Friday, March 7, 2025

Hakainde Hichilema is the member of the African Liberal Network that advocates for Homosexuality-Nkandu Luo


Patriotic Front Presidential running-mate Professor Nkandu Luo has advised the church against supporting candidates who are affiliated with organizations that are against Christian values.

And Kasempa Pastor’s fellowship vice-chairperson, Jackson Mbewe commended President Edgar Lungu for upholding the Christian nation declaration.

Speaking in Kasempa district when she was addressing the clergy Prof Luo disclosed that Mr Hakainde Hichilema was the member of the African Liberal Network, an organization that advocated for Homosexuality.

“On the African Liberal Network website you will find a letter where he has been sponsored with $720, 000 by this network and the promise that he has given is that he will remove the Christian nation declaration,” she added.

Pro Luo revealed that Mr Hichilema further promised the African Liberal Network that he will legalise Homosexuality in the country once voted into office.

“They have promised that they will allow for Zambian men to marry men and women to marry women, as people of God is that the type of leader you want to take to statehouse,” he added.

Prof Luo has also urged the church to support President Lungu as he is a strong advocate for Christian beliefs and values.

Meanwhile Kasempa Pastor’s fellowship vice-chairperson, Jackson Mbewe commended President Edgar Lungu for upholding the Christian nation declaration.

“The church in Kasempa district appreciates this government under the leadership of President Edgar Lungu for upholding the declaration of Zambia as a Christian nation,” Mr Mbewe said.

He further appreciated President Edgar Lungu for his efforts to unit the country regardless of ones tribe or political affiliation.

Mr Mbewe disclosed that the pastor’s fellowship in the district were behind president Edgar Lungu in the forthcoming elections.


  1. This is not an issue, it’s character assassination. Let madam Luo tell us something about her manifesto of what she is going to do for the next five years., Not always about HH, If HH is destined to rule Zambia, it will come to pass no matter how much you are going to paint him. Let God judge him not you mama, bcos even you or Mr.Lungu belong belong to a certain group which we don’t know, only God knows. Don’t act smart Mama

  2. Ale bane, kwena na Professor wine chikopo.
    PF Manifesto is = HH.
    WHY WOULD ONE VOTE FOR SUCH A PARTY? I am sure they are quite certain that ZAMBIANS are IDI.OTS and will listen to these bogus allegations against HH.
    One would think ba Professor would seize the opportunity to promote appreciation of the kwacha, but alas, ba professor bena batutu.

  3. This is the only thing left in PF’s bag.
    They have absolutely nothing to offer but lies and tribal politics.

  4. Am non partisan but is this really why people shouldn’t vote for HH…how did this woman become a professor….whats wrong with being gay….holier-than-thou….and yet you promote theft and corruption…what difference does it make really????? And you’re supposed to be a mother….if your child comes to you and tells you he is Gay…what would you do Nkandu Luo

  5. Seems like the PF campaign message is comprised of two points;
    => fly over bridge
    => HH is evil, a tribalist, homosexual supporter.. etc

    unfortunately this stuff works with the uneducated. That’s why African govts will never prioritize education

  6. Jokers and fools destined to the dustbin of history and good riddance and their infrastructure cons the Chinese peril. VOTE these amatures out.

  7. There is everything wrong about being gay especially in our African and Christian families as the President is the embodiment of our culture and values and same sex advocacy goes against family growth and its anti Christ so why promote such a culture when we already have other serious issues like drug abuse to contend with? We ought to identify ourselves about who we’re. Is it all about the economy? If you want to completely destroy society begin to entertain such pervert cultures in your land and you will have no nation to talk about in future. There must boundaries to how you govern yourselves.

  8. If HH is a cross dresser that’s his business. Let his wife be the judge. After all some of you pretending to be ladies behave like mitafe.

  9. Thats why we ask about this change you’re advocating what else is escorting Mr.HH to State house? The baggage is too diabolical to entertain. Apart from gay network , we have seer 1 as one of the campaign managers,Tekele Banda as head of special duties and not forgetting the ever bitter and demeaning supporters and the know it all cultish supporters and leadership.

