Saturday, February 1, 2025

State Grants Faith Musonda Amnesty, takes Possession of her , K65 million, $57 900 and Property in New Kasama


The Anti-Corruption Commission has announced that the Joint Investigative Team from the Anti-Corruption Commission, Zambia Police Service, Drug Enforcement Commission and Financial Intelligence Centre has since concluded investigations involving Margaret Chisela Musonda, alias Faith Musonda in which she was found in possession of ZMW 65, 333, 046 and US$ 57, 900 which was discovered in a house in New Kasama.

In a statement to the media, ACC said that the commission will not institute criminal proceedings against Ms. Musonda because Ms. Musonda has made a full disclosure of the monies in question and has willingly surrendered the same to the State.

According to the statement Ms Musonda was charged with Possession of Property Reasonably Suspected to be Proceeds of Crime contrary to Section 71 of the Forfeiture of Proceeds of Crimes Act No.19 of 2010.

The State has also taken possession of the House in New Kasama, in which the money was found. The House, property Subdivision No.4 of Subdivision B of Lot 11279/M, valued at K 6 Million was owned by OCK
Investments Limited, a company in which Ms. Musonda is a majority shareholder. The property was reasonably suspected to have been proceeds of crime.

the statement further statement that the commission took advantage of usingthe amnesty in cases of asset recovery is that it saves on time by eliminating the prosecution process which can be lengthy, leading to assets losing value or getting damaged, and it also saves on the cost of investigation and prosecution.

Below is the full statement


The general public is hereby informed that the Joint Investigative Team from the Anti-Corruption Commission, Zambia Police Service, Drug Enforcement Commission and Financial Intelligence Centre has since concluded investigations involving Margaret Chisela Musonda, alias Faith Musonda in which she was found in possession of ZMW 65, 333, 046 and US$ 57, 900 which was discovered in a house in New Kasama.

The general public is further informed that, on Friday 15 th October 2021, the State, using Section 80 of the Anti-Corruption Act No.3 of 2012, entered into an undertaking not to institute criminal proceedings against Ms. Musonda on condition that she fulfils the requirements of Section 80 of the Anti-Corruption Act No3. Of 2012, which she did.

Section 80 of the Act allows the State to grant amnesty to accused persons in certain instances on condition that they admit wrongdoing and return what they wrongfully acquired through corrupt practices. The advantage of using Section 80 in cases of asset recovery is that it saves on time by eliminating the prosecution process which can be lengthy, leading to assets losing value or getting damaged, and it also saves on the cost of investigation and prosecution.

According to Section 80 (3) of the Anti-Corruption Act No.3 of 2012, The Anti-Corruption Commission “may tender an undertaking, in writing, not to institute criminal proceedings against a person who (a) has given a full and true disclosure of all material facts relating to past corrupt conduct and an illegal activity by that person or others; and,(b) has voluntarily paid, deposited or refunded all property the person acquired through corruption or illegal activity.”

As required by law, Ms. Musonda has since made a full disclosure of the monies in question and has willingly surrendered the same to the State. She was charged with Possession of Property Reasonably Suspected to be Proceeds of Crime contrary to Section 71 of the Forfeiture of Proceeds of Crimes Act No.19 of 2010. The State has also taken possession of the House in New Kasama, in which the money was found. The House, property Subdivision No.4 of Subdivision B of Lot 11279/M, valued at K 6 Million was owned by OCK Investments Limited, a company in which Ms. Musonda is a majority shareholder. The property was reasonably suspected to have been proceeds of crime.

After fulfilling the requirements of Section 80 of the Anti-Corruption Act No. 3 of 2012, the State undertook to not institute criminal proceedings against the company. Ms. Musonda has since made a full disclosure of OCK Limited’s property and willingly handed it over to the State.

The Joint Investigative Team is working timely to recover suspected illegally obtained assets and funds, and will continue to pursue all available avenues to speed up the process of recovering assets and other proceeds of crime.

We urge all well-meaning Zambians who have any information with regard to any suspected illegally obtained assets to come forward and report to any of the institutions aforementioned.



