Saturday, March 29, 2025

In a night announcement, President Hichilema drops Commanders of Zambia Army, Air Force, National Service and Inspector General of Police


President Hakainde Hichilema has dropped Commanders of Zambia Army, Air Force, National Service, and Inspector General of Police and appointed new Service Chiefs in their place.

In a night announcement from his residency in new Kasama, President Hakainde thanked those that served and has called on citizens to respect them as they have served the country with diligence, and urged that they be not demonized.

President Hakainde Hichilema made various changes in the defence and security wings of the country. President Hichilema has appointed Zambia Army Deputy Commander Dennis Alibuzwi as Army Commander and consequently promoted him to the rank of Lieutenant General with immediate effect.

Lieutenant General Alibuzwi replaces Lieutenant General William Sikazwe who served as Zambia Army Commander for two years and eight months since his appointment in 2018.

The President has recalled Brigadier General Geoffrey Zyeele and appointed him as the new Deputy Army Commander and Chief of Staff, and has consequently elevated him to the rank of Major General.

At the Zambia Air Force (ZAF), Mr. Hichilema has retired Air Commander, Lieutenant General David Muma and replaced him with Brigadier General Collins Barry, who he has subsequently promoted to the rank of Lieutenant General.

Further, Brigadier General Oscar Nyoni has been appointed as ZAF Deputy Commander, and has been promoted to the rank of Major General.

President Hichilema has also made changes at the Zambia National Service (ZNS) by relieving ZNS Commandant Lieutenant General Nathan Mulenga of his duties and replacing him with Brigadier General Patrick Solochi, who has since been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant General.

Lieutenant General Patrick Solochi will be deputised by now Major General Reuben Mwewa who was before this appointment and subsequent promotion, at the rank of Brigadier General.

Meanwhile, the President has recalled and appointed Remmy Kajoba as new Inspector General of Police, replacing Mr. Kakoma Kanganja.

Mr. Hichilema has appointed Mr. Milner Muyambango to the position of Deputy Inspector General of Police in charge of operations and also appointed Mrs. Doris Chibombe as Deputy Inspector General in charge of administration.

President Hichilema has meanwhile relieved all Provincial Commissioners of Police of their duties with immediate effect, pending normalisation of the appointment process to the said portfolios.

The President stated that there will be re-organisation in the appointment of Provincial Commissioners of Police.

He explained that the current system is that the Provincial Commissioners of Police and the Inspector General of Police (IG), together with the two deputies, are appointed and sworn-in by the President, a situation he said creates a problem in the command structure.

“To the new office bearers, we want to state that you must have the interest of the people at heart and serve the country diligently while ensuring that human rights, freedoms and liberties are respected,” President Hichilema said.

The President has meanwhile thanked all the officers that have been relieved of their duties whom he said will be re-assigned to other duties later.

“We are grateful for their support when they served the country in these portfolios,” he said.



  2. Good riddance……..

    The police was a PF armed wing……
    The ZAF was a PF air transport wing while ZNS was a PF gardening section…..

  3. Congratulations Mr President for the appointments. You are fully entitled to appoint persons you will be comfortable with and who you know will deliver.

  4. Not ok with the Kajoba appointment.
    He served as Police spokesperson during the Chiluba government and was also recalled under Sata to serve in Muchinga Province.

    Meanwhile Young guys are waiting for their chance to be promoted and prove themselves.

    This is fact up sir, very fact up

  5. And to the guys who robbed me at chita Lodge, all my goods are protected by traditional medicine. You will soon start losing your close family members one by one until you return my goods. You dogs

  6. Just because you are and your sabbath is on Saturday does not mean you need to disrespect those of us who rest and pray on Saturday. Very disrespectful. This guy cannot be my president. I don’t recognise mediocrity

  7. Just because you are and your sabbath is on Saturday does not mean you need to disrespect those of us who rest and pray on Saturday by making announcements on Sunday. Very disrespectful. This guy cannot be my president. I don’t recognise mediocrity and arrogance.


  8. Boza Kaiza boza hahahahaha

    Nanga wenze kuchita chani konse kutali uko?

