Friday, March 7, 2025

A Zambia Police Officer and a Lawyer allegedly disappear with Money collected from a Search Operation


A LAWYER and a police officer are on the run after they allegedly stole US$800,000 during a search party at a suspect’s home. Police spokesperson Rae Hamoonga, in a statement, named the fugitives as Mutemwa Mutemwa State Counsel (SC) of Mutemwa Legal Practitioners and Detective Chief Inspector Mano Kayombo of Lusaka Central Police Station.

According to the statement, Mr. Hamoonga said that said the money is the property of Lloyd Chinjenge of House number 2415 Ibex Hill Lusaka. Mr Hamoonga said the incident occurred on 19th October, 2021 in Salama Park area, Lusaka, when police received information that Chinjenge was in possession of an undisclosed amount of money on his premises believed to have been unlawfully obtained.

He said a search party of officers, among them Detective Chief Inspector Kayombo was constituted to conduct searches on two premises belonging to Chinjenge in Salama Park and another in Ibex Hill.

Mr Hamoonga said both searches were witnessed by Mutemwa Mutemwa Junior on behalf of Chinjenge.

“Not known to the rest of the search party, whilst the search was going on at the ibex hill premise, Mano and Mutemwa SC, who was instructed by Mutemwa Jnr to assist, went to the Salama Park residence and picked up two bags suspected to have contained the sought money from one of the motor vehicles belonging to Chinjenge on his instruction for safe custody. The incident was witnessed by an officer undercover who was left to keep vigil at the said residence.

“The following day, the 20th October 2021 Chinjenge reported to the police that the said lawyers stole the $800,000=00 which he had entrusted them to secure,” Mr Hamoonga said.

He said when police summoned Mutemwa Jnr and under warn and caution, he disclosed that Mutemwa SC and Mano got the money amounting to $400,000.00 and not $800,000. Mr. Hamoonga said Mutemwa has since been arrested for theft.

“Meanwhile both Mutemwa SC and Mano Kayombo are on the run. Investigations into the matter continue and manhunt launched for the two named fugitives,” he said.

And, the police spokesperson has dispelled a report police officers ran away with $3 million after a search at Valden Findley’s home.

“As Zambia Police, we would like to state that the author of the article “Police Officers Run Away With Close To Us 3 Million After Search At Valden Findley’s House” making rounds on social media is confusing the operations that were undertaken by the Anti Corruption Commission at Mr Findley’s residence and Mr Chinjenge’s by Zambia Police. We further want to urge you the public to always spread verified information from designated official sources that are competent to comment on criminal matters,” Mr Hamoonga

Meanwhile, Zambia Police on the Copperbelt province has detained three suspects in connection with rubbing off “Nathan Chanda” from the wall of one of their stations.

In a viral video, suspected UPND cadres were seen rubbing off Chanda’s name from the wall of the Police Post in Luanshya on the basis that the former area mayor, is a PF member. According to a statement, Police Spokesperson Rae Hamoonga said a docket of discreditable conduct at a police station had been opened against the three suspects.

Police spokesperson Rae Hamoonga said Eugene Hachobe 33 of house number 539/9,M , Elias Chisala 53 of house number 212/9 and Moses Chibanga 41 of house 423/9 all of Roan Township Luanshya were arrested after police investigations.

“This was after a group of people clad in UPND regalia went to Nathan Chanda police post and rubbed off the name ‘Nathan Chanda’ on the wall of the post.This occurred on October 22, this year at 15:00 hours,” he said.


  1. I think there needs to be some sanity in naming public places , even if built by private funds, to name only after persons of archivment……….

    As it stands , even theives are naming public building after themselves after abusing public money…………

    I dont think there is enough space in zambia to name building after any jelita and mulenga………

  2. What do you gain by defacing the building? These are idle minds and the sooner Upnd gives them something to do the better.

