Thursday, March 13, 2025

Chief Simamba castigates people who took part in the privatization exercise in the late 90s.


Chief Simamba of Siavonga District has castigated those who took part in the privatization exercise in the late 90’s.

Speaking when the PF Presidential running mate Professor Nkandu Luo paid a courtesy call on him at his palace Chief Simamba said a few unpatriotic Zambians enriched themselves and left a lot of Zambians in misery

He said the architects of privatization did not study to see whether it was workable or not.

“There is no way you can sell national assets to foreigners. A lot of Zambians were left in misery because the privatization exercise was badly implemented. They did not study whether the exercise was workable or not,” Chief Simamba said.

“It’s only Zambians who can develop this country and we need to make Zambia a better place. Let’s work as a team and develop Zambia,” he said.

And the traditional leader called on Zambians to put politics aside and focus on development. He said politics cannot exist without development. Chief Simamba said as a traditional leader he has put development as a top priority because he wants to see an improvement in the lives of his people.

“Southern province is a province for all the 73 tribes and every Zambian is free to come and settle and invest here. As Zambians let’s put politics aside and focus on development. Politics will not exist without development and development is my first priority,” Chief Simamba said.

“A lot of development has taken place here in Siavonga. We had no electricity but this time we have and companies are coming up. I want to leave a legacy and make a difference in my chiefdom hence my desire to work with the Government of the day,” the traditional leader said.

PF Presidential running mate Professor Nkandu Luo
PF Presidential running mate Professor Nkandu Luo

And PF Presidential running mate Professor Nkandu Luo said the major focus of the Patriotic Front is to develop Zambia. Professor Luo said Zambians should continue with the PF because it is the only party with a tested leadership, adding voting for the opposition party will take the country backward.

“We have laid a strong foundation in infrastructure development in agriculture, energy and people are seeing the fruits. We have a tested Government in place and it is time for our wealth to be enjoyed by Zambians. We will continue deliver,” Professor Luo said.

“Change in the early 90’s was not premised on research.Voting for UPND will take the country backwards because all national assets will be in the hands of foreigners. We can only develop if the assets are in the hands of Zambians, otherwise we will always remain spectators,” She said.

” Let’s not experiment with leadership, our friends, the UPND got 100 vehicles from their funders in exchange for national assets should they win the elections, ” Professor Luo said.


  1. Very true. Foreigners don’t come here to develop the country but to make money and take it back to their countries.

  2. The Chief reminded me about the Carlington maize deal, indeed we had criminals in leadership. In 2016, UPND cadres began to demarcate my plot in Siavonga because believed that the tribal leader was going to win. Their for doing that was I didn’t hail from there so I must go back to wherever I came from. So the Chief knows what he’s talking about. He’s a very wise Chief

  3. In 2016, UPND cadres began to demarcate my plot in Siavonga because they believed that the tribal leader was going to win. Their reason for doing that was I didn’t hail from there so I must go back to wherever I came from. So the Chief knows what he’s talking about. He’s a very wise Chief

  4. What was there in the companies privatized? Where could the money come from to keep them afloat?ZCCM was using $1million per day,who could have funded them?
    There were shortages of everything, international lending financial institutions couldn’t finance loss making parastatals, only option was privatization.
    Now mines are recapitalized and equipped by private owners we are back to 1968 when government took over mines later to run them down….

  5. Come on @Ayatollah, why do you have such a sick heart full of hate? The chief talked about poor privation implementation in 1990s & the fact that unlike other provinces of Zambia, Southern is multi tribal. You talk about your personal plot and pour vile on UPND cadres, fearing that they’ll behave like PF cadres – grabbing other people’s land. No appreciation of people who accommodated you at all. Your motive is to dominate others instead of working together as partners.

  6. Meanwhile the ring leader of privatisation is now desperate to become president of this country so that he can sell off the remaining few mines that we own to his imperial masters. On my life, HH will never rule this country. Mark my words

  7. The same song all the time if there was a crime all ministers, lawyers should be in the dock including Lazy Lungu…the question we should be asking is how much did Luo pay this ignorant Chief Simamba.

  8. LATEST: The Economist Intelligence Unit has predicted a PF victory in the August 12, 2021 election. They say Edgar Lungu will remain in power beyond 2021.

