Thursday, March 13, 2025

Chief justice’s demise saddening – Vice President


Vice President Inonge Wina has expressed sadness at the death of Chief Justice Irene Chirwa Mambilima.

Mrs. Wina said the country has been robbed of another accomplished public servant and leader.

She explained that Justice Irene Chirwa Mambilima was the first female Chief Justice of the Republic of Zambia, a position she was appointed to on 26th February, 2015 by President Edgar Chagwa Lungu as part of elevating qualified, competent and experienced women to serve in key decision-making positions in the public sector.

The Vice President noted that the strategy is in line with the United Nations, African Union, COMESA and SADC protocols on gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls in the governance and socio-economic development agenda of the country.

She further said that the country has lost one of Zambia’s brightest minds, experts and respected leaders in the legal fraternity and in dispensing of Justice in the country.

Mrs. Wina stated that Justice Mambilima’s immense works and service to the nation that span over 40 years, shall not be forgotten in the archives of Zambia’s history.

The Vice President recalls Justice Mambilima as a well-balanced leader whose hallmark was service with excellence in whatever she did in Zambia, Africa and at global stage.

She has since called upon the family to emulate the excellent works and track record associated with Justice Mambilima.

The Vice President has wished the Mambilima family God’s guidance, peace and blessings in this moment of mourning.

This is according to a press statement issued to ZANIS by Office of the Vice President Permanent Secretary Administration Stephen Mwansa in Lusaka today.


  1. What killed CJ Irene Mambilima? What Govt business was she on in Cairo,Egypt? In view of Covid-19 we thought that such Meetings are done virtually? Is it a Coincidence that the Presidential Gulf Stream Plane was tracked landing in Cairo on 16th June 2021.? Is this a Case of Lies having short legs? They can hide the fire but they can’t hide the smoke. Thanks to the Information Age the truth will eventually come out.

  2. Where is Lazy Lungu? This old hen Bo Inonge should be at home resting away from people..doesn’t she have a family to advice her!

  3. A blow to the nation and legal fraternity. This death has really hurt me a lot.

    Tarino what is your fascination with our president? Is he your wlfe for you to be looking for him. Get a life kakaIa kobe. Get yourself a wlfe you fagg0t

  4. She had impressive CV and accomplishments up to ECZ. Once she was Chief justice her record tumbled , could be influence of plot 1, with clearly a more corrupt Judiciary with overreaching powers. What they did to Bishop Mambo and group was wrong.

    At the second inauguration of Lungu her behaviour was noticeable but did not do enough to stop PF to illegally instal themselves in power.

  5. The most classic adage regarding trolling is, “DONT FEED TROLLS.” Trolls seek out emotional responses and find provocation amusing, so replying to them or attempting to debate them will only make them troll more. By ignoring a troll completely, they will likely become frustrated and go somewhere else on the internet.

    You should try your best not to take ANYTHING trolls say seriously. NO matter how POORLY they behave, remember these people spend countless UNPRODUCTIVE hours trying to make people mad. They’re not WORTH your time of day.

  6. Fuseke. Anyone who challenges your tribally upnd biased comments become a troll. F00Iish. Come election time millions of zambian will be trolls to you because they will reject your f00Iish tribal leader

  7. Zambians should well be enough to call a spade a spade, tht late Judge wasn’t for the Zambians but ws a PF cadre who shouldn’t be praised bt for her CV. In short it us it ws useless, she’s one of the worst contributor to the suffering of the poor Zambians. Ad why should we Zambians praise her in death? We suppose to praise her whn she ws living, me l don’t have any praise for her bt condemnation ad its a relief to us, Zambians bcos she’s won’t be part of the system. My last words for her is rest mama ad can’t be in peace bcos she hasn’t left us in peace bt in hell with the system she ws part of.

  8. Her death is good riddance of public useless matter occupying public space. She leaves a legacy behind as the most Corrupt CJ Zambia has ever had. The worst Judiciary ever in Zambia her record didint even beat that of corrupt Chiluba. All the Illegal false judgements on petitions were done with her consent. She alllowed or in her capacity illegally swore in Lungu as president and even allowed him to stay in power when parliament was dissolved.She reduced the entirely Judiciary to mere Lungu’s bootlickers. Zambian Judiciary today is tottally dead because of her.


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