Saturday, February 22, 2025

Open Letter to Edgar Lungu Former President of Zambia


By Prince Bill M. Kaping’a Political/Social Analyst

Dear Sir,

After attending Church service in Chainda compound accompanied by a phalanx of news crews as has become your habit whenever you choose to attend Church gatherings, you issued some very alarming statements which border on threatening our national cohesion and security. This was in reference to President Hichilema’s choice of appointment of commanders of our security wings, and of course presiding officers of our august house – Parliament.

You were quoted as follows in the September 6, 2021,issue of News Diggers publication, “It is for you to judge who means well. Because I heard remarks in Parliament like One Zambia, One Region and that is worrying. It is a political statement, One Zambia, One Region or One Zambia, One Nation. If we see what is going on, we are worried. Seriously speaking, I think they should do more about the One Zambia, One Nation motto to ensure that it is seen in the practical implementation of policy making decisions and also positioning of people.”

With due respect Sir, it is hypocritical of you to talk about tribal balancing now when you neglected to do so 7 years you were in power! Your very stay in State House was tainted with crass tribalism and regionalism!

You are the same person that saw nothing wrong with your senior government officials issuing derogatory remarks against other ethnic groups. Did you ever censure your running-mate Nkandu Luo, and other ministers were speaking ill of a certain tribe? Who sponsored Chishimba Kambwili to fly around the country during the last campaigns to demonize the same ethnic group? Wasn’t it you or your cohorts?

In case you’ve forgotten Sir, you are the same person who as Home Affairs Minister wanted me charged for TREASON in 2012 or there about when I authored an article titled “SATA’S FAMILY FOREST EXPLAINED.” The article went to greater lengths detailing how the PF government went out of the way to appoint Cabinet ministers and senior government officials from one particular region at the expense of others. Clearly, this didn’t sit well with you since you are the apostle of tribalism, and hence you wanted me condemned to hell!

As encouraged by President Hichilema when swearing in his officials; I have taken time to scrutinize his cabinet and of course compared it with yours…… stinks of utter tribalism and regionalism! You had completely ignored people from some certain parts of the country simply because they didn’t vote for you. What sort of father of the nation were you?

I am now listing the two examples hereunder so that citizens can make their own judgments:

President Edgar Lungu’s cabinet

  1. Vice President – Inonge Wina (Western)
  2. Presidential Affairs – Freedom Sikazwe (Northern region)
  3. Defense – Davis Chama (Northern region)
  4. Home Affairs – Steven Kampyongo (Northern region)
  5. Finance – Bwalya Ng’andu (Northern region)
  6. National Development & Planning – Alexander Chiteme (Central)
  7. Foreign Affairs – Joseph Malanji (Northwestern)
  8. Justice – Given Lubinda (Western)
  9. Commerce Trade & Industry – Christopher Yaluma (Northern region)
  10. Health – Chitalu Chilufya (Jonas Chanda) (Northen region)
  11. Mines & Minerals Development – Richard Musukwa (Eastern)
  12. Energy Mathews – Nkhuwa (Eastern)
  13. Local Government – Charles Banda (Eastern)
  14. Housing & Infrastructure Development – Vincent Mwale (Eastern)
  15. Information & Broadcasting Services – Dora Siliya (Eastern)
  16. Tourism & Arts Ronald Chitotela – (Northern region)
  17. Lands Jean Kapata – (Northwestern?)
  18. Agriculture Michael Katambo – (Copperbelt)
  19. Works & Supply Sylvia Chalikosa – (Northern region)
  20. Labour Joyce Simukoko – (Northern region)
  21. General Education Dennis Wanchinga – (Northern region)
  22. Religious Godfridah Sumaili – (Northern region)
  23. Chiefs & Traditional Affairs Lawrence Sichalwe – (Northern region)
  24. Community Development Mulenga Kampamba – (Northern region)
  25. Fisheries – Nkandu Luo (Northern region)
  26. Higher Education – Brian Mushimba (Northern region)
  27. Youth & Sport – Elias Mulenga (Northern region)
  28. Water Development Raphael Nakachinda – (Southern)
  29. Gender Elizabeth Phiri – (Eastern)
  30. Office of the President Olipa Mwansa – (Northern region)

    NB: Due to the similarity of names in the northern parts of our country, I’ve have combined Northern, Luapula and Muchinga to make easy for our people to understand.

