Friday, March 7, 2025

McDonald Chipenzi raises Concern on the Arrest and whereabouts of Former Defence Minister Davies Chama


Governance, Elections, Advocacy, Research Services (GEARS) executive director, McDonald Chipenzi has said that the arrest of all those who behaved and acted with political impunity during the previous regime is welcome and long overdue, However, this must be done within the law and a civilized approach.

In a statement released to the media, Mr. Chipenzi said that the emerging silence from police on the status of former defense minister Davies Chama’s case and his whereabouts must now be a source of concern and anxiety to many human rights defenders.

Mr. Chipenzi said that many well-meaning citizens wish to see all suspected lawbreakers brought to account and those charged with bondable or bailable charges be awarded these facilities until their cases are decided by a competent court.

Mr Chipenzi is of the considered view that less flight risk political suspects charged with bondable and bailable offences must be treated within the dictates of the human rights specifications.

Below is a full statement


The arrest of all those who behaved and acted with political impunity during the previous regime is welcome and long overdue. However, this must be done within the law and civilised approaches.

The emerging silence from police on the status of Davies Chama’ s case and his whereabouts must now be a source of concern and anxiety to many human rights defenders.

Many of us wish to see all suspected lawbreakers be brought to account and those charged with bondable and/or bailable charges must be awarded these facilities until their cases are decided by a competent court.

Therefore, less flight risk political suspects charged with bondable and bailable offences must be treated within the dictates of the human rights specifications.

Almost 4 days now have past since Davies Chama was arrested, detained and transfered to Sesheke, the scene of crime, as the last official update. The sesheke trip was also for Davies Chama to take plea on the offence he is charged with that of attempt to murder-by police.

The question is, has Davies Chama taken plea or still in custody and why has he not appeared in court to ask for bail if the offence he is charged with is available?

Being a former Defence Minister, he cannot be a flight risk and has fixed abode.

It is important that he is treated within the prescribed demands of the law I.e. appear before a competent court within 48 hrs and apply for bail or be bonded if police are ready and still investigating on the case.

I submit

McDonald Chipenzi


  1. Like the old adage goes, tables indeed do turn! Who would have thought that Mwila, that stinking alpha baboon could today be languishing in jail feigning sickness! For all we know, and Katele Kalumba is a precedent case, these Katangese kabokes have a habit of hiding or disappearing in plain site. They are all terrible Sangomas, their mutti in horrible. Anyway, it though looks like HH’s muti is stronger. E kunya lwakwa Noah bebele Mwila, enjoy your sour grapes joyously in silence, sinamunungu tuwe.

  2. All investigations and cases leading to kapoyongo and the former PIG……..

    kapoyongo should be next close in the que with the former PIG……..

  3. For a chap who is allegedly to have struggled Chiluba to death, Mwamba’s toilet acrobatics stink. The contradictions too were just glaring, I hope this is not cognitive decline we were witnessing here. I mean, how could he frown upon Lungu’s Lusaka Copperbelt road scum worth hundreds of millions of dollars, the fire engine wheelbarrows etc and yet claim he does not wish to see Lungu made to account for his actions or lack of actions that resulted in Zambia losing billions of dollars? There is something glaringly amiss or dangerous with Mwamba’s thinking. He is either on drugs or he has a gift of being a full cycle ***** acquired on the table of creation! Mwamba masipa ahao.

  4. It’s very important to know where everyone is arrested. Why do you have facilities called maximum-security? Democracy follows order of operation. Current administration you have already violated the rules of order of operation in the democratic system. Please don’t take us back. Please make GRZ strong again.

