Sunday, September 8, 2024

Twapia Market, a disaster in waiting – President Lungu


President Edgar Lungu has advised the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit ( DMMU ) to pay equal attention to other markets in the country requiring reconstruction and rehabilitation.

President Lungu says rehabilitation or re-construction works on market facilities in the country should not only be a preserve of Lusaka but other parts of the country as well.

Speaking was during his tour of old Twapia market , President Lungu said the commendable works done by the DMMU at City Market and Simon Mwewa lane Market in Lusaka should be replicated to other needy markets in the country.

Mr Lungu advised DMMU National Coordinator Chanda Kabwe to be equal to the task in ensuring equal attention to market structures needing attention in the country.

After touring the Twapia market which was in a worn state, President Lungu said the market structure just like similar structure in other parts of the country deserve better than what is obtaining on the ground.

“I am worried that the ground and the stalls look so unplanned. It is not good to be talking about Lusaka when here in Twapia where you are it is dilapidated, know a tragedy awaits us,” the Head of State said.

President Lungu said it is the DMMU’s duty to detect looming disasters and see where there was a disaster looming adding that it was its duty to mitigate and prevent disaster.

Describing the state of Twapia as a disaster in waiting, the Head of State also challenged engineers and members of staff from Ndola City Council-NCC to work together with the DMMU and see how the structure can be given a face lift.

Earlier, Mr Kabwe said government has spent K120 million to construct the two modern markets in Lusaka further stating that the affected traders will be considered first.

Meanwhile, Old Twapia market chairlady, Pamela Banda appealed for a modern market with ablution blocks.

Ms.Banda said marketeers are worried it will soon be rainy season and traders will be facing challenges as they conducted .

“We are asking if you can help us with a modern market with sanitary facilities. We have a challenge especially during the rainy season, “ she said.


  1. The PF neglected the mushrooming of hawkers and roadside stalls all over Lusaka and what we got was a cholera epidemic.This Twapia mkt is the same situation.

  2. I do not see the role of the disaster unit in that market. Enable local governments so that the local authority can take care of its infrastructure. Perhaps I am being hopeful of the election aftermath mwe.

  3. Edgar Chagwa Lungu,Time has come for you to pack your bags and Go .Kuya Bebele
    You have Vandalised the Zambian Economy & created a ROTTEN COUNTRY.
    You know a Country is ROTTEN when you see the New Emerging Millionaires NOT the Businessmen ,Entrepreneurs,Commercial Farmers & Professionals ,But Government Ministers ,Officials ,Bootlickers & Party Cadres.
    This is the Zambia you’ve Created,it’s Not the Zambia we want.We the People deserve Better.


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