Cabinet positions in this cabinet were distributed as follows: Northern regions – 17, Southern – 1, Northwestern – 2, Western – 2, Copperbelt – 1, Central – 1, Eastern – 6, Lusaka – 0.

This cabinet was dominated by people from two particular regions – Northern and Eastern, what unity did you strive to demonstrate as espoused in our motto: One Zambia, One nation? This is a national scandal and must never be allowed to recur!

President Hakainde Hichilema’s cabinet

  1. Vice President – Mutale Nalumango (Northern region)
  2. Defense – Ambrose L. Lufuma (Northwestern)
  3. Home Affairs – Jack Mwimbu (Southern)
  4. Finance – Situmbeko Musotwane (Western)
  5. Foreign – Stanley Kakubo (Central)
  6. Energy – Kapala Chibwe (Northern region)
  7. Mines & Minerals Development – Paul Kabuswe (Northern region)
  8. Water & Sanitation – Mike Mposha (Lusaka)
  9. Health – Sylvia T. Masebo (Lusaka)
  10. Education – Douglas Siakalima (Southern)
  11. Community Development – Doreen Mwamba (Northern region)
  12. Labour – Brenda Tambatamba (Northwestern)
  13. Land & Natural Resources – Elijah Muchima (Northwestern)
  14. Transport & Logistics – Frank M. Tayali (Copperbelt)
  15. Justice – Mulambo Haimbe (Southern)
  16. Infrastructure & Urban Development – Charles Milupi (Western)
  17. Technology & Science – Felix Mutati (Northern region)
  18. Commerce & Industry – Chipoka Mulenga (Northern region)
  19. Agriculture – Mutolo Phiri (Eastern)
  20. Information & Media – Chushi Kasanda (Central)
  21. Small & Medium Enterprises – Elias Mubanga (Northern region)
  22. Local Government & Housing – Gary Nkombo (Southern)
  23. Livestock & Fisheries – Makozo Chikote (Western)
  24. Tourism – Rodney Sikumba (Southern)
  25. Green Economy & Environment – Collins Nzovu (Central)
  26. Youth & Sport – Elvis Nkandu (Northern region)

NB: In this cabinet, positions are allocated as follows: Northern regions – 8, Southern – 5, Northwestern – 3, Western – 3, Copperbelt – 1, Central – 3, Eastern – 1, Lusaka – 2.

You may conclude from this list that Bally has bent over backwards to ensure that his cabinet represents a national character as per promise during the elections. All the provinces are represented……this is how it should be! You must apologize for the various crimes you committed whilst in office.


  1. This man seems to have bone to chew with someone. From the first article I saw WE HAD A JOKER IN STATE HOUSE I concluded that this man is a bitterness hunter. Coming to your tribal balancing… this time Upnd has MPs across the country so it’s easier to have a minister from each region. PF didn’t have a single MP from your home province and related regions and had to nominate those for provincial positions. Last time PF appointed your MPs you expelled them. You are the one who is a tribalism by the fact that you pay too much attention to these details. My take is that you just want something to be done against Lungu… which is very evil way of using your pen. Let sleeping dogs lie.

    • Even permanent secretaries in PF government who are not MPs in PF government were mostly from Northern and Eastern provinces only, so the argument above does not hold water at all. ECL was TRIBAL to the core. Period

  2. Nicely done! We are patiently waiting for Kampyongo to go to jail. He thought Zambia belonged to him.
    I’m truly glad to see these PF fools scramble around like church rats….Ba Koswe….

  3. What a tri.bal article.

    It’s One Zambia, One Nation. One Zambia, One Nation. One Zambia, One Nation. One Zambia, One Nation. One Zambia, One Nation. One Zambia, One Nation.
    You got that? No more, no less.
    I have never heard of One Zambia, One Region. Region? I missed that one.
    Your obsession with ECL is very worrisome. Get off him, nicoonpoop. Move on always remembering that it’s One Zambia, One Nation.

  4. Open letter to Kaping’a misleader analyst; the sadist.

    “Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, tiny minds discuss people.”

    Leave this son of the soil alone.

  5. #1  Deja Vu 
    September 14, 2021 At 5:28 am

    “……this time Upnd has MPs across the country so it’s easier to have a minister from each region. PF didn’t have a single MP from your home province and related regions and had to nominate those for provincial positions. Last time PF appointed your MPs you expelled them……”

    OK then , tell why all heads of parastatels and security wings were mostly 90 from 2 regions ????