  3. There is a lot of money in peoples homes especially in Lusaka especially that the PF was a Zambia open arrangement and most of this money will never be recovered especially that the new dawn government has been operating at a snails pace

  4. Not surprised. Zambian police officer involved with money disappearance. Let’s face it, all police officers are CORRUPT. And so are most lawyers. Where did you think Edgar China Lungu learned and perfected the trade?

  5. Faith Musonda was just the tip of the iceberg, I wouldn’t be surprised if more money disappeared in that search…there is more looted funds stashed away in homes …just do a currency change it will costs effective if nobodies are being found with minimum million dollars what more relatives of former ministers.

  6. Who wouldn’t run away with that sum of money, in a country riddled with poverty. If people can migrate for measly salaries abroad what more that amount? Even my clone above is suffering from identity poverty.

  7. Hahahahaha yes yes UPND will break record…now evidence is vanishing,,,kikikikiki…Zambia under siege…we thought theft was bad during PF….WRONG….now we have real Bandits in charge led by big bandit HH

  8. Change of traffic light from green to red it’s time to steal all the money that was stolen by PF Bandits…kikikikikiki yabija makani…and jobs are not coming…things getting very expensive so expect crime,corruption,prostitution to go up under UPND…we have big Bandit HH in office

  9. Mutemwa and Mano Kayombo….now i want Shishuwa Shishuwa the rogue academic who is so obsessed with peoples names to write an article about these two individuals Mutemwa and Mano Kayombo……Hello Mr Shishuwa this is Saulosi i know you will read my comment can you please write something about these guys who have disappeared with US$800000….since you always look at someone’s last name before you Judge them…yours Sincerely, Saulosi the UBER driver

  10. And just the way they welcomed known Bandit Moses Mawere with open arms i knew that UPND will be worse than PF….Edgar Lungu fired Mawere for corruption and theft,he bought trucks using money from Ministry of Sport….Moses Mawere is known as a criminal in Chipata

  11. Lusaka Times what happens to peoples comments,,,,and too much annoying adverts….anyway ZK 65000000 stolen by PF bandits and banadya ni ba UPND, US$800000 stolen by PF Bandits badyanso ba UPND…so the next 5 years nikudya chabe stolen money…meanwhile still no Jobs for the youth…Load shedding is back…Livingstone the Tourist Capital no power for the last 24 hrs…..Fuel going up…

  12. Yeah ! This is the call New Dawn Government. If this had happened when when Lungu was in power, UPND would be accusing Lungu to have asked these two bandits to do a runner with the money. Bwana HH welcome to reality. Did you think that you would come and just clean up the system by pressing remote controls. The buck stops on you. You are the one running Anti-Corruption Commission, FIC and DEC from State House. Like the saying goes; Birds of The Same Feathers Travel Together. I just wonder where the money collected from Faith Musonda will end up. For sure the New Dawn Government is fighting corruption. What is the rest of the world saying about our new administration. . I guess President Joe Biden is saying. I told you so in my United Nations Speech. !!

  13. HELLO LUSAKA TIMES JUST A FEW DAYS AGO I SAID VERY SOON ZAMBIANS WILL GO TO THE STREETS…if you are checking the news and pay attention to what’s happening on the ground in Zambia…massive protests starting very soon….and if HH continues on this path he won’t last 2 years in office…ZAMBIA HAS NOW OFFICIALLY BECOME BANANA REPUBLIC

  14. SAULOSI 13

    AMEN TO YOU. I want Dr Sichuwa Sichuwa, Dr Field Ruwe and Dr Parkie Mbozi write articles on the state of affairs in Zambia. But of course they cannot because they are D*ck-Heads, Corrupt souls and Job Seekers.

  15. If they were Bembas or Easterners who ran away with the money, you would have seen insults by the all knowing , all holy people from somewhere I won’t mention.

  16. SPAKA @ 2

    I can see you are so selective, omitting the main subject of the story. How about addressing the embarrassment to the UPND
    Regime fighting corruption, now that a police officer and a lawyer has run run away with monies collected from Searches. How is this been seen by international community when HH is preaching about fighting corruption.