  9. KZ & Chief Simamba of Siavonga here , you are as Dull as all the citizens opening their mouths without facts on this Privatisation Subject.
    The MMD Government lead by Frederick Titus Chiluba privatised the parastatals.They passed the Zambia Privatisation Act through the Zambian Parliament.They created the Zambia Privatisation Agency(ZPA).
    ZPA led by one Mr Valentine Chitalu Sold all the Former government companies.
    It was not HH ,he was just an Advisor,so was EDGAR LUNGU

  10. You Dull people,one needs to get a stick and beat you with it over this Privatisation Argument.
    Edith Nawakwi was in the Cabinet of the MMD Government that embarked on Privatisation of Parastatal Companies.She knows the truth,but chooses to go around tellings Untruths.
    Because like most Citizens,she is Hungry & Broke,has Sold her Soul
    and needs favours from Lungu & PF to Survive .
    Valentine Chitalu was Head of ZPA ,where are you Valentine Chitalu,PLEASE come out and educate these DULL CITIZENS


  11. Ba Chief, let me remind you of a few facts you might have deliberately forgotten hence your being naive. Privatization was forced on the MMD in government by the IMF as a condition for a bailout of the country that was broke, there was no soap, no cooking oil no essentials, in short, in ZCBC, ZOK or Mwaiseni stores run by government because there was no money to order them from suppliers overseas. Some mines like Luanshya were on care and maintenance gobbling approximately $1000000 a day to pump out water to avoid it’s flooding so on and so forth. I was there and had to do with bathing with some improvised soap boiled in large drums near Colcom and Pork Products of Zambia in Lusaka, therefore can attest to the suffering the masses were subjected to then including mothers with babies…

  12. Chief Simamba of Siavonga ,if you want raise valid cry for Justice,you should be calling for Edgar Lungu & PF to Apologise for plunging Zambia into a $20 Billion Debt Sewage.We have no means of repaying this Huge Debt.We have already started to Default on Repayments.
    Lungu is the man behind Overpriced,Corruptly Procured Chinese Infrastructure Projects & Corruption on a Monumental Scale ,ask him to Apologise for that or tell the Zambian People how he is going turn that Around



  15. If akapuba was a chief and poverty was a something that looks like a man.balya njikwite with a kettle panshi ninshi Abantu have stopped making ama goat stool

  16. @Chilo, the hero of privatization thinks he owns Southern province and that no chief or subject must associate with supporters of other political Parties especially those that don’t hail from that province. It’s a fact

  17. This is a scratched record. Why don’t we also castigate the chiefs who took part in colonialism and slavery!

  18. The truest manifest of idiocy..your house is burning and you start worrying about events that took place 30 years ago and have no bearing on your burning house!!! People when does stupidity overwhelm a human being?!

  19. This issue is now stale we need to move on. It’s heart warming though that PF has embarked on rebuilding what was destroyed and that’s leadership. Leadership is about taking ownership over the mess of the predeccers and ensure the mistakes made are never repeated in future. That’s the meaning of restoration and it’s the reason some of us see hope in our nation when we see what PF has done in the past 10 years not withstanding many areas of weaknesses that they have to work on. Alebwelelapo

  20. @ No.4 The Star, if you have heard about turn around strategy you wouldn’t be talking like that. Do you know that Apple, in the 90’s was on a blink of collapse? I don’t need to tell you where it is now, you have seen for yourself. And let’s not give excuses that it’s an American company, therefore we shouldn’t compare. There’s nothing special about America except their attitude towards making a success out of anything. Many Asian countries are also doing well because of their mindset. Let’s not degrade ourselves as Zambians by thinking only investors can make a success of our resources. We’re capable of doing that ourselves. If only we can begin to change how we think and behave, and believe that nothing is impossible, we can make a success of our country. It’s not too late to…

  21. Atleast those who enriched themselves and now employ Zambians are patriotic unlike some who sold cold storage board of zambia and drank all the money and still went on to committ fraud on a widow , losing his law licence …..

  22. I think all of us have different views regarding privatisation its better to close this chapter and move on to rebuilding the country. Of course there are issues to do with morality and ethics and some people have no conscious to examine themselves so life goes on. What is comforting is that God has a way of bringing people to account in His own way.

  23. If it was not for those investees, Siavonga would not have the hotels, tour boats and employ hundreds of locals and the reason he has Zesco power now is because the hotels lobbied for it.
    The foreigners we don’t want is the Chinese investors they are the ones that are corrupt and take the money out of the country, all the hotel owners in Siavonga are white and been there for decades.
    Zambians should invest also but the Zambian banks make it hard to borrow money at 30% when the rest of the world gets money at 2%.

  24. A comment on one of the other LT news stories cited the words of the late Tetamashimba — that it was wise for people to avoid commenting on issues they don’t understand. The so-called chief seems to be suggesting that the current socioeconomic malaise is a result of the privatization of State assets decades ago. Nonsense!

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