  6. I doubt ECL even reads any material which analyzes his presidency to learn what went wrong. Jameson must be his pillow as he wallows in disgrace.

  7. Tribal imbalance especially how certain people from three provinces vote.You were voted for away from home but how many mps did your areas give to a non regional party?See for how long other provinces will tolerate your lies.The yufi are waiting you told them freebies

    • We will only move on once immunity is removed, so don’t force us to move on, who is going to handle the unfinished business we have with Lungu if we move on

  8. So refreshing that we have started seeing names of people from other provinces other than Eastern and Northern now. So refreshing that we now have a leader who is mature and professional. The dark days are gone, though I am still PF, I must admit we governed the country so badly, it is heart breaking to hear the same people who misled us like Given Lubinda and Davis Mwila claim the elections were not free and fair, it just shows that this party wont improve, they wont admit like before when they were not listening to us party members, they knew it all

  9. #9  Deja Vu 
    September 14, 2021 At 7:54 am

    “#5 Spaka… Security wings please give me the names of the current heads then we can discuss…….”

    You are being petty , trying to defend the undefensable ……….

    Almost all heads of parastals and security wing were from 2 regions only that useless PIG ……

    Apart from that lungu allowed unbridled tribal attacks on air by his senior ministers,

    That man is a dirty corrupt tribalist………

  10. @ De ja vu. I should agree with you that this author seems to have a bone to chew with Lungu somehow that dilutes his case but to say PF and Lungu were above board on Tribalism is also being economical with truth. I agree with MMD President Mr Nervers Mumba and Mr Harry Kalaba President of DP that UPND have scored a plus on this one when you compare with PF. Should they show any deviation from here the Zambian people should equally vote them OUT.

    Tribalism and Racism is for the weak souls who feel they are superior or should be in better economic position than other people- a very evil feeling.
    I apologise, but somehow I have a feeling you have a blind sympathy for PF, unquestionably you are entitled to the choice but whatever drives it matters so much ?

  11. You beat someone in the boxing ring and then follow him in his grave to burn his Borns. Your have won the election, concentrate on developing the nation.

  12. #14 Spaka… one of my teachers told me that when someone resorts to nasty words it’s either they don’t the answer or they are afraid to give the answer. For one I don’t pay attention to who is in government or where they come from. Only those who benefited from Lungu can endeavor to defend him. I have not benefited from government connection…my children had to go overseas to get employment because we don’t have relatives in the right places. So how can I defend them. Still you haven’t answered the question.

  13. The election is over until another five years. It’s time to deliver on the promises. Attacking Lungu won’t materialize into better service delivery. He is gone and will never be president again, never.

  14. ZNBC, Public media, Zambia Police, Chiefs all belonged to PF government extremely abused and compromised , opposition were not allowed to assemble, Chilubi an entire district was left to one person to Edgar Lungu to campaign with all other political party leaders ejected by Zambia Police during a bye election campaign, I mean an entire district with Chanda Kabwe delivering food stuff under DMMU and ECZ watching, Appointments to b cabinet, permanent secretaries, parastatal chiefs were all from either Eastern or Northern province, Headmen received bicycles for campaigns, while retirees were left hanging dry. What a government that was, bringing the economy to its knees with the WORST governance on record.

  15. Dear Trainee Political/Social Analyst, The Reason is simple. UPND never allowed any of their members most of whom were from Southern, Western and N. Western Provinces to accept appointments in the PF government or to associate with PF so it was a challenge to have ministers from here, otherwise they would be expelled from UPND. All other parties like PF were totally rejected by the 3 provinces up to today except UPND . Just look at the voting and you have the answer.

  16. Honestly, we have far more important issues to address than ECL. It’s done. A non-issue. let us reserve our energies on developmental ideas. Thanks.

  17. Leave the man alone atase…this is why they refuse to leave office. We only think of the bad things, what about the good? It was Lungu who ensured our dual nationality became a reality. Lungu actually implemented a lot of the things which previous Presidents shied away from. Let the man be, we want him to be useful in society.

  18. A President of a country is an important person and even after leaving office they cannot be ignored. Those who say ‘move on’ do nog understand this. Lungu continues to be a charge on the taxpayer. He continues to be looked after by the State for as long as he lives. Every statement hd makes in public is important. More than 1 million people voted for him. HE IS NOT HISTORY.