    Ma guyz balinaikali juju. Some guyz ain’t to be fact with.
    Meanwhile, I enjoyed my Cuban cigar at home with Akdov (Kaiza, you won’t this drink anywhere in Zambia). Hahahaha
    Real ish if you know what I mean.

  9. Kaiza mambala, Hate him or love him, HH is your President until 2026 and he is likely to win again in 2026 as long as he does what the Zambian people voted him to do

    Get comfortable with this fact

  10. Well done Mr President slowly but sure.You
    Are taking control as people were saying you
    Are not moving fast.Next is statehouse,then
    We come to ministrys.

  11. Tomorrow it’s Permanent Secretaries and Heads of Parastatals to be shown the exit. It’s clean up time. Viva HH Viva People’s power!

  12. @Abanyoli , am sure you counted how many of the new appointments are Tongas?
    The Police high command will appoint the Provincial Police Commissioners, am sure all of them will be Tongas? kekekekeke!
    @ Jay Jay, Experience is needed, As a CEO I would rather pick experience over young ones.
    Well ,this is going to be another interesting week. Stay tuned!
    pf take a sit and watch Bally and team begining to fix the country.

  13. Kaiser Zulu you stupid thief you uneducated *****. We shall finish you but by bit using the law. Wait you are dead scared no cardes yo protect you

  14. Good riddance to IG Kaoma Kanganja ,he’d become too biased and politicized to the point of always impeding HH on flimsy grounds.Professionalism had gone out.

  15. Good riddance to Kakoma Kanganja and ZAF commander all they had to do is be professional …I hope Kakoma is sent to Somali….really laughable!!

  16. Ignore the UK based impostor he is nowhere near Zambia ….just an impostor craving attention …really laughable

  17. The United Kingdom and Lusaka Times also need to follow HH’s good example and get rid of Kaizar Zulu.He’s a tribal bigot always contravening LT comment rules.

  18. F00Iish upnd diasporans still acting like they are in opposition because they now realise that even after their fellow tribesmen won, they remain the same old poor asylum toilet cleaners there abroad.

  19. Give us cabinet iwe.
    Why are you wasting time on insignificant positions. We know the next ones are parastatal and quasi-government company heads. As usual it’s either bootlickers or perfect cadres taking up positions.
    No surprise, ALL retired gentlemen are good men of integrity who diligently served Zambia impartially.
    But you know when state house falls.

  20. Hey, this kaizer Zulu, is broken man. Is it allowed in zambia to always be such tribalistic? He is actually leading people to that level and kaizer Zulu must be cautioned or arrested. His language is so offensive. He needs to grow up. Not only physically but mentally and think what to say before producing oral diarrhoea

  21. I recall very well when the outgoing army commander said and i quote ‘when the results start coming out thats when now emotions will start and those that are seeing things not going according to their expectation, then emotions will start rising, so we expect things to start sparking out ‘ but i say No sir the reality is we expect you to start packing ASAP we don’t need cadres in the army.

  22. Kanganja was the worst chap followed by Katanga. These two worked like real PF Police as we knew them. Next is the Permanent secretaries. Ati Special Duties kanshi niku chita organise cadres right there at cabinet office and in Ministries -education was the worst hit. Worst Government must be shown the door soonest than later bye bye bafikili!!!!

  23. Nothing strange or special here. Every President is allowed to pick his/here service chiefs, ZNS commandant, and Police IG. This is expected, not only in Zambia but happens everywhere. I am sure even those that have been dismissed/retired knew it was coming. We can only wish them God blessings in their private lives.

  24. Kaizer Zulu, people in the diaspora do not clean toilets like you Lungu bootlicker. People in the Diaspora are richer than you and have assets more than you. You are a loser. Calm down old man. You are really aging bad time. Look after your grey hair after being pursued by the police. HH is richer than you.

  25. Where I come from they say,when you go fishing you don’t listen to the sounds of the frogs and other sounds but concentrate on your fishing task.
    So don’t mind about kz .

  26. What do the people retired do after being fired? Some of these jobs should be stressful, it may explain why PIG was becoming partisan, fear of losing jobs.
    I appreciate the President for acknowledging that the fact he appoints these persons is problematic, I wonder if we shall see a change in the constitution over this.
    Our President’s appointees will alway be loyal to him.

