Sunday, September 8, 2024

Makebi Zulu loses seat as UPND Scoops First ever Parliamentary Seat in PF Stronghold in Eastern Province


The opposition United Party for National Development (UPND) alliance has scooped the Malambo Parliamentary seat in Mambwe district in Eastern Province.

UPND candidate Peter Phiri scored 14,951 valid votes against his immediate opponent Makebi Zulu of the Patriotic Front who came in the second position with 8,859 valid votes.

Oscar Musonda, returning officer for Malambo constituency declared Phiri as winner. Mr Musonda further said 1,477 votes were cast out of which, 956 were rejected.

The counting of votes continues in other constituencies.

Meanwhile, the Center for Young Leaders in Africa has expressed happiness with the high voter turnout in this year’s presidential and general elections.

Edwin Mabezele, an observer who monitored the process in Munali constituency, said this year’s elections were peaceful and free and not characterized by any form of violence, harassment or intimidation as reported by monitors across the country.

He noted that this year’s elections were very accurate with less disputes and transparency such as bringing of the ballot boxes being counted at the same polling stations and everyone getting to know the result after counting.

“It is our hope and prayer this tranquility and order that have characterized the polling station should continue until tallying and declaration of results is done,” Mr Mabezele said.

Mr Mabezele further noted that it is the first time in the history of Zambia that the youths have turned up in numbers to vote.

“These elections have been so exciting because the process that Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) has put in place although there certain loopholes which needs to be tightened up by the commission, such as the issues of stolen ballot papers being found with some people,” Mr Mabezele noted.

Results are still being announced in various totaling centers while counting of ballot papers is currently going on across the Country.

And Northwestern province Anti-Voter Apathy Project Coordinator, Cranes Kasito has condemned the killing of Patriotic Front (PF) provincial chairperson, Jackson Kungo by a mob at Kyawama secondary school polling station.

Pastor Kasito said he condemns the violence that happened at Kyawama in which the PF chairperson was killed and also the violence at Kandemba where one candidate for one of a named political party was beaten and others injured.

“We condemn the violence that happened in Kyawama yesterday which caused one death…I think we also had an issue in an area like Kandemba where the aspiring candidate for one political party was beaten… all those issues put together… I think we really condemn the violence that has been going on”, he said.

Pastor Kasito said such acts were un-Zambian and well-meaning citizens should condemn the act.

Meanwhile, Pastor Kasito has attributed the delay in finishing the totaling of the results at the totaling centre in Solwezi district to the conversion of the streams into polling stations.

Pastor Kasito explained that before, streams were transformed into polling stations, the process was quick.

“There is a delay in almost all the districts… even the districts that I have been able to contact…like Mufumbwe…I have been speaking to Mufumbwe there is a delay,” he said.

The announcing of results at Solwezi totaling centre is still on on-going.


  1. While during campaigns the below made headlines for political mileage please still do advise the population my country men and women

    The first doses of #COVID19 vaccines donated to #COVAX by the UK are set to land in Zambia and the DRC today! 3 million
    doses will be delivered to 11 African countries in the coming days; the first of 80 million pledged to COVAX in total.
    today 13/08/2021

  2. This Jackass of a Lawyer…he’s the one that was defending Lungu’s third term bid together with Tutwa Ngulube…..this is good news….just no switching camp….stay there in PF

  3. Mr Edgar Lungu has been to this province so many times, getting the so called endorsement from chiefs there, assureling him of victory. What has happened?….Anyway, when u take people for granted, those are the results, Makebi Zulu,in your so called PF bed room how’s the weather?

  4. PF have been whipped into submission, i’m tired of laughing at memes and PF. Yaba chisoni…..Results now please!!! Too Drunk to stay awake for another minute.

  5. Makebi Zulu is one of the lawyers that have been absolutely arrogant in the PF government. He needs this baptism to come to his senses. The PF can now give Lungu another chance to lead them in the 2026 general elections. After all, the Constitutional Court says he’s elligible.

  6. He has been brought down to earth …these morons were handling all the corruption money through their firms…they thought Zambia was their back pocket!!

  7. This is great news. These were the f.ools who were supporting third term and other r.ubbish vices for corrupt Lungu. End of PF because it was surviving on corruption money. PF cannot survive in the opposition – never. Mark my word.
    What a disaster!!!

  8. I ask the UPND to keep a tight seal on these rejects. We shall vote you out in the next five years if you misbehave. No more useless cadres now. This useless man supported an illegality! Good riddance to bad rubbish I say!

  9. Makebi knew that Edgar wasn’t eligible but he together with his friends forced ECL on the ballot. These results are an expression of anger. Edgar was a very weak candidate because he had messed up big time. Now you’ll see the other side of midnight. You can’t take people for granted and expect to get away with it

  10. Ayatollah @14, with hindsight, we’re all wise and that is what u’re trying to be here. Now u will see what a country that is run properly can be. The real HH will soon be known to u lot after he’s sworn in as president. What u hv known about the man was the mediated HH, that is, as depicted by newspapers that hardly knew him.

  11. PF campaigned for HH, they had no message whatsoever apart from demonizing HH.
    You thought we’re stupid by keeping silent on the city mkt issue, gassing, useless fire tenders, the presidential jet, third term???. Woooooooo valuza….mwanya iyambayamba chabe bola. Naimwe ba concourt judges. Muyenda, pipo without integrity

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