Wednesday, March 5, 2025

DEC arrests 5 people for money laundering activities involving over K 5.5 million


The Drug Enforcement Commission through its Anti-Money Laundering Investigations Unit has arrested 5 people for money laundering activities involving over K 5,500,000.

In North-western Province, the Commission has arrested three people identified as Thomas Kabeta, male aged 37, a Businessman, Derrick Mutti Wakungoli, male aged 37, a businessman and Catherine Chilekwa, female aged 57 years, a businesswoman all from Solwezi District.

Particulars of the offence are that the trio as partners in KMC Minerals Technologies on dates unknown but between 1st January 2021 and 4th October 2021 jointly and whilst acting together with other persons unknown, did steal Mixed Mineral Ore weighing 13 kilograms (13 Kg) from Kansanshi Mines which the trio later hid at a plot situated in Weigh Bridge area in Solwezi District. The trio further traded in minerals without a permit from the Ministry of Mines and received various payments amounting to over K2,500,000 through Thomas Kabeta’s bank account held at a named bank.

The three suspects were further found in possession of properties which are reasonably suspected of being proceeds of crime namely Toyota Hilux, Toyota Prado, Toyota corolla, a plot, 2 by 3 bedroomed semidetached flats, 3 by 3 bedroomed houses, a farm containing 16 fish ponds, 5 by 2 roomed care taker houses and a guard house in Solwezi District which have since been seized by the Commission.
The trio has since been charged for Theft contrary to section 272 of the Penal Code Act, Chapter 87 of the Laws of Zambia, Trading in Minerals without a permit/licence contrary to section 44(1) as read with Section 112 (a) of the Mines and Minerals Development Act No. 11 of 2015 of the Laws of Zambia and Possession of property reasonably suspected of being proceeds of crime contrary to section 71 of the Forfeiture of Proceeds of Crime Act No. 19 of 2010 of the Laws of Zambia.

In Lusaka Province, the Commission has charged and jointly arrested Lawrence Zyambo, a male aged 41 of Olympia in Lusaka, and Evelyn Supaile, a female aged 37 of the same address in Lusaka.
It is alleged that Lawrence Zyambo an ICT Manager at a named Non-Governmental Organization, jointly and whilst acting together with Evelyn Supaile a housewife and business lady, and other persons unknown, on dates unknown but between 1st January 2020 and 30th September 2021 did steal K2,857,709.00, property of the named NGO. It is further alleged that the duo engaged in money laundering by acquiring 02 Mercedes Benz motor vehicles, 01 Toyota Vitz, 01 Audi, 01 Nissan Terran, 01 unfinished house in Mutumbi Area, 01 plot in a serviced area and 02 houses in Olympia, all of which have been seized by the Commission. The duo have been arrested for Theft by servant contrary to section 272 and section 278 of the Penal Code Act, Chapter 87 of the Laws of Zambia, possession of property reasonably suspected to be proceeds of crime contrary to section 71 of the Forfeiture of Proceeds of Crime Act No. 19 of 2010 of the Laws of Zambia, and money laundering contrary to section 7 of the Prohibition and Prevention of Money Laundering Act No. 14 of 2001 as read with the Amendment Act No. 44 of 2010.

The suspects have since been released on Police Bond and will appear in court soon.

Meanwhile, the Commission in Lusaka has arrested and jointly charged a female, aged 25, identified as Whytock Gemma Jordan a British national residing in Zambia and Smith Nuttal, male aged 25, a South African national residing in Zambia for trafficking in 43.9 grams of High-Grade Cannabis. The two were arrested in Lusaka’s Ngwerere Area after a search was conducted at their premises which led to the discovery of the 7 sachets of the high-grade cannabis. A further search in a motor vehicle led to the discovery of a joint and the said motor vehicle has since been seized.

The Commission has also charged and jointly arrested two suspects identified as Ian Sichone, a male aged 31, a Telecoms Analyst of Ngwerere in Lusaka and Chabala Mbewe, a male aged 30, an Architect of Kalingalinga for trafficking in 47.8grams of high-grade cannabis.

All the suspects are in police custody and necessary arrangements are being made for them to appear before court soon.


  1. Problems with people is that they get excited at the sight of money. How can you buy a Prado when everyone knows that you don’t have the capacity. Just spend bit by bit, small small business until it’s possible for you to spread your wings.

  2. Nonsense and they rush to the media to show people like they’re working….it’s just a continuation from where PF Bandits left from….non of these will see the inside of Prison….the stories just die natural deaths…Corruption is now becoming headed by HH….it started the day Bwezani,HH and Lungu talked about handing over power…thats when all UPND Corruption started….now UPND has continued borrowing and following PF foot steps

  3. The Cannabis suspects should be released. Peter Sinkamba can bail them out or even organize defense on their behalf. Izi zinangu ni milandu maningi… prosecute.

  4. The levels of financial crimes in Zambia is really alarming. Every Jim and Jack is stealing from somewhere using different means.

  5. Just like before , I still foresee the fact reality that the squandered Eurobond money is still within Zambian and it can be retrieved. If iam to be honest – all of it actually. We don’t need IMF if iam to be sarcastic but what we need is good investigative wings to track & trace all this money cos it’s there. Remember jst a one Small Faith Musonda was caught with 65million, in cash. What more of property which these thieves own? It’s a lot of money – and tracking &
    Arresting them is a lucrative business.

  6. The Chinese are the masters of illegal mineral stealing and trading with PF aligned Jerabos. I am yet to see any of them arrested.

  7. Meanwhile Faith Musonda’s lawyer is wondering when Police are going to call them for more interviews …as for client its like nothing happened someone who has sweated for money would sleep at the Police until they gave her back her money if its hers!!

  8. Thanks @ Tikki! Who are these arrested people? Ordinary struggling small business people sacrificial to show DEC is working! DEC can’t investigate or has miserably failed to track bigger crimes as the Carlington Maizegate, fire tenders acquisition, ghost workers and the list is long, yet singing self praises for just netting smaller fishes!

  9. This not money laundering but straight forward theft. If it laundering they would have used existing businesses in to hide their money. Ba DEC this ZP case. There real launderers whom you have failed to nail but harassing these petty thieves.

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