  5. Mac Donald Chipenzi is now seeking public attention by stating that he is concerned the where about former Defence Minister and PF Deputy Chairman Mr. Davies Chama. What a misplaced statement. Unlike in their then style of doing things. Mr. Davies Chama was arrested in broad day light and was initially detained at Woodlands Police Station before he was driven to Sesheke District where he committed a crime of attempted murder in 2015 which is public domain. His place of detention I hear its in Livingstone instead of Sesheke. His lawyer is Tutwa Ngulube and knows where his client is being detained. Mr. Chipenze is acting in that manner just because he was never adopted by or being considered for any appointment UPND that is where the bitterness is stemming from. In the past Chioenze was…

  6. For the first time Chipenzi has issued a statement that isn’t tilted to the UPND. I doubt if Davies Chama’s case will go far, it’s political. Many of us are just waiting to see where Mwami 1 is taking us. Both the UPND and PF committed a lot of atrocities, they have blood on their hands. This is why I agree with the reminder by Pastor Nervers Mumba about those that burnt villages in Namwala because it wasn’t Namwala alone. Many northeners and easterners lost their lives at the hands of the UPND. We’ll support but not selective justice. We know police officers that have been sitting on some of the cases. Time will tell

  7. My concern is on lopsidedness of investigations committed since 2015. It appears crimes committed by PF members are being targeted, and a deafening silence on crimes perpetrated by UPND members. There’s a loud cry of selectiveness in the investigations. ECHI-ECHI should for God’s sake act differently from his predecessor or else people won’t see the reason of changing the govt.



  9. Anybody who is arrested must be brought before court within 48hrs according to the law so either bring him before court or release him and you can re-arrest him later when you are ready for the case to proceed to court. Don’t do what the PF user to do or else people won’t see the difference.

  10. @Mutulangoma….We weren’t violent, we suffered under PF. No PF cadre was killed. We were in self defence mode at all times.

  11. He is fine, the police will determine. I wish you had concerns for people locked up for years without trial too. Your cause is genuine though.

  12. The PF in government abused the police and the law to fix their opponents, in some cases with impunity and arrogance. The so called New Dawn administration MUST act differently in as far as pursuing former leaders who allegedly committed crime and other atrocities in the former regime. Having said this I wish to welcome the statement from DREAMS Executive Director Mr McDonald Chipenzi concerning the arrest and whereabouts of the former Defence Minister Mr Davies Chama who has been in detention for about four (4) days without appearing before any competent court.
    His excellence Mr Hakainde Hichilema cautioned the police service to firstly investigate, come up with evidence and witnesses, then proceed to arresting suspects. However, it appears that the police have done the opposite in this…

  13. When Emperor Tiberius died, and his nephew Caligula become Emperor, the people of Rome rejoiced & celebrated the demise of evil Tibrius. They now had the lovable Caligula, all their problems were as good as gone! And for a few months, it appeared to be the case – as Caligula handed out cash money to citizens and released all who had been imprisoned by his evil uncle Tiberius! However, soon enough, Caligula had tested the wine from the chalice of power & believed he was invisible! He terrorised citizens beyond anything they had ever seen. His evil deeds surpassed even those of his uncle, Emperor Tiberius. The people decided to rid themselves of him. And when the assissins struck, he was so drank on the power dynamic, he believed he was a God; so that, even as they thrust daggers into his…

  14. Cont – his body, he felt indestructible & invited them to thrust even more blows as he wasn’t dead yet!

    This is not a metaphor. It happened in Rome – but it’s a lesson to all who might test power. Do not abuse it – and certainly, don’t use it to emulate or even surpass previous evils to balance up. Be fair and humble, so that your noble conduct might be fondly remembered; ensuring an illustrious legacy.

    We do hope criminals will be dealt with humanly within the law.

    #plant a tree now!

  15. This is total dictatorship by new dawn government. There is no change after 12 august is now west african countries where dictatorship a way of living. Zambians have not seen any change after 12 august. One cry in new dawn

  16. Mwina apeluka kudala… but I expect they will be arraigned and charged. Unfortunately we are not discussing bail because while they were MPs they legislated certain crimes unbailable. Tikuti lelo capita cili pam’zako, mailo … silizani acibale. Nanga ma 42 for 42: Is it a non-bailable offence also?

  17. At 3 Njagwamuloty, you must be a baboon yourself. Have respect for the elders. Don’t complain if a white man calls you monkey. Demeaning a fellow black man is uncalled for.

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