Sunday, September 8, 2024

PF returns Kantanshi parley seat


Patriotic Front (PF)’s Kantanshi Parliamentary candidate, Anthony Mumba has retained the Kantanshi seat with 14,539 votes leaving behind United Party for National Development (UPND Mukwena N’gandu with 6, 622 votes.

Kantanshi Constituency Returning Officer, Hunt Banda declared Dr Mumba as the duly elected Member of Parliament around 03:00hours this morning.

Meanwhile, others in the race include Independent candidate, Wallace Kalungu who got 546 votes, while People’s Alliance for Change (PAC)’s Chibwana Ngosa got 253 votes.

Mr Banda further disclosed that Socialist Party’s candidate, Constance Bwalya got 195 votes, while Democratic Party (DP)’s Martin Kabwe got 91 votes.

ZANIS reports that a total of 22,529 votes were cast and 283 ballots were rejected.


  1. And almost total silence from the PF camp. I only saw Davis Mwila PFSG grumbling at the 11:00 hours ECZ briefing, but he got short shrift from the ECZ CEO.

  2. UPND please invite Musi Maimane who was not allowed to step foot in Zambia when he arrived to visit incarcerated HH, and was told not to disembark from the plane by the brutal outgoing PF regime. This was a merciless regime

  3. And after stopping others campaigning for five years with them campaigning all these years, they now want to claim elections in UPND strongholds were not free and fair, PF is just embarrassing itself further, they were campaigning and stop opposition and only to come and cry foul now that elections were not free and fair, very funny chaps

  4. These serious jokers in PF are busy crying like babies as usual. Just tell GBM that contracts are closed again and Kambwili that the verdict of the appeal will be heard pretty soon. You are loosing at parliamentary and expect to win at Presidential, why are you trying to delay the inevitable

  5. And in the Copperbelt where you are being white washed by the UPND , were your agents chased as well. Just sober up and concede

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