  1. WHAT !!! ???

    this action will just be copy paste in future
    With these institutions I am afraid zambia is going nowhere

  2. Law is so unreliable, it can be turned and twisted to suit the situation. The losers are those that expected the law to be followed.

  3. Dont say nonsense. This is better than anything the pf did related to fighting corruption. We are getting part of our money back. Very important

  4. Unless she submitted valuable information on the source and agreed to be State witness, otherwise its a rubbish deal.

  5. Law and Order pa Zed uukoo kkkkk!!!. But then the same institutions finds someone with ka one ball of dobo ,,ati “iwe uza kambila ku sogolo!!”. lol!! yaaaaa ,,,,Basi,,!! you are sent dawn ku maselu. And you come out dirty and smelling like no mans business.. “Animal farm” through and through.

  6. hahahahahaha Saulosi Saulosi mwana wangu….kikikikikiki UPND fighting corruption it turns out they’re worse than PF bandits….I TOLD YOU GUYS ITS JUST TRAFIC LIGHT CHANGE FROM GREEN TO RED,,,,HH AND UPND USELESS

  7. hahahahahaha Saulosi Saulosi mwana wangu….kikikikikiki UPND fighting corruption it turns out they’re worse than PF bandits….I TOLD YOU GUYS ITS JUST TRAFIC LIGHT CHANGE FROM GREEN TO RED,,,,HH AND UPND USELESS…..BALLY WILL FIX IT…..kikikikikiki mwailasha…meanwhile still no jobs..loadshedding is back…fuel expensive…the US dollar keeps changing every minute you can even do proper business

  8. She is state witness………

    She did wrong was being given stolen GRZ monies………

    Bigger fish are going to be roasted soon……..

  9. Just wait for the turn of events, there’s a big fish behind all this. Soon she maybe a, state witness and have someone’s immunity be removed.

    Watch the space!

  10. This is how Politicians roll…Tarino Orange and Spaka in case you dont know….they eat on the same plate…rush to the west get more kaloba fatten their pockets whilst Tarino Orange and Spaka spend countless hours here on Lusaka Times while Faith Musonda and Lungu are swimming in millions…kikikikikiki ,,,no wonder Baby President wants more KALOBA…ITS HIS TIME NOW TO STEAL…..I TOLD YOU THAT HH IS WORSE THAN LUNGU

  11. I belive former President lungu will return almost all stolen money……….

    He is cornered , he knows he is cornered and he is not very dull………..

  12. @Madilu System and Spaka….kikikikikiki Just wait just wait just wait for the next 5 years…izula muyangana…this is the end of story…finito…case closed Faith Musonda now can enjoy her money kikikikikiki…yaba…to bad am married i should have forwarded my CV now since am UBER driver i don’t think she will agree

  13. HEHH is a principled honest man…….

    If anyone doughts his determination to fight corruption, how do you think he will answer questions at the next press conference ? ……..

    Because he has committed to hold open questions from the press……….

  14. We know lungu deliberately incriminated almost all the people he worked with……..

    That’s why none of the PF heavy weights are doing any campaign work for PF…….

    They are all watching their shadows…….

    Lungu was well on his way to legalising corruption……

    That is where he was clever…….

  15. So if you find K65 Million of the K10 billion I have stolen and I hand it to you you wont prosecute me? It doesnt make sense. So the crime is not handing stolen loot to the State? All criminals should drink to this

  16. Not a good idea to just take back the stolen assets and let the culprit go free. Someone has to go to prison if you want to deter others from being corrupt. So, find out who gave her all that money and the house, and haul that big fish out of the pond, throw him/her in prison. Only then shall you prove that you mean business about clamping down on corruption.

  17. That woman did not steal per say………

    Sometimes, people who receive stolen goods are better as state witness if the end game leads to jailing of the ringleaders of the syndicate

  18. UPND govt is better than mfwiti mfwiti mfwiti government. We wouldn’t have learnt that Faith had such huge amount of money had it not been the forward government. I salute all the agencies for good job.