  19. Do not simply say anyone with what seems to be a Bemba name is from the Northern Region. Davis Chama is from Central Province, Chitalu Chilufya is from Luapula Province, Nkandu Luo is from Muchinga province etc. That is how provincial representation has been presented in the UPND cabinet. Similarly, foul-mouthed and disrespectful Kapinga should represent cabinet in the same format. You may call ECL a tribalist. But under PF, We had Lt. Generals Paul Mivoha and Wisdom Lopa as army commanders, Major Anthony Yeta as ZNS commander, Stella Libongani and Kakoma Kanganja as Police IGs, Dr. Denny Kalyalya as BOZ Governor etc. The PF had high-ranking security officers from other regions other than that of the President in top most security positions

  20. We will not stop talking about Lungu he caused so much misery in our lives. No apologies, he is like the devil himself. He did not care how bad other tribes felt in their own country. Zambians are generally peaceful people in other countries he could have been assassinated. That was genocide !

  21. ECL had a wrong opposition who didnt want any of their members appointed to serve in got while HH’s team was balanced during elections simple as that. LT why do yoa accept write-ups from sunday school dropouts?Whatever cases ECL may have he will never sufferlets focus on the way forward.

  22. 1. So what. Write that letter and send it to lungu personally. We are to be Dream Manufacturing People to collectively make this nation move forward.
    Yet we are burning so much oil focusing on: Look what happened me. Look at me & me because I am special. This is what politicians, my boss, my friend did to me.

    Zambia has millions of people with deep rooted problems that they cannot control. Such as taking over from a family member who has died living 6 children who under 15 years. People losing jobs. Terminal Cancer predicaments. Homeless kids in the streets. Lack of clean water.

    Yet again, guys who have platforms to Inspire and uplift the nation are only interested in SEEKING ATTENTION on lusakatimes. When they should this platform to Inspire the nation. We are getting

  23. The article written by bitter person. You can not bring three provinces into one. Luapula is not Muchinga and Northen province is not Luapula. Tell us, how many are coming from Luapula in that cabinet?

  24. #20  FutureZed
     September 14, 2021 At 10:07 am

    “Leave the man alone atase…this is why they refuse to leave office. We only think of the bad things, what about the good? It was Lungu who ensured our dual nationality became a reality…….”

    We want to teach future leaders a lesson , there is no living in peace after abusing office………

    Least they forget and try to do the same….

    Bad leaders should be made an example of and made to pay……

    To understand power does not last forever is to know how to treat your subjects….

  25. SPAKA

    You are now in power. Just provide evidence about Lungu stealing money. You have no single case that you can show Zambia. All that you doing is speculation and assumption. Frankly, you are such a frustrated soul who has issues in life and come to lusakatimes to vent your anger. Please, Please get a life, Your addiction to Lusakatimes is not good for you because all that you do is – if someone does not agree with you – you resort to name calling and looking at other bloggers down. This is due to having a very limited mind.

  26. #26  Ben Siyakalima
     September 14, 2021 At 11:22 am

    You are now in power. Just provide evidence about Lungu stealing money. You have no single case that you can show Zambia. All that you doing is speculation and assumption. Frankly, you are such a frustrated soul who has issues in life and come to lusakatimes to vent your anger. Please, Please get a life, Your addiction to Lusakatimes is not good for you because all that you do is – if someone does not agree with you – you resort to name calling and looking at other bloggers down. This is due to having a very limited mind…”

    Unfortunately for you , my job is media, so I’m work on the Internet 24/7……….

    As for lungu , be patient…….he is going down…….just the $2.3 million he aquired after 18 months in…

  27. #26  Ben Siyakalima
     September 14, 2021

    …………As for lungu , be patient…….he is going down…….just the $2.3 million he aquired after 18 months in office is enough to drag him to court for the next 5 years…..

  28. You are now in government now, if ECL did something wrong, let him appear before the courts. Please offer solutions, you are in charge and not in opposition. Those that committed crimes, please arrest them, no one is stopping you. This is your time to correct the wrongs committed by the previous government, you too will commit wrongs that the next government will correct.

    Give direction to the nation, simple.