  27. @ David Moyo you are RIGHT about kaizer Zulu he is a lost soul. Sounds like he thrives on trying to divide Zambians. He needs to be locked up in a mental institute. He is very dangerous to society.

  28. Look at the Eagle 1 Flag next to him. That is state property and he chooses to take it to his home. There is no separation in his mind between personal resources and institutional resources. Such a shame!

  29. PF Tribalists are shamed…! Non of the appointees are Tongas. Show them what you meant… but please do not disadvantage our brothers and sisters from Southern province just because someone will accuse you of tribalism. They are Zambian and actually suffered so much in hands of PF tribalists.

  30. #39Nyambe you are the one who’s tribal. So all you wanted was to check which tribes the appointees came from? Look closely at these names and you will see a clear picture. I didn’t check where they came from until I saw your comment.

  31. No Doubt HH will shine , only important thing we need to make clear is that he does not Abandon our faith and integrity, Am a PF follower but we have to give chance to others where its due , congrats Honorable HH and all the best. Coming to tribalism its something we all need to accept that apart from the rest of Zambia Tonga and Lozi are full of themselves and think they of higher priority , but this doesn’t mean we look at our leader and think he will favor his side of things rather the nation. Every human being has his own perception to life or peoples lives. So ba Kaizar Zulu PF lost and stop embarrassing yourself on this page suck it in and take it as man. Only someone who was enjoying the corrupt funds would behave like this. So Ba UPND supporters congrats and all the best . One…

  32. Why are people worried about Kaiser? All I do is skip such postings because you don’t expect anything else from them.

  33. The habit of making soldiers skip ranks in promotion is wrong. The next rank after Brigadier General is Major General. We cannot have so many Officers jumping ranks at the same time – something is wrong.

  34. This man has a good heart, after all that what Kanganja & Charity did to him, he still requested the media not to write any bad things about them. and still willing to give Kanganja a new Job.
    What really surprises me is that majority of the bloggers here have not picked up on that point, this is a true humble person, than the hummble who has gone.
    Another thing, which many bloggers have missed, is related to the new police structure – which gives the IG competency to appoint the commissioner, something that the former GRZ could not see, and yet was illogical, as that created confusion. This is first step in FIXING THE POLICE, welldone HH !!

  35. The president appoints service chiefs who will follow his command so no surprises here. The PF service chiefs are being replaced by the UPND service chiefs. Zambia’s peaceful transitioning of government is due to the professionalism of the these service chiefs. Put a rogue one in there and it’s game over for civilian rule.

  36. @39 Nyambe Nyambe,
    Please do not mislead readers. Deputy army commander, Brigadier General Geoffrey Zyeele’s second name is “Choongo”. Not surprising he has also be made Chief of Staff.

  37. Ba Kaizar Zulu, why should people fear your ubwanga when clearly you don’t fear theirs. To steal from Zambians including witches, prostitutes and wizards during your time in public office means that no one fears ubuloshi. Hahahahaha!

  38. @ 40 De ja Vu. You speak like you were not in Zambia during the election campaigns and all through PF rule. HH and the Tonga people were so demonised over tribalism. I still stand with my posting Boss.

  39. @38 the observer I agree with your following comment “Look at the Eagle 1 Flag next to him. That is state property and he chooses to take it to his home. There is no separation in his mind between personal resources and institutional resources”. Such a shame indeed and it is only the beginning
    @nyambe it is clear that he is deliberately emplying non t.0.ngas to make you gullible ones believe that he is not tribal. The problem will start when the t.0.nga demand that they are taken care of for giving him the vote.

    As for my haters in diaspora, if hh was as good as you make out, you would be here in zambia with us and not doing menial jobs of cleaning old whlte people who enslaved your forefathers.