  19. Retrieved back ZMW 65, 333, 046 and US$ 57, 900 , to be used where the GRZ need money. In the PF period, was Sata(MYRIP) or LUNGU able to bring this amount of money back into GRZ, they were both proclaiming fighting corruption?
    It’s a step forward, no need to waste money and energy on a small fish that was just used. Ba PF you should be sweating your, because amnesty is NOT for free, this lady must have provided valuable information to the investigation wings, and they will soon catch up with those big fishes.
    Remember, it`s a systematic way focussed on thieves RETURNING BACK the ZAMBIAN PEOPLE`s money.

  20. @Spaka i know this is not what you expected kikikikikikikiki and tomorrow is FRIDAY….Faith Musonda is having a house warming party welcoming her millions back….more pombe…CORRUPTION CONTINUES…and Lawyer Makebi Zulu is Lungu’s best friend….walya nganga walya nkunku…ACC NOW CONTROLLED BY boza President master bandit HH….what can you tell me….in your face…and you thought Lungu was a criminal…you havent seen anything yet…izula muyangana…milingo Lungu chilling with his millions…..Situmbeko’s Nephew chilling with his 48 houses….

  21. So the people fighting corruption are more corrupt….PL Lumumba said the people tasked to fight corruption are the ones aiding and shielding corrupt individuals…..toothless and useless UPND…the way UPND morons were talking about PF being corrupt I was expecting Prisona to be full the first 100 days in office….so Kachema HH is more corrupt than Lungu…..HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY FAITH MUSONDA

  22. Jail is for you General Kanene… one will go to jail under CRIMINAL UPND GOVERNMENT….my boss used to say if you see someone stealing and you let them steal without doing anything that means you’ve also stolen double the amount…so in this case UPND has stolen K130 million plus US$114 000….Big Bandit Robing small Bandit

  23. WE HAVE TO KNOW how she got the corrupt proceeds so that it does not happen again or we can use the information to catch others. OTHERWISE HER FIRST CASE WAS JUST PRACTICE FOR THE NEXT BIG ONE.

  24. I hope there’s more to this. The state is doing deals without an attorney general in office. If there’s nothing more to this case, the consequences will be loss of popularity by the New Dawn administration.

  25. Amnesty? Give one to my brothers rotting in Kamfinsa too. BoZ told us that it’s not an offense to keep large quantities of money blah blah blah

  26. So people should leave president Lungu alone because we have such wonderful laws for us ordinary people. I can guarantee you that each and every person investing this case is corrupt, one way or another. So we may as well eat together. “Let’s community”

  27. How dull and ignorant are the bloggers on LT? Amnesty means collaborating with the state and you turn grass on others. Can’t you be a happy that the first batch of money has been returned to you the taxpayers? Awe mwadini! I didn’t know Saulosi and KZ were this stoopid!

  28. So this woman is now a snitch is her life safe? Do we have witness protection in Zambia? I understand her cutting a deal but she should at least be hit with a lighter sentence where is ZRA? How can we deter corruption with such things…I mean if I steal a chicken in someone’s coop I will be hit harder than Faith Musonda…another example is about loadshedding according to records just for the month of October in Zambia it cost our manufacturers about $2million these are established companies then this lady had more than 10 times the sum.

  29. There must some truth in those that are saying that this woman was Lazy Lungu’s mistress…I dont see her walking if she was Chitotela’s side chick. Please Mr President can some help from FBI or Scotland Yard our security wings are too ill equipped to investigate such crimes….you caught this naïve woman by chance with physical cash I doubt we have the capability to track down electronic money.

  30. Nemwine – Good point…it is also sends out a sign to whistle blowers that it is not worth the trouble as someone will walk and you will be both worse off.