  29. Watmore can we say, he is already gone. The whole nation joined hands to give him a send off proving why those 3 provinces refused from the word go.
    But continuing talking about him is also injurious to his well being because he never expected things to go that way. Lets help him to assemble himself from the dissembling that happened to him on the ballot.

  30. Lungu and other PF thugs who abused people and office of leadership with impunity must be made to pay………

    People want justice , you who are saying leave lungu alone are the minority……you lost the election
    If you think there is no evidence against the abuse of office, then it shall be proven so……

    The majority who won and voted for HEHH want justice to show……

    Let the will of the majority prevel…….

  31. The majority of voters who voted against lungu want justice served for the abuses in office, ………

    While the minority who lost the election are saying leave lungu alone ?????

  32. Ok. The fact is we still cant believe Lungu is no longer President of this Country. He was such a heartless person. There are times when I feel like am just dreaming. I pray God forgives him.

  33. I voted UPND but I cant help thinking UPND will be a disaster. Just a sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach which is always right

  34. It’s apparent that for as long as our republic exists, this issue of tribalism will always be a contentious one. How about we adopt a federal system where each province governs its own affairs but reports into a central committee? So that if a Hamududu is minister in his region, a Banda ku eastern will not habour hash feelings. Even in governance you need innovation guys. Think outside the box on how to tackle this issue otherwise it will always come back to haunt you. We need governance reforms to accomodate the ever looming ghost of tribalism.

  35. #33 Layman. Our motto One Zambia One Nation came about because certain quarters wanted it to be like you have said. To emphasize that Motto KK ensured his ministers did not serve in their areas of origin eg Walubita would serve in Luapula as provincial minister etc. Even for parliamentary seats some people were sent to stand in “foreign” constituencies.

  36. why we voted him out is what you think you are saying .. that story is gone , not all of us are first steppers, one leg must remain behind to balance our walking but that depends who is the remaining behind legger. them that want to move on are those that are doing checks and balance to the current government. he was the president and you will never take that one out of him. learn from these other countries if you give respect to the plot one seat whoever will be vaying for that mupando will be also taught to respect it simply give 2 terms for every one to rule then we are going to see change

  37. Chi wamila Galu ku luma Mbuzi…I thought Lungu started it first. He criticised HH on the appointments so far when coming from Church the other Sunday. If he wants people to forget may be he should also shut up.

  38. I don’t see any significant to write a letter to someone who doesn’t mean anything to anyone now, that cannot be the centre of attraction.
    You would have hadn’t better written to him when he was in power that would have some sense.
    Now Lungu is not different from you Mr Kaping’a.
    Spare your breath to someone who will be like him in future, since things repeat themselves.

  39. How do you determine that someone is from this or that province? My name may suggest that iam from Eastern Province but Ive never been there. I was born and bred in Mufulira Kitwe and Ndola so if HH or Lungu were to appoint me as a minister you tribalists would say I’m from where? Can you tribalists leave Zambia and go live somewhere else please? Leave those of us who have embraced one Zambia one Nation alone. Lungu’s cabinet or HH’s cabinet should not be analyzed through tribal lenses

  40. But how do you expect Lungu to be treated like some nondescript drunk in a bar in Chawama?He is former head of state,if he was jusst some deunk in Chawama truth is people would have forgotten about him

  41. How do you determine that someone is from this or that province? My name may suggest that iam from Eastern Province but Ive never been there. I was born and bred in Mufulira Kitwe and Ndola so if HH or Lungu were to appoint me as a minister you tribalists would say I’m from where? Can you tribalists leave Zambia and go live somewhere else please? Leave those of us who have embraced one Zambia one Nation alone. Lungu’s cabinet or HH’s cabinet should not be analysed through tribal lenses but through its performance

  42. Bushe ba kaping’a nabo, what’s your problem? It’s like you haven’t been to school. You cannot just focus on the mistakes, perceived or real, of someone who is no longer in office. How is your personal hatred of ECL going to better your life or indeed that of Zambia?
    Don’t you have anything better to do with your time? Get a job from HH and be an adviser or something. Just stop boring us with your toxic and hate filled articles.
    Funny thing about hatred, is the person that you hate passionately does not even care and just keeps on living their life while your hatred eventually gives you high blood pressure and affects your health.
    So iwe kaping’a fileke.use your pen for more productive issues.

