Sunday, March 30, 2025

President Lungu calls for innovative leaders


President Edgar Lungu has called on the electorate in Ikelenge district to elect leaders that will push the development agenda in the district.

President Lungu says leaders such as Members of Parliament should spearhead development in their constituencies by engaging relevant departments and ensure that projects are completed.

“Elect leaders that will spearhead your development agenda”, President Lungu said.

ZANIS reports that the Republican President said this when he inspected Ikelenge District Hospital whose works have stalked since 2015.

And Provincial Infrastructure Development Officer, Engineer, Paul Lusaka explained to the President that about K31 million is needed to complete the hospital project.

Meanwhile, North-western province Permanent Secretary, Willies Mangimela said a new contractor will soon be engaged adding that all the workers that are owed by the previous contractor will be paid.

Among the projects whose works have stalled include Ikelenge secondary school.

President Lungu has also toured Ikelenge main market where he took time to interact with the marketers and distribute masks.


  1. Guyz you scared us, we thought he is dead.
    Stop posting potraits, give us pictures where he is doing something.


  3. Division is caused by governments to keep poor people fighting each other while the rich keep on looting…one way of distracting the poor…..Kaizer Zulu busy fighting Tarino Orange and Spaka…..while Edward Chagwa Lungu and HH are getting richer every day

  4. There you have it, even his excellence know the importance of innovations and yet his party fails in that regard. Imagine if PF was innovative, we would have unruly cadres misbehaving everywhere and threatening and harassing the citizens and the police. Luck of innovative leaders has costed our country so much and this why the electorate should get rid of the PF govt and bring in a new bread of people that will steer the country forward. Nabafilwa abanensu and you can even read and see, it showing everywhere!

  5. So this Lazy Lungu was inspecting Ikelenge District Hospital whose works were abandoned in 2015 and the project needs K31 million to complete. Now the interesting bit is that a new contractor will soon be engaged plus all the workers that are owed by the previous contractor will be paid…really laughable who are you cheating …the real issue here is you never paid the previous contractor hence you are taking on the responsibility of paying off workers as they will not let the new contractor start works. This is a costly pattern very common in PF were works are abandoned, then restarted at great cost end up costing three times over budget.

  6. If this is not campaigning then I dont know what it is…why is he going to the market and he is giving speeches…he is talking about innovation he doesnt even know how to stimulate it as he is not innovative himself. I am surprised the opposition is not copying what he is doing visiting markets.

  7. “Elect leaders that will spearhead your development agenda”, President Lungu said.

    ZANIS reports that the Republican President said this when he inspected Ikelenge District Hospital whose works have stalked since 2015.”

    This man knows how to campaign.
    He is even campaigning for the opposition.

  8. My mother who has been living in the village somewhere tells me she was getting between K280 and K300 as social cash transfer while others in so called PF strongholds have been getting over K1000+.

    Can a journalist out there worth their salt do some digging and get to the bottom of the matter why this is so….well, I guess we already know the why but it would be nice if this was confirmed.

  9. The most incompetent accidental president in the worlds history.. what innovation? The man aught to be ashamed of himself.

  10. Am trying to find out something here, am not sure what it but, this guy recently has been campaigning directly for HH. He talked of voting for leaders who have interests of Zambia at heart(HH). And here again he is speaking of voting for Innocative leaders, again here(HH). What message has he got for himself tho?

  11. Why does this guy always look stupid in the face while walking with hands on praying mantis style like a Zulu man ready to loot!

  12. Don’t worry, your call for innovative and credible leaders will be available from the 20 th of August n will be ready to serve their subjects honourably.


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