  31. Salousi ,

    tell your doctor to increase the dosage of your medication, ………

    Or change your medication………

    You are losing it boy…………

  32. @26- SAULOSI, Please EDUCATE YOURSELF, so that YOUR RANTINGS ARE BASED ON FACTS. Its called “Out of court settlement” and its a law.
    Name: Anti-Corruption Act, 2012 [No. 3 of 2012].
    Adopted on: 2012-04-12
    (1) In any matter where the Commission is mandated by this Act or any other law to institute civil proceeding or applications, it shall be lawful for the Commission to issue a notice or letter of demand to the person intended to be sued, and may, in such notice or letter, inform the person about the claim against that person and further inform the person that that person could settle the claim within a specified time before the filing of court proceedings.
    (2) The Commission may negotiate and enter a settlement with any person against whom the Commission…

  33. @26 – SAULOSI, CONT`D

    (2) The Commission may negotiate and enter a settlement with any person against whom the Commission intends to bring, or has actually brought, a civil claim or application in court.
    (3) The Commission may tender an undertaking, in writing, not to institute criminal proceedings against a person who—
    (a) has given a full and true disclosure of all material facts relating to past corrupt conduct and an illegal activity by
    that person or others; and
    (b) has voluntarily paid, deposited or refunded all property the person acquired through corruption or illegal activity.
    (4) A settlement or undertaking under this section shall be registered in court.

  34. Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee) Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee)

    Not good enough – they are setting a bad precedence on this corruption fight. They should have at least got her to plead guilty in court; then cut a deal to reduce sentence or suspend the sentence on condition that she becomes a state witness. That way at least she has a criminal record on her. You also don’t let go of any potential witness before you have arrested those she would dob in and turn against. What if theh interfere with her or even eliminate her? What if she runs out of the country? And where is the deterrent to discourage others from committing corruption if all you have to do is admit to your crimes when you are caught and you walk free; if you are not caught then you are good… it’s a ‘win-win’ situation.
    And I thought it the DPP who decides whether to prosecute a…

  35. Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee) Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee)

    …And I thought it is the DPP who decides whether to prosecute a suspect. The reasons advanced are weak… are they saying they didn’t have evidence to prosecute her and therefore it was going to drag on? But she has admitted already so why would the case delay. I’m not comfortable these guys making dark room deals with criminals. We need to deter these people from being corrupt. Like someone said, you still a chicken in Zambia, you get 10 years… ridiculous!

  36. There better be a good reason for this deal.The reason why PF was voted out is for justice to prevail.So these people who terrorised us and in this case stloe from us are going to be treated with kids gloves?And what rationale is there for this deal?The woman was a sitting duck,i dont think $4mn recovery is justification for letting a thief walk away whislt others are arrested and given custodial sentences for stealing chickens.I repeat there better be good reason for letting this thief off the hook.And the question is “NINDANI ALONDA MALONDA”.What if some chaps have been bribed to reac this deal

  37. People are missing the point………

    That woman did not work in GRZ ,…….

    She did not physically go and steal GRZ money……..

    She was given stolen money, willingly or unwillingly ………..

    She is guilty of receiving stolen goods yes, but the real theives who done the actual stealing will be brought to justice…………

  38. @SPAKA,
    That is exactly my point too. I dont believe the the Joint Investigative Team from the Anti-Corruption Commission, Zambia Police Service, Drug Enforcement Commission and Financial Intelligence Centre are so STU.PID to settled for this Anti-Corruption Act, 2012 [No. 3 of 2012].
    The point is they, have gotten the information to follow up with the big fishes. Bringing this case to court now would have alerted those big fishes. As it is now, they are in suspense as they don`t know what FAITH shared with Joint Investigative Team.

    Again, know that this decision is by a “Joint Investigative Team”, so to those who will use every opportunity to unreasonably blame HH or UPND, please cut crap.

  39. #46  general Kanene

    Exactly , what is the use of spending energy jailing someone who did not do the stealing ??????

    Better to use them as state witness to try to jail the actual theives ………

  40. OOH my president! this lady and her chopmates should have saved time for the benefit of all those children who died because of lack of medicine in health facilities. I know you are a Christian and a forgiving person but this one is low. you need people like me to help you kick butt. these crooks are having a field day in casinos.

