. Thank you Charles Chiyassa, it looks like LT dont have reporters who can do a bit of research and write well like you. Please join them and improve their reporting and news sense

  16. Thank you Charles Chiyassa, It looks like LT don’t have reporters who can do a bit of research and write well like you. Please join them and improve their reporting and news sense

  17. KK – The passing of a titan. Not too bad, sir. Not to bad at all. As you enter larger life you are being greeted as a returning hero. To my fellow Zambians, even as we mourn, let us celebrate the life of a man who tried to show the way to live, putting fellow man first via Humanism, and the motto of One Zambia One Nation. His transition into larger life, in time/space will afford him the chance to be received as a true hero in how he lived in space/time.

    Ps: KK11 never beat Tunisia 3:1 in Lusaka. The score was 1:0. The results that year at Independence Stadium then, were Zambia 4:2 Zaire; Zambia 1:0 Tunisia 0; Zambia 2:1 Morocco. Agreeably it was the late Derby Makinka who scored the lone goal in the 66th minute. But a reverse scoreline in Tunis meant we did not qualify for Italia’90…

  18. We will remember this gallant leader and his selfless work. The best we can do as a nation is to put aside our differences and reflect on what KK really stood for. Each and every one of us are where we are partly because of the bravery of this man. Let’s celebrate his life and come together as one Zambia one Nation. The eagle has fallen, go well KK, we thank you.

  19. Sata had 14 days of national mourning, Mwanawasa had 7 days and Chiluba had 7 days. We are free to make that what we may think of it – political considerations made? Some criteria? Father of the nation? On the face of it, 21 days does appear stretched, but a separate issue from the respect and some major achievements (which I recognise, particularly for the unsurpassed noble commitment he had for the Education and Health of Zambians and emancipation of most of Southern Africa)

  20. Even on the death of the founding father of the nation, ECL ‘announces’ this through the Secretary to the Cabinet, including the declaration of 21 days of national mourning. At what point can this man sit and directly address the nation? At this rate he would even declare war through a written statement delivered by someone else.

  21. May the soul of our beloved father kk rest in enternal piece,the role you played will never be forgotten in Africa our founding father.

  22. The gallant Son of the Soul has fallen. KK has run his race for 97years. Its time to rest in peace. KK’s legacy will live on. ECL has weaponised Covid-19 to stop Opposition Parties from Campaigning. Lets hope he is not going to weaponise KK’s death to achieve political goals during the 21 days of National Mourning. ECL wants to reduce Campaign Period for Opposition Parties to his advantage. ECL has been Campaigning since 2016 while blocking the Opposition from doing the same. He has banned Rallies and Road Shows for Opposition Parties. The next thing we might hear from the Lungu controlled ECZ is that no Campaign should take place during the 21 days of National Mourning. What ECL doesn’t realise is that most Voters have resolved to change the Govt on August 12. People are tired…

  23. Go well Father of the Nation. You ran your race gracefully. Where will he be laid to rest? Isn’t embassy park full? Is there enough space there?

  24. @Harold Muna

    Sata had 14 days of national mourning, Mwanawasa had 7 days and Chiluba had 7 days. We are free to make that what we may think of it….

    Botswana has given our KK seven days, while South Africa grants ten days. Really, everyone is free to make that which they think of it: much of it is comradeship.

  25. @Harold, wondering too. Is our president around? No speech from the mouth of the sitting president. Before the day ends, we will hear speeches from leaders around the world.
    RIP KK, some of us grew up during your leadership and we still dont understand while you were later called a dictator when we could demonstrate without a permit and non got harrassed by the Police.Even in your retirement, you waited patiently for your entitlement as a former president. Super Ken, firm disciplinarian, simplicity were the hallmark of your leadership.

  26. Stop censorship kikiki


  28. In South Africa the President ,Cyril Ramaphosa held a Press Conference to issue a Personal Statement giving his Condolences to Zambia and the KK Family. Why didn’t President Lungu do the same while in Western Province? HH the Leader of UPND Alliance has issued his Personal Statement giving his Condolences to the People of Zambia and the KK Family and has even suspended UPND Alliance Election Campaigns in honour of KK. HH is showing Leadership and indeed he is Presidential material. This Man should be elected President of Zambia to restore Honour,dignity and Pride to the President’s Office. We can’t wai to see HH in State House and see the back of this incompetent and arrogant ECL.

  29. Even when we need to mourn our father in unite we still find a way to politicize. Other countries have decided to mourn KK for more 10 days what is wrong for us the so owner of late to mourn more than 20 days.. What respect do you have for those you consider to be great men who worked tirelessly to give us the life we have. If you don’t have anything to comment please keep quiet and let those who have positive things to say do so.

  30. 21 days iliche. What is wrong with us. Always looking for faults. Why don’t we fault South Africa for giving him 10 days when it has given less than these days for its nationals. Botswana 7 days which we gave Chiluba and Sata. Let us learn to build – we are always criticising even where we do not need to. What would have happened if the government gave 7 days and South Africa 10 days?


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