  43. It is obvious from the tone of his article that the writer is bitter with ECL over something and wants to use the social media to vent his anger on the former Head of State as if the latter did absolutely nothing. PF may have made mistakes, and many even,, but you cannot take away the fact that they built seven universities , the country experienced bumper harvests for several years against all odds and that the new government has inherited a robust communication system brought about by PF’s massive infrastructure development programme . I am surprised that none of the anti-ECL bloggers mention these things and only dwell on the negatives. So sad.

  44. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee

    Edgar Lungu shouldn’t be commenting on the current government, at least not yet. Plus he has no moral authority as he performed badly, and the Zambian people kicked him out.

  45. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee

    By te he way what happened to that Mumba Senior sycophant with his “smart people od the Zambian Enterprise” bullcr@p mantra; and that other dude ccx called MMD B00tlicker? Are they still alive or prrhaps they morphed into another alias in embarrassment?


    No no… if you work in the media, then journalism in Zambia has sunk so low. Basically, it proves that you have nothing to do. I DONT believe you work in the media. You are an addicted evil and sickening soul. Three weeks ago, I read your post calling people who believe in the Bible, to be stupid. Someone corrected you and you came up with an excuse that – we are born forced to be follow the Bible. It appears like you come from a family which is a Cult who forced you to believe in the bible. Everyday you twist stories. People may not critic you, but most people know you are sick. You get pumped by other sick people who give you Thumps Up and you think you are so important. Just get a life man!!

  47. #42 King Kaping’a did not hear Lungu make those alleged comments, he picked it from a tabloid. You know how excited our tabloids are, they may fabricate or exaggerate a story. It would have carried weight if the author was present when Lungu said this.

  48. #41 It’s our lack of objectivity that is our undoing. If one supports the PF and the Upnd does something for good of the nation, the PF guy in all fairness must appreciate and vice versa. I know of a family which is related to one late president. All members were sent to foreign missions in Europe, Asia and America. Their contracts expired during the Lungu tenure and as a result this family hates Lungu with passion even accuse him of nepotism. Just imagine.

  49. Lungu is the last person to talk about regional politics and the tribal balancing act. HH has made you Mr Lungu look very small and mediocre in less than one month. Lungu was a joke and fake

  50. Imwe muli bapuba ba Kapi’nga. Leave the former president alone because however his mistakes, he managed to facelift mother Zambia that even us abroad are proud of. Appointments should not be based on tribal origins and ECL tried to appointment people from the UPND and those that accepted appointments, were ostricised. So, you would do well to just ask for a job from president HH than puking so much hatred against the former president. Get a life and move on because we are now looking forward to more development by the UPND government. No wonder people like you are dropping dead from BP because you harbour so much hatred. ECL is gone and living comfortably whilst you are still drooling on his mistakes. Move on like most of us have.

  51. Seeing everything with tribal lenses is the Hallmark of UPND. Good Tongas, Lundas, Luvales, Kikaonda, Bembas, have been left out in order to balance the tribes.

  52. #15 OJ Simpson. Thanks but sorry to say I don’t have any soft spot for PF anywhere in my heart. I only analyse issues in their context. Why did Upnd expell their MPs that accepted jobs in the PF government? Why didn’t Mr Mwanawasa pick anyone from Upnd for his cabinet but did so from other parties? Like I said Upnd has got MPs across the country and only malicious person would have expected the President to fall into ” trap” that he could see miles away by appointing only from his area. Not defending the Lungu appointments, he could have done better but his choice was much less luxurious than the current ruling party. By the way I don’t support any party in the country.

  53. I cant believe that a learned personnel like u sir can be so ignorant and irrational. Okay. So southern province always votes on tribal lines like dundumwezi and the PF has no MP from that region yet u expect that a presido must appoint many from that region into his cabinet? Stop being dull!

  54. Deja Vu u are a sadist and cruel than Deja Vu U are not a christian but too cruel. Let us go forward and amend mistakes. You are humany and tend to err. Forgive others and God will forgive your sins. You are also a tribalist. Dont pretend. Zambians hate people like you who wants to revenge others. Shame upon you Deja Vu

  55. #67 Mwatiyamva. Good morning. How am I a sadist and tribalistic. Point out in my postings where I have attacked any tribe. Besides you don’t even know my tribe ( it doesn’t even matter)? I will be waiting for your answer so that I correct any wrong impression that I might have created.

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