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Monday, March 10, 2025

ZAM certifies 44 companies with the ‘proudly Zambian logo’


Zambia Association of Manufactures (ZAM) Chief Executive Officer Florence Banda says the Association has vetted and certified 44 companies with the Proudly Zambian Logo since it was launched in 2018.

She said in 2020 alone 17 companies were examined and certified with the Proudly Zambian Logo bringing the total of its membership to 44 since its launch on February, 14, 2018.

Speaking in an interview with ZANIS today, Ms Banda noted that the association has increased diversification in its membership portfolio now having members from various sectors such as financial companies, restaurants and the Agriculture sectors.

‘’The association has continued to see media engagement and financial support from the government,’’ she said.

She indicated that the Proudly Zambian Campaign has seen a steady growth through continuations engagement with supermarkets, hotels, and mining industrials.

Ms Banda added that ZAM is working with various organisations such as Zambia Bureau of Standards to improve the quality and packaging of locally produced products to enhance its attractiveness to its consumers.

‘’We are conducting financial training for women with support from USAID and Stanbic Bank to train women on how they can improve their financial management,’’ she disclosed.


  1. Its one thing displaying the logo but you have to outline the requirements …dont just get subscriptions

  2. Financial support from government is just campaign, nothing other than that, just trying to buy their way back to come and under perform again

  3. For me “Proudly Zambian” means “Embarrassingly Zambian” – very CORRUPT organization, you have to pay HUGE sums of money to qualify, ordinary Zambians can NEVER afford that!

  4. Really, just 44 companies since 2018 – is this low number something to be “proud” of?

    Sounds more like local businesses are either unaware of the program, see little benefit in joining, and/or have too many other problems to bother. The foundation of our future?

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