  41. Ok, she has just allowed the Zambian government to go as far as French kissing but she has withheld the real thing. The real goods are still under wraps.

  42. She got a slap on the wrist for criminal behavior that impacted a lot of Zambians, whereas there are people languishing in jail for stealing a chicken to feed their hungry children that such crimes may have contributed. What if that money was a tip of an ice burg? Its a shocker! Faith needed to spend time in jail,  until the big criminals are nabbed, otherwise she may have told law enforcement what they needed to hear.Prison is probably safer for her if she sobbed some big fish in. With potential advice from her lawyers, she was probably ‘coached’ on what to say and I am starting to worry about the big yellow L plates by the new Dawn Government who have been played by the criminal gang. This is clearly insulting Zambian people intelligence.  My blood and that of many concerned Zambians…

  43. Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee) Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee)

    @Spaka and @general Kanene, please stop feeding us with speculation garbage. If she was given the loot and proceedings of corruption by people, what do you think they will do to her now that she is free and they know she cut a deal with authorities? Do you know how the Mafias operate? No competent law enforcement agency would release a state witness before arresting those she would testify against. The fact that it is a ‘joint’ investigation actually makes those involved being susceptible to being bribed and cutting a deal with those who are outside who gave her the loot. Zambian corruption agencies are just incompetent and they are the same people who served under Lungu… all what’s changed is their bosses.
    All this time that’s passed giving those thieves to cover their tracks,…

  44. Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee) Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee)

    …All this time that’s passed giving those thieves to cover their tracks, nothing will be recovered and no one will be arrested. Even a dog knows the corruption scandals under Lungu’s regime (check my alias handle)… to think all they have done so far is make a deal with this nobody and recover ‘lunch money’ tells me there will be nothing to recover. RB already cut a deal for Lungu, the big fish himself. With the big fish protected, everyone else is safe because Lungu benefited in everything. Just pray HH does something positive for the country and forget about recovering anything from Lungu.

  45. I’m talking about the 1970s Four GoCome guys had cut an emerald deal with a Senegalese. The Senegalese gave K60m to one of them to share with his friends but instead he only gave them K10m which made the ignorant friends happy. One day the Senegalese met these guys and asked if they were happy with the K60m. On hearing this figure the guys went and shot dead their colleague.

  46. Some people are missing the point. When the police found the money, it was by kind courtesy of a well meaning citizen reporting the matter to police – not police’s hard investigative work. So, having been handed this info on a silver platter, the least the police could have done, is thoroughly investigate the case to enable a jail sentence because a crime was committed, right? – otherwise, why would anyone give up money they legitimately earned? Worst of all, keeping proceeds of crime, yet not sending the criminal to jail is truly shambolic and failing the people.

  47. #51  Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee) October 22, 2021 At 12:20 pm

    “@Spaka and @general Kanene, please stop feeding us with speculation garbage. If she was given the loot and proceedings of corruption by people, what do you think they will do to her now that she is free and they…….”

    You watch too many movies………

    It is common sense , not speculation……..

    Looks like common sense is not common with people like you……..

    Zambia is not the USA or SA were murder for hire is rife………..

    The authorities already know the culprits…….do you think they want…

  48. #51  Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social

    “@Spaka and @general Kanene, please stop feeding us with speculation garbage. If she was given the loot and proceedings of corruption by people, what do you think they will do to her now that she is free and they…….”

    You watch too many movies………

    It is common sense , not speculation……..

    Looks like common sense is not common with people like you……..

    Zambia is not the USA or SA were murder for hire is rife………..

    The authorities already know the culprits…….do you think they want murder added to their rap sheets…….??

    Faith musaonda is not the only informant, I can assure you. Even the driver who delivered that money is an informant…….