  40. When is he firing that cadre at correctional service who said he wouldn’t allow opposition to campaign in prisons but would allow only the ruling party

  41. I thought he claimed to only hire on merit and competence. Is he telling me he has interviewed all these men and women during this short period? Can we be given the notes of how each decision was arrived at by the interviewing panel? Zambians believed this sausage called hh. He is just employing those loyal to upnd. What change? Haha

  42. Majority of comments here are about me or pf. It is clear that I am more popular than your president oval head hh. He cannot even cut his hair. Ifiko.

  43. This is proof that HH has been running a parallel government from his residence. If he wants to continue from there then he should not use the tax payers money for the upkeep and security modifications. Zambian’s should not pay a penny to beef up security at his personal residency unless he commissions a total renovation and modification of state house at his expense since we know he can afford it. State house if the official residence of a Zambian president. We need to maintain plot one because not every candidate for this job will be a HH, unless we vote for HHH next.

  44. KZ, it’s over mune…your days are gone we have moved on. You better start spending the little you stole before it’s frozen. The auditors are busy working on your case. Ubweza.

  45. Really feel sorry for these guys whose asses have been roasted especially the army commander for coming out and openly showing that he supported a named political party. Hell your ass is fired pal?

  46. @Kaizar Zulu, is in the diaspora never supported HH cos we wanted jobs. We supported him cos we wanted your murderous & looting pf out of power & we did it. We are too happy where we are,so we will remain here, we have no intentions of coming back for political jobs.

    Once parliament does reconvene, we will push for lungu’s immunity to be lifted so him & all those who stole from the Zambians, thieves like you can face your time in court.

    Btw, the guys who robbed you were kind.. wait … your time is very numbered

  47. @49 Nyambe I am in Zambia and the tribalism you talk about was coming from the same person you welcomed into Upnd Kambwili. If there was tribalism HH wouldn’t have gotten the number of votes he got outside southern province…by the way how do you explain the almost hundred percent HH got from southern province. In any case I have no time to engage in tribal talk being a mltitribe product. Lastly tell me if there was a single Tonga assorted in Northern, Muchinga, Luapula, Eastern and part of Central Province.

  48. @ 47 The Observer. You have just brought in a new middle name – that tells you Surnames do not matter. You were segregating your own brothers and sisters. You also now agree that the fear of tribalism under HH that you PF guys talked so much about was a political hoax. PF was tribal to the core – check your records with Parastatal heads and other GRZ institutions, the Cabinet…etc. I do not really understand what type of human beings you are to to treat your fellow Citizens as second hand. You were so happy about it I guess…

  49. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee

    My only gripe here is that he should have retained those who were slightly impartial and semi-professional to make an example out of them and send a message that if you are professional, you will be rewarded – then try to make them into full professional. Firing all of them at once will just make the next ones into a bunch of ‘yes’ sycophants, paranoid that the next govt will kick them out, so they will try to work to protect the current one that appointed them. To be honest, I don’t understand why these guys didn’t want to tender their resignations honorably after Lungu lost (or would that have made them lose their entitlements?)

  50. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee

    Also HH should have tried to find a way to break the tradition of the President appointing these supposedly independent institutions heads… perhaps change the law (unless it is enshrined in the Constitution) and make a recommendation to send to Parliament for ratification. That way they will be loyal to the country and the Constitution, and not to an individual.

    Finally what about the ConCourt… that was another Lungu Katempa that needs looking into… also check the ACC and the DEC.

    For me even HH really means genuine and meaningful Change, he should try to relinquish some of the Powers invested in One Man, the President. Take some of the powers to the people’s representatives. That the Change we really want to ensure total Separation of Powers between the 2 arms of govt.

  51. Many congratulations to Major General Geoffrey Choongo Zyeele on his position with the Zambia Army well deserved.Good Luck Sir, Mr President you have made a good choice”One Zambia One Nation”??

  52. How about the Public Order Act? MMD promised to remove it, PF promised to remove it Unpd promised to remove it….we are waiting.

  53. We are continuing with past mistakes. The Inspector General of Police should not be appointed by the President. That way you make the police chief a lapdog of the ruler. He wont act when the President steals or if the ruling party breaks the rules. HH should start cleaning up these unconstitutional appointments. He should not be happy just to take over. Be progressive. Even Idi Amin was able to become president. Becoming a progressive president is something else.

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