Friday, March 7, 2025

How unfair international systems,big business and governments keep injustice in place



  1. Well said!!! The rich countries continue to exploit the poor through their systems skewed in their favor at the expense of the poor. They don’t care, never have probably never will.The sooner Africa realises that,the better.

  2. Maria we have reaIised it. The problem is we have some f00Iish Afrlcans like those upnd diasp0rans who have moved there abr0ad and w0rship their whlte masters and spend all day insulting us Afrlcans here.

  3. Well known facts. It did’nt have to take Jeffrey Sachs to expose them – most learned Africans already understand the despicable methods of “use and refuse” employed by the west whenever they’re dealing with Africans.

  4. And the dumb opposition supporters will tell you the problem in Africa is leadership. How do you set a country on the right path when systems are heavily skewed against you?? That’s why I say, corruption is a perception used by the west to undermine African leaders. Very factual speech, Mr Sachs.

  5. This is a very honest man whom Africa Union should be inviting to their meetings as a guest. If we can agree with him pointing out the wrongs of the western countries then we should equally agree when he points out our wrong because he cares for developing countries.

  6. That’s because our African leaders are so corrupt and think only of themselves. Africa will remain a begging basket until we change ourselves, dont blame the West, blame ourselves, dont point fingers to the west rather point them to us…we are responsible for electing corrupt and stupid leaders in africa and the obvious happens.
    Then when the sh*t hits the fan we blame others.

  7. @Buck Teeth-Even a western intellectual blames the west yet you, an African, blame your leaders and corruption. Listen to the part about DRC, who does he blame for installing a dictator after the Belgians leave?? Man, you are totally colonised!! No wonder you prefer to be a second class citizen as long as you are near your masters….

  8. Its utter f00lishness to think Africa is this poor because of Western Governments. This is like saying I m poor because I buy goods and borrow money from my neighbour. Why cant you Africans emulate what the westerners have done to enrich their communities? Why cant you find out how your neighbour managed to start a business.?

    Come to the UK and see if you will find companies owned by chinks constructing roads or hospitals and schools and externalising the £pound. It’s a no no.

    Zambia has got to where it is today because 1d1ots like KZ

    Talk about corruption, It was invented by the westerners. But they do it through ways which ensures the dignity and pride of its people is maintained. And this is only possible because of advanced democratic tenets.

    Now look at Stup1d PF…

  9. Now you know when I say the IMF and Co are not your friends. Now where is that fake economist who always runs to the international community? Some laughed when the vice president mentioned external powerful forces interfering. In Zambia we need to unite very fast otherwise that war we think is happening far away in Mozambique is heading our way. Exclusive…yes you heard it from me first.

  10. Now you know when I say the IMF and Co are not your friends. Now where is that fake economist who always runs to the international community? Some laughed when the vice president mentioned external powerful forces interfering

  11. Well folks it looks like KZ and PF now owns Lusaka times.

    Of late Lusaka times has become a PF vuvuzela openly

  12. Future Zed (@9)
    “In Zambia we need to unite very fast otherwise that war we think is happening far away in Mozambique is heading our way. Exclusive”
    100% agree

  13. I have never heard a human being make so much sense in long time. While there are certain things that us Africans can do better the world systems have been crafted to exploit & keep us down. Rich countries & billionaires have only found way of taking advantage of existing systems. They have power to even change govts if cash flow from systems is threatened. I have no doubt we Africans would do same thing if we had all this power to dominate globally. Solution is fair world systems & that’s all Dr Sachs is advocating for. It’s just about practicing what our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ stands for. ‘Love your neighbour as you love your self’. Can’t we surely observe this simple but highly important principle as human beings? Why should we be penalised as Africans for building roads,…

  14. …Why should we be penalised as Africans for building roads, hospitals, airports, power stations ? Why should we be penalised for our people having dignity? Why should west borrow at 0% & Africa @10%. There is no way we would ever compete? God Bless Zambia

  15. Is there only one cause for African poverty? Hasn’t France just seized some expensive vehicles bought by the son of the president of Equatorial Guinea?

  16. How much money did Nigerian dictator Sani Abacha steal from his country and which the British and Swiss governments hv since returned to Nigeria? I won’t accept that Jeffrey Sachs’ explanation covers everything. Students of international finance and international business hv always known wht Sachs is saying here, including those currently working for ZRA.

  17. It’s true when they say western propaganda is the most powerful because it’s subtle and you never know when it’s working on you. Diasporans in particular have been brainwashed by this propaganda to believe African leaders are just corrupt and useless while white leaders are spotless and good. Look at the comment from The Chosen One-“Why should we be penalised as Africans for building roads, hospitals, airports, power stations ? Why should we be penalised for our people having dignity? ” This comment is so right, that’s why PF is under international pressure today.

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