  17. Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee) Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee)

    This is a country rotten to the core that can’t be fixed overnight. It will take generations. Everyone just wants to steal and get rich quick.
    What a botched job by these incompetent cops… apparently they had undercover agent watching but he failed to alert and call for backup.
    And that amount of money stashed away; just how much is stashed away by these thieves… unbelievable!

  18. I thought a certain previous political individual, said Bembas were masters of theft! “Kayombo” doesn’t sound Bemba!
    How disgraceful!

  19. Am really disappointed with such arrests, why should we really honour thieves, even if they were presidents plse let’s remove their names anywhere, they don’t space in nation. Really as a nation how we honour thieves? Let be serious as a nation. Is tht the history we hv to teach our children sure? I really support the noble people for job well done.

  20. And who’s ka Nathan Chanda in the police force ad wht role hs he ever played, jst ka fake politician, rename all buildings or if we don’t hv names, put numbers or codes, better than honouring thieves

  21. Now just take a deep breath and imagine if all this was happening during PF Bandits rule….you can imagine the insults and am sure HH would even call for Lungu to resign …now it’s happening during his rule….he is the commander in chief of all the armed forces…..Police included….where is Laura Miti….where is Pilato….let them came out and say something or maybe they’re all job seekers/attention seekers…they just had hate for Lungu…saw a video of UPND vs UPND scuffle at State House…I don’t really like talking about tribe but i think UPND will disintegrate because of tribal fighting within the party…i have a good friend of mine from the east and a die hard UPND…he said they don’t consider you a true UPND if you don’t hail from Southern,western,North west,….Lungu…

  22. @24 UPND cadre
    It’s UPND in government my dear brother/sister….let’s stop mentioning PF….
    And you can imagine the theft of evidence happening right now which is not in the news

  23. There’s a story of a Lawyer who claimed to be working for HH and he swindled his clients…the story is on the Zambian watchdog..check it out and then you will have an idea of what’s coming in the months to come…

  24. Blogger Future Zed said it right…Garbage out Garbage in… HH just want to pay back all the debt he has accumulated for the last 20 years…am told he had put his New Kasama house as collateral last year …his funds dwindled big time…only more borrowing can save him because he will pocket most of the money

  25. @15 Independent
    am surprised with your observation…you being a die hard HH fan saying that…i think the system has already swallowed HH….
    Deja Vu just said its not New Dawn anymore its now New Circus

  26. This is FAST & FURIOUS. HH has really taught the ACC, FIC & DEC, The Police & Lawyers about Privatization. It means screw Zambia, get the money and do a runner. Ladies and gentlemen this the real meaning of PRIVITIZATION. No two ways about it.

  27. Methodical kikikikiki kuti waseka…ok maybe stealing stolen money methodically…now that makes alot of sense….UPND has taken ubomba mwibala alya mwibala nomba UPND alelila kumo ne mbuto…UPND has taken it to another level

  28. @ Blanket
    Thank you my friend you’re a true Patriot..Just be careful Spaka likes to insult decent bloggers like you

  29. Rotten system. Thieving lawyers and policemen. Cadres above the law. Corrupt judiciary and road engineers. Absolutely rotten. We need to rip it up and start building from the ground up.

  30. A big search operation is supposed to include all the investigative wings.How can two
    People be left to carry the loot?
    Bank of Zambia officials should
    Have been there.Imagine how much money must be still out
    There.PF still want to come back
    And help Zambians?

