Wednesday, March 12, 2025

2022 budget will address many of the promises made to the people of Zambia-Finance Minister


Finance Minister Situmbeko Musokotwane says the 2022 national budget will ensure it addresses many of the promises made to the people of Zambia during the campaigns.

Dr. Musokotwane says the UPND Administration’s budget will deal with free education and youth employment.
He says the promises made were not a political gimmick but will be actualised soon.

The Finance Minister said this in the National Assembly when he debated President Hakainde Hichilema’s address.

He said currently, the Government is using the PF Administration budget because it runs from January to December.

And Infrastructure Minister Charles Milupi raised concern at the rate at which violence was witnessed during elections and said this should be addressed so that it does not recur.

Mr. Milupi also said President Hichilema’s speech gave hope to the people of Zambia and outlined plans for the party to address national challenges.

He said among the issues is the inflated costs of projects which he says has gone with the PF as the New Dawn Administration will work at reducing the expenses.

Mr. Milupi said the Government will ensure all projects are carried out at the right price for the quality works and has since called on the parliamentarians to support President Hichilema.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chief Whip Princess Kasune in her debate said there is need to enhance peace and unity. Ms. Kasune also raised concern at the low number of women participation in governance.


  1. So one week now becomes December? Obviously you knew the period of the budget but you said one week which makes it a political gimmick. On the other hand you can overturn the”PF” and put into action what you promised. Or you are waiting for the IMF money?

  2. Hopefully the UPND budgets will address the huge fiscal deficits and reduce the heavy debts back to healthy levels.

  3. “Finance Minister Situmbeko Musokotwane says the 2022 national budget will ensure it addresses many of the promises made to the people of Zambia during the campaigns.” If we do not hold these guys to account for the promises made to the Zambian people during the campaigns Zambia will be doomed. We will have every Jill and Jack aspiring for plot one just wake up and throw any vomit on the citizens to get theb vote. We need to make sure we hold anyone who promises works and fulfills gheir promises made.

  4. Let us face the reality Boss. You cannot meet all people’s expectations and your campaign goals at once. It is normal that your Political opponents will make noise but do not lose focus. Up to now we do not have money in our pockets but someone made the promise 10 years ago.

  5. @Deja Vu,
    What do you mean “On the other hand you can overturn the “PF” …….” ?? A budget is not something you can come in today and start changing anyhow you want unless you are living a dictator way of doing things. I don’t think UPND are in major to pass a bill to change the budget, if that is what you meant. The other possiblity is through presidential executive powers, but you can ONLY DO SO IF THERE IS MONEY IN THE COFFERS, TO BE MOVED FROM ONE MINISTRY TO ANOTHER. But there is NO MONEY? 90% is debt servicing and salaries. Free education is expensive, so how can you call for it when there is no money ba..baa. The Man is giving you the plan and assuring you it will be implemented….give them a chance.

  6. Deja Vu, I get you now. Remember the 90 days by Sata, money in you pockets??? You are having a deja vu, it’s happening all over again…..kikiki. Never let a politician’ promises get to you bro. Look at how you can benefit from the New Dawn Gov. yourself and those around you.

  7. ” Mr. Milupi also said President Hichilema’s speech gave hope to the people of Zambia and outlined plans for the party to address national challenges.”
    So in the “new dawn” Govt speeches will give hope to the poeple? People need action not speeches. Speeches belong to the campaign time. We demand action now. Infact some of these speeches seem to suggest otherwise.

  8. O yes, we have no choice but to fulfill all campaign promises made because this was our vehicle into plot 1. I know I couldn’t have wasted my vote, otherwise let’s listen to what the hungry electorate are saying out there.

  9. #10 Kanene so how is going finance what he promising in his budget? Accept immoral marriages so USA can support the programs,?

  10. Bwana, don’t forget that the universities are also operating under a huge debt burden. They owe workers and retirees gratuities and retirement benefits .They also owe other creditors such as NAPSA, service providers to name just a few huge sums of money and so do not be blinded into thinking that you will manage free education.

  11. #10 Deja Vu – That is a very shallow argument you are making, am not going that route. You know it’s fake. Ask your “Sleepy LUBI” Lubinda i am sure he will advise you well.
    So objectively, where do you get money when you have 13bil USD external debt, 20Bil Kwacha internal debt to your LOCAL suppliers, and all your revenues are used to pay off civil servant’s salaries ??? . So to support the new program, they will have to STOP Further Borrowing, Re-negotiate with Creditors to extend the payment calendar as well as negotiate on interest rates. Layman language, instead of GRZ paying 100 kwacha to creditors, they will pay 60 kwacha, the 40 kwacha can then be used for investing in revenue-generating activities and also to fund social programs like education.

  12. #14Kanene. I would have argued a bit but you have done what I don’t like, calling another person shallow, dull etc. Never done that in my adult life. Thanks

  13. #17 Deja Vu.
    “That is a very shallow argument…” IS NOT the same as ” person shallow”. That`s your problem if you understood it differently.

  14. #19 Deja Vu,
    Yes, Go to sleep. I think even HH has answered what I called “shallow argument”, you heard it. And if you read my comments above and compared to HH briefing you will see the alignment.
    And I am NOT UPND for that matter, but I try to be objective, without throwing nonsense. I mean why would you fall for Sweepy Lubi, when you know that he is talking nonsense. That is NOT the way Checks and Balances should work.
    Some bloggers here should STOP following blindly, just throwing comments that do not even make sense.

  15. Choolwe Hantuba @ 4, the people who made promises to u were the PF. How much are u holding them to account whn they promised u that they would come back after the Aug 12 elections?

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