  49. OK everyone now take a deep breath and imagine this happening under PF government..imagine if Faith musonda was arrested last year when PF was in government and then a few days later she’s let go….mamamama just imagine what HH would be saying…remember he made a big deal out of 48 houses but after finding out that it is actually one of their own…suddenly the story is dead….and we all know what will happen to her K65 million and US$57000….she’ll get a cut and the rest the inner circle including HH will share…case closed..and Lungu will get some change also…bwaaaaaaah…this is African Politics…meanwhile Tarino and Spaka typing on their keyboards till their fingers get thick and muscle…in short change came but from bad to worse

  50. #51 – @Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa
    What we are saying is NOT “speculation garbage”, @Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa, I follow your contributions here and I think you are smarter to be influenced by garbage coming from SAULOSI. If anything, you blame the mediocre PF MP who in 2012 enacted that Anti-Corruption Act, 2012 [No. 3 of 2012]. Faith via her lawyers just used her rights, under a normal democratic rule, where rule of law prevails, and opted or offered herself to be a state witness, and I am sure the security people have also evaluated the risks against her life, if there was any, be assured she will be protected. It’s a standard thing,or common practise to for one to convert to state witness even in the then Mafia prone Italy or Mexico, similar in USA, an example Paul Manafort,…

  51. @ Mzambia wazamani
    hahahaha now changing goal…kikikiki i thought you guys had enough evidence that Lungu was stealing within Zambia not even going to Eswathini….now you’re running away from your so called evidence….or is it that now you want to chew all PF evidence and let PF bandits free…..its like robbing a Bank and whilst getting away you get attacked and robbed again,,,this is what HH and his UPND minions are now doing..busy staeling the stolen money

  52. SPAKA #15

    Spaka October 21, 2021 At 10:48 pm
    Salousi, no one reads your deranged posts……….

    Actually I do read Salousi’s comments all the time. And the fact that you are responding to his comments means that you read them all the time. You empty head. You are such a hateful and frustrated person. Whats up, still waiting for a job from HH

  53. @General Kanene
    My wife is a Lawyer and am not…i drive UBER and please feel free to educate me but please don’t insult me….thank you

  54. Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee) Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee)

    @Saulosi, please let it rest… I have advised you previously that you should stop justifying PF’s corruption and incompetence by dragging in UPND. Your poor record of over 10 years is there for everyone to see vs a govt that has only been in power for 2 months. Get a life mate, and the only people you can convince here that PF is better than UPND is yourself and your kind. I would be surprised if Zambians ever go back to eat that vomit called PF again. You robbed this country of 10 years civilization and to be honest I would pick anything over PF and Lungu.

  55. #62 NO ONE READS YOUR POSTS has he got telegraphic eyes that can show him what we are reading and what we’re not reading? Very interesting.

  56. Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee) Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee)

    @general Kanene, point taken, only time will tell… I think the problem is not the law but the people who cut this crazy deal.
    They could have gotten the same info from her by first keeping her in jail and arresting all those she would turn against and then releasing her. That’s now deals are made in progressive countries. You cited the US like Paul Manafort and that Trump lawyer, they actually announce publicly who they would testify against. If this witness was a really valuable informant as you would like us believe, her info would have led to simultaneous arrest of those she turned in while she walked free. The authorities only cited the fact she agreed to the crimes and gave away the loot… there was no info about her being an informant so you are making that stuff up.
    I would…

  57. Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee) Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee)

    …I would advise you to exercise your independent thinking and remove this cadre bias. Let’s praise this govt whe they do thw right thing (like publicizing the public debt); let’s condemn them when they stuff up (like in this casenor putting the ACC under the OP).

  58. #61  Yoga
     October 22, 2021 At 2:07 pm

    “SPAKA #15

    Spaka October 21, 2021 At 10:48 pm
    Salousi, no one reads your deranged posts……….

    Actually I do read Salousi’s comments all the time. And the fact that you are responding to his comments means that you read them all the time. You empty head. You are such a hateful and frustrated person. Whats up, still waiting for a job from HH…”

    I just see his name and know its the same deranged crap………Next…

    And looks like you are still sore from the last encounter on LT I had with you ???