  31. Wasnt driving UBER last night so I had enough time to post comments….where is Field Ruwe,Elias Munshya,Sishuwa Sishuwa….so all these are just fake Academics either just seeking attention or seeking employment in the New Circus Government……I forgot Muna Ndulo…please come say something about the rampant theft and corruption reloaded under UPND new Circus Government

  32. The problem is that thieving and corruption is now rooted deep in govt institutions that it is extremely hard to root it out immediately no matter how much president HH wants this cancer eliminated. There is simply too much unprofessionalism among the institutions that are supposed to be protecting and promoting the law. Surely if a lawyer is willing to have his career disturbed over money and a police officer giving up his duties, then we are headed for trouble because these people cannot be trusted. The cancer of thieving is indeed embedded in every place in Zambia and people are willing to just commit crimes easily, quite scary!

  33. @ The Observer
    Please don’t exclude HH when it comes to corruption….why did he became silent on 48 houses ownership…remember how he used the same story for his campaign…since it was revealed that Musokotwane’s nephew owns the 48 houses the story has died…and non of UPND minions is talking about it

  34. @ Bashi Chite
    For as long you can’t recognize both UPND and PF as Bandits…. both HH and Lungu as Bandits then you’re also part of the problem…..what am saying is Zambians let thieves out and again allowed the thieves in…….so the system somehow is not rotten….remember Mwanawasa’s brief rule….there was no way Mwanawasa would have allowed Bandit Moses Mawere join his party and send him on campaign trail right away…NEVER…but your small god HH Chimbwi no plan allowed him to campaign and what was the results…ok then

  35. #36 Observer… what do you expect when you appoint ministers who at one time were involved in one scandal or another. Even the police… how can you appoint someone who has been in hiding from the law as police chief? Just to embarrass the former government? Even those who were leaking government information to the Upnd cannot be trusted because to me they rats and rats don’t change into decent animals.

  36. Sometimes the effective way to establish market integrity to create CONFIDENCE AND SUPPORT IN OUR LOCAL FINACIAL SYSTEMS AND BANKS including other Firms to ensure that people Bank and Invest money to create credit for other people to utilize and work the economy The risk sometimes is that this gives rise to shadow banking and more elicit banking methods parallel to the normal banking systems thereby affecting the well functioning and efficiency of the country’s monitory and banking system Thieves must be treated as such but those who have earned their money yet keeping it away from the financial system must see attractive and safe to bank their dollars and not fear That is Financial…

  37. systems integrity that should be encouraged The performance of our financial system and its systems integrity will need to be build and protected so that there is no growth or parallel elicit market that will result There is need to also extend the coverage and monitory of what impact this and FIC activities will give rise as measure of GDP to total Banking and Financial Assets Sometimes these carry trade tactics can end if the Financial system was encouraged to reestablish its confidence and integrity so that even those with illicit can be well covered and seen Its easy to follow and document illicit asset and money if its not outside the Banking and also if outside if…

  38. The two criminal fugitives once caught should be sentenced to life in prison. And Africa should start thinking about creating a common database, where cases like this can be entered, including the names and details of the suspects. That way, you make it harder for them to escape to other African countries. You just put an arrest warrant on them, and if they try to enter any African country, they get apprehended as wanted fugitives, and extradited back to Zambia.

  39. #44 True. Probably these chaps have families in either Angola or Namibia. They can quietly sneak and simply fit in. Remember that woman who stole from one of the banks.

  40. Money whether its illegal or legal at one time will be Invested in some asset or other So the issue is to strengthen the form of Patriot act and the Banking and secrecy so that enforcement and monitory on the Financial sector is on going and elements of disruptions on the Broader money and mpc policy pronouncement are noticed and observed The growth of the economy and the broader money if encouraged to run in the Financial system and continuous sustainable and efforts to promote Financial system integrity and stability must be supported acts Investors and others with value must feel secure and confident to Bank the money and create the credit in deposits for others to…

  41. This is the reason why the Colonial Government didn’t allow policemen to mix with civilians. Their lives were confined to the police camp (Kamba) ie bars and clubs in the camp no drinking from public taverns. The only time a police officer got near civilians was during a beat, patrols, investigation. Today they’re in the forefront of alerting criminals of impending action against them.

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