Sunday, February 23, 2025

KK was a pan Africanist-President Lungu


President Edgar Lungu today visited the funeral house of the late first president of Zambia Kenneth Kaunda to convey his message of comfort to the bereaved family.

President Lungu described the death of Dr. Kaunda as loss not only to Zambia but to Africa and the world at large.

The Head of State said the late first president will always remain important in Zambia’s history for the role he played in liberating the country.

Speaking after he signed the book of condolences, President Lungu said the late Dr. Kaunda was an iconic Pan-Africanist and global statesman who always wanted to see good in others.

President Lungu said as the country’s founding father, the late president’s ideas of humanitarian, which were founded upon his strong Christian leadership, defined his leadership qualities.

He has since called on Zambians to celebrate the life of the first president by holding firmly and embracing the ‘One Zambia; One nation’ slogan as a basis for the nation to forge ahead.

“Let us keep Dr. Kaunda alive in our hearts and our deeds. Let the life led by the late President shape our destiny and remain indelible in our identity as people,” President Lungu urged Zambians.

He further said that Dr. Kaunda’s exemplary statesmanship, as steadfast and unwavering as he was renowned, gained him international stature.

Dr. Lungu noted that the late first president projected his noble ideas on the international stage while seeking the best for mankind.

President Lungu’s message of condolences read, “To KK our father, you have run your good race, we are proud of you by celebrating your life. We will emulate you”.

And family representative, Kaweche Kaunda thanked President Lungu and the nation as a whole for the support rendered to the family especially during the trying times.

Mr. Kaunda stated that his father’s legacy was premised on peace and love for one another hence it should continue to live on.

He stated that the family will remain united and build on the notion of peace and love which Dr. Kaunda preached about.

“He has left an example of his life, his motto was love and peace for one another. As a family, we will try to emulate his steps because peace and love is the foundation of everything,” Mr. Kaunda explained


He thanked the health personnel at Maina SoKo Medical Centre for their efforts to save the late former president’s life but said it was time for him (Dr. Kaunda) to rest.

Mr. Kaunda added that the family was grateful to God for giving their hero 97 years on earth and said he lived a productive life.

The Kaunda family looked forward to continue working with government and thanked President Lungu and his wife for their comfort.

President Lungu was accompanied by First Lady Esther Lungu who committed the bereaved family in prayer.

Mrs. Lungu prayed for continued peace in the family and the nation at large which the late former president wished for.

Other officials that visited the funeral house are Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet, Patrick Kangwa, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Services Permanent Secretary Amos Malupenga, Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) National Coordinator Chanda Kabwe and Patriotic Front National Chairperson Samuel Mukupa.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Permanent Secretary for International Relations and Cooperation, Chalwe Lombe, and Zambia’s Ambassador to Ethiopia Emmanuel Mwamba also visited KK’s funeral house in Lusaka’s State Lodge area.


  1. The president has been working tirelessly to organise the funeral and all activities thereof. I have volunteered free man hours to help. I don’t need to be paid to do patriotic work. Can we have more volunteers especially from the upnd who shun everything patriotic including national prayers

  2. Too late, He should have been the one to announce the old man’s death, but he was busy campaigning.

  3. Shameful more than 24 hours after the fact and no address to the nation??? Kamuleya, we are tired of your shenanigans!!!

  4. As usual our inept President is cowering in State House in the bar …just saw RSA President addressing the nation.

  5. Chi colour you wish you could be a quarter of what he was… But fir u even a dog has a better IQ than u, iwe same na fical matter

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