  59. @Spaka
    Dont worry about my comments..been on Lusaka Times since 2008 when Nine Chale, Mushota, Maestro Hhehhehhehhe, Mwiponta mukabwela, Mo Taim, Deja Vu, Yambayamba, Mwanawakwithu, MMD chief bootlicker, Mpangula Mputyu, Nubian Princess, Senior citizen so who cares if you read my comments or not…you’ve been on Lusaka Times since just ignore me..thank you

  60. I’m confused, So, does it mean that she is not going to be charged for the other properties and the monies she has obtained illegally what shenanigans is going on here??? lol.

  61. SPAKA 62#

    What last encounter. Thats a typical answer one can gets from you.

    Man! you make up things every single day and contradict yourself all the time. You seem like these UK based UPND Member who thought will end
    up getting jobs after 12 August 2021. Keep dreaming and hoping that Edgar Lungu will go to jail. Its not going to happen. Just move on
    and find something worthwhile.

    And you call yourself as someone who works 24/7 in the Media. What rubbish is that ?? You are just a jobless person claiming benefits in UK and
    sitting on the keyboard spilling conspiracies and trash. Get a life.

  62. #61 – @Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa,
    “They could have gotten the same info from her by first keeping her in jail and arresting all those she would turn against and then releasing her….”
    “If this witness was a really valuable informant…., her info would have led to simultaneous arrest of those she turned in while she walked free…..”.
    We may both agree to the above points, suggesting the executions might have been done a bit differently, BUT that is NOT to suggest that UPND or the “Joint Investigative Team” are corrupt. That is simply not true. We can all speculate, but in the end, all that has been done is WITHIN the law, one doesn’t need to be a cadre, to quote what the law says, in fact, I am exercise independent thinking to remove cadre bias that is displayed here. SORRY…

  63. Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee) Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee)

    @general Kanene, yes agreed, the execution was botched. No one is saying it was illegal, it was simply a bad move. To be honest hiding under the “law” is often an easy cop out… we know how Zambian laws like the Public Order Act are abused. To be honest with you, I don’t have confidence in these law enforcement agencies yet (I’m sure even HH himself doesn’t). They are still the same who served under the disastrous PF regime… I don’t expect them to change overnight just because HH is now a president. It will take a long time to restore that confidence (I’m sure I’m not alone in this).
    Look mate, I respect your opinions as I believe you are one of the few people who are objective and sensible on this forum. Just approach with caution the faith in this new govt… we can cut…

  64. Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee) Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee)

    …Just approach with caution the faith in this new govt… we can cut them some slack and give then the benefit of doubt but they haven’t proven and earned our trust just yet.

  65. HH proving to be the hot air and fraud that some told he would be. what does this say about accountability and equality before the law. Are we going to do the same to all thieves in this country. am so disappointed but its clear each passing day that HH and his government will fulfill none of their electoral promises. before the voting ink has dried we seeing such. Only God will save us

  66. #72, 73 – @Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa
    Now that we have agreed on your points, let me further enlighten you on why I still stand firm that although the execution APPEARS to be a botched, IT IS THE RIGHT DECISION made. I know you, and many decent bloggers here are outraged, the point is that YOU HAVE MISSED what HH & New dawn GRZ has said. They are different from previous GRZ, they are focussed on RECOVERY than Punishment(Jailing). I guarantee you, you will be seeing such cases in the coming days. It’s beneficial, for the GRZ to recover the money than spend money prosecuting these “White collar” thieves. You know, prosecuting “white collar” can be complicated, how much was recovered in the Chiluba era, Mwanawasa, Sata era? Mark my words, and You will prove ME and @SPAKA right.

  67. Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee) Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee)

    Yes @general Kanene, I would like you and Spaka are proven right. I’m rooting for this HH and UPND to succeed because their success means less pressure on me to have to continue supporting family members, but I’m not counting my chickens yet.

  68. The GRZ still has to recover assets from Privatization plunder. Why is it quiet on this issue? Impupu nipakuboko?

  69. Section 80 of the Anti-Corruption Act No. 3 of 2012 should be scrapped from the Zambian laws with immediate effect!

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