  10. So what Thieves, murderers, liars are injurious to others. Homosexuals do no harm to anyone! So what is the fuss!

  11. I think PF is losing; they are becoming desperate. Gay rights is a human rights issue, endorsing it is a right thing to do. Viva UPND.

  12. The Desperation is becoming comical…….

    The only reason PF are desperate is they can not survive without GRZ corruption.

    The same month there is a change in GRZ , most of them will begin selling their stolen properties…….

  13. Estúpido! Stupide! This woman has no shame at all. Why is she telling lies? This is very disgusting. Anyway, some low life people will buy the lies.

  14. Nkandu Luo has shame at all. Why is she telling lies? She displays lack of credibility and unsound reasoning. She doesn’t demonstrate good character. I don’t think she is concerned about the audience welfare at all. Estúpido! Stupide!

  15. So says the most ugly woman in world, if you look at her ugly face u probably turn gay because of how ugly she is

  16. We all know that Nkandu Luo is speaking the truth, this is the reason why we Zambians can’t afford to sell/give this nation to people that don’t believe in Christian values..Bane God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah sending fire because of homosexuality that is how serious it is Genesis 19:1-29
    What will our Child learn from homosexuality, lesbianism,gay rights!
    So this is why hichilema has been working on and planning with his wicked organization that funds him. Shameful…May Jehovah God decampaign hichilema, he has no heart of this nation out of all things just to go and select homosexuality i thought since he is a business man he would have been looking for serious investors to come and set up industries only to discover that hichilema has been having meetings with a organization that…

  17. May God forbid, homosexuality and the whole LGBTQ agenda is a mockery of Gods plan for creation and it attracts the wrath of God on the people and the land that advocates it. Just Look at Germany and Belgium recently, they attacked Hungary for rejecting the LGBTQ agenda in schools even threatening sanctions. They stood in solidarity with the LGBTQ movement by lighting up their football stadiums in their colors when Germany was playing Hungary. The great Germany was kicked out of the champions league soon after and both Germany and Belgium have experienced historic devastating floods and death. Don’t be fooled, the LGBTQ agenda exacts the wrath and punishment of God in a people and their land, We don’t want that in zambia. Just keep an eye on Germany and Belgium, more catastrophes will…

  18. …follow, it is a satanic agenda and those that promote it are satanists trying to expand the devils influence in the world.

  19. Two issues that will save or damn this country: A realization that no one group of people should determine the trajectory of adults in their population. A critical mass of id!ots who will believe that their leaders are in charge of their very social fabric. Epela. Kwasila.

  20. SO WHAT

  21. There in lies the difference between Liberals and Conservatives. While homosexuality is a human right, it may not sit well in others’ minds. And you certainly don’t justify gayism by mentioning corruption. To some, hemophilia is corruption.

  22. People have short memories. Was it not PF government that was try to introduce this in the school curriculum and yet they have the audacity to say do not vote for another candidate based on allegation based on PF sources only

  23. People’s Alliance for Change PAC is also a member. So what’s the problem. lets talk issues for heaven’s sake! ubukopo

  24. To HH supporters, don’t worry because this is the same thing the MMD did to Sata after they ran out of words to convince people to re-elect them. Last kicks of a dying horse.

  25. PF have really run out of ideas. Now they are playing on people’s fears and creating monsters where there are none. Next, we will hear Bishop Choma resurrecting the Freemason story again. If there is ever a person who is morally pure as far as a man can be among Zambian politicians, Hakainde Hichilema stands head over all of you PF f0rnicators, adulterers, thieves, peeves, murderers (remember Lungu changing a traffic offence to treason in order to legally kill HH?). Your police chief is still non-repentant and ordering his officers to kill innocent campaigners. HH is a saint compared to you evil and immoral people. Not even 90% of Zambian pastors and bishops come close. Stop character assassination and dwell on issues.

  26. I wander if I was going to be there if dad and mom were homo, mawe mawe! Twapapata ba ECL na ba Luo please rescue our lives and those of our children.

  27. My earlier post read that ….the LGBTQ agenda attracts the wrath of God on a people and it’s land just as it did Sodom and Gomorrah. Just recently Germany and Belgium openly condemned Hungary for rejecting an LGBTQ agenda in the school curriculum. They went on to mock Hungary and God by lighting up their stadiums in LGBTQ colors when Germany played Hungary. Long story short, Germany was booted out of the championship league and has since suffered unprecedented floods and deaths together with Belgium. God is not mocked, we don’t want this for Zambia.

  28. God has never given power to any human led government to punish people for sins against Him, but those against other human beings. In that case adultery should be a criminal offence because is an offence against another human being. Homosexuality is not. So, as things stand right now, hands up you PF and Reverends who have not looked lustfully upon the opposite sex who is not your spouse. You hypocrites! Beginning with the Republican President himself who had a child out of wedlock, you should all be stoned to death.

  29. By UPND, last time HaHa was linked to the said network, you refused vigorously but today, because its in black and white of your messiah’s link to the said organisation because its on their website, so you are now tying to justify that gayism and hom… is cool. How stupid! Otherwise, we are just waiting for 12th to get ECL back on the seat. Alebwelelapo pamupando!

  30. Topic:
    Jesus had 12 disciples, all men. He was not married at 33 years before being tragically murdered. Why was he moving around with men? Was he gay?

  31. It is so sad that leaders have resorted to character assassination instead of telling people what they plan to do different from what they have done in the last 10 yrs as a party. These are signs of a desperate regime. 12 Aug is approaching very fast and I am sure people have decided how they will vote. I cannot wait to cast mine. Let’s all be allowed to vote in the spirit of one Zambia one nation one people, without interference.

  32. Really, wena Luonyokolile u butoto ahulu, mwati kuli kupusa kwa so! This is the same woman addicted to highly promiscuous adulterous habits. And for one, Luo must stop copulating with young boys, she is a shameless ugly chimpanzee, always on heat!

  33. It is very clear that PF has no reason to seek another mandate. Professor Luo and her boss must start selling their manifestos instead of this HH business every single day of their campaign period. It is so disappointing that these people have the chance to inform the nation what plans they have and how they will improve the lives people and yet the only thing that comes to their mind is HH is going to arrest the PF leaders, HH supports gay rights, etc. When are we going to be told real issues to analyse a better candidate. But anyway professor Luo is just showing that she and her team are not capable!

  34. Isn’t this what Dora Siliya said about Michael Sata?
    The obsession against homosexuality in Zambia baffles me. It appears to me that there may be too many people who are gay in Zambia and they are afraid of being tempted if it was legal. The Electoral Commission of Zambia is part funded by the Irish government which has a gay Taoiseach (Prime Minister). You are getting money from the European Union in Belgium, a country led by a gay prime minister. I think people in Zambia are now past this scaremongering.

  35. We are not interested, as long as HH is coming to clear the mess you have created, that’s fine with us Zambians

  36. America promotes Gay rights and its the richest country in the world…Zambia the so called Christian nation is one of poorest country in the world…now explain why it’s like this….

  37. Recently, a report by an international civil rights organization accused Zambia of human rights abuses. Some PF officials debunked the findings — here we are, reading about a ruling political party’s vice presidential nominee making a public statement against an organization that she believes promotes homosexuality. As “Cow” has asked above, “Zambia is a member of the UN which advocates Homosexuality too. Are we [all] gay because of it?” Meanwhile, ordinary citizens continue to wallow in abject poverty, and PF officials are day and night telling lies about unsubstantiated schemes being hatched by the opposition, irrelevant accusations such as that in this news story, profanity against citizens who dare to cite their ineptitude — and they want Zambians to give them 5 more years so…

  38. Surely we have a potential Vice President taking non-issues like someone’s sexual orientation. Talk about how you will manage to fight corruption which has destroyed this country, how you will fight bad traits like tribal remarks, which unfortunately you are part of.

  39. Nafuti nafuti so factually delivered. He his so tribadistically oriented.
    These people are so factual mwe. First it was CK now Prof. NL. Iye imwe.
    True true.
    A member of a Masonic temple also a member of ALN.
    H² is still work in progress on a political front. No experience and full of theories.

  40. Ba Luo your late ex husband Dr.Manda used to say you never gave him attention in your matrimonial home. You also remove Students meal allowances did you want students to starve and die?This time around Zambians are not blindfolded with cheap politicking

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