Sunday, September 8, 2024

Youth group in paver machine empowerment


Government has empowered Pavco Enterprise, a youth group owned company in Mansa district in Luapula Province with a paver making machine.

Speaking when he handed over the machine to the beneficiaries, Luapula Province Permanent Secretary Charles Mushota, pledged the government’s continued commitment to ensuring that wealth creation is transferred to young people.

Engineer Mushota pointed out that once wealth is trickled down to young people, the country will be able to create more employment opportunities for the youths.

“The demand for pavers in the province is huge, this is because the region is still in its development stage, so this empowerment is key in the development of the province as the supply of pavers will be constant,” the Permanent Secretary observed.

The Permanent Secretary noted that it was important for the beneficiaries of the paver machine to put it to good use and be able to acquire more equipment, in order to enable them to increase production.

He further disclosed that the province has been allocated K15 million, towards youth empowerment and that so far K8 million has been given to the beneficiaries.

Paver making machine donated to Pavco Enterprise, a youth group owned company in Mansa district in Luapula Province
Paver making machine donated to Pavco Enterprise, a youth group owned company in Mansa district in Luapula Province

Minister of Youths and Sports Permanent Secretary John Phiri revealed that the government wants youths to be drivers of the economy, hence the move to continue empowering them in various ways.

Mr Phiri explained that the President is aware that youths have what it takes to own the means of production in the country and that the government will continue to support them.

“The Edgar Lungu model which the President launched is aimed at helping the youths in the country realise their full potential through various empowerment programmes, and the Ministry of Youth and Sport, will continue ensuring that it supports youths so that they can realise their potential,” Mr Phiri said.

The Ministry of Youth and Sports Permanent Secretary added that he is encouraged to see how most youths in Luapula are properly utilizing youth empowerment.

“I have taken time to check on youth groups who have so far benefited from the empowerment programme and I can see that they are serious and they mean business,” he noted.

Paver making machine donated to Pavco Enterprise, a youth group owned company in Mansa district in Luapula Province
Paver making machine donated to Pavco Enterprise, a youth group owned company in Mansa district in Luapula Province

Dr Phiri revealed that the government will continue supporting young people financially.

Meanwhile, Pavco Enterprise Chairperson Olma Lunya has thanked the Republican President for considering the youth in Mansa with a Paver making machine.

Ms. Lunya points out that the gesture by the President will go a long way in uplifting the living standards of most youths in the Province.

“On behalf of the youths I want thank the government for this gesture, the machine will go a long way in uplifting the lives of youths as this will not end here but will also bring other youths on board thereby offering employment to many youths in the province,” Ms. Lunya said.

In August last year, President Lungu launched the K470 million youth empowerment programme and so far a number of youths have benefited from the initiative countrywide.


  1. All officials nowadays are either northerners or easterners. Someone has ethinicity or is a tribalism 57 years after attaining independence

  2. You don’t just wake up from the blues and come up with youth empowerment without even providing basic business management skills. How projects has govt tried to empower ma youth and women? These programs have to done in a well structured manner with monitoring mechanisms put in place. What happened to Buses which were given to youths. One does not just throw money to the winds. Resources are always scarce and need to be managed prudently. Even at household level you don’t just wake up and start dishing money to kids or wife start businesses without assessing their capabilities to manage and sustain the businesses. This is the reason this country is not moving forward.

  3. There’s no title Engineer. It is either Sir, Dr, Mr, and other dignified titles. But not Eng. Kwisa mwamwenepo ifyo? You Zambians want to glorify made up titles and not work or research. Zambian engineers are no different from mechanics. Putting oil in already made machines from Europe or China does not qualify someone to be an engineer. Real Engineers are innovative and do research. Someone with an apprenticeship degree, the bachelors is not provided with title. Lawyer Lungu, Nurse Phiri, Teacher Bwalya, Accountant Musonda, Grave Digger Lusambo, Journalist Tembo, etc etc., where did you crazies see that? Ebupuba bushipwa muchalo. Produce. Not umungulufye.

  4. Here comes the magic word ” empowerment” again. It was missing for the last few days and has once again made an appearance. Even the PS who is supposed to be a civil servant is into this game. No wonder they also get